Dear friends n subscriptions

To all who read my dbsk fictions,

I won't be able to spend too much time on writing a new material at my current condition. Too many things to do. Since i got promoted this year, i have to pay more attention to those who are working under my management. And they are all men who are not all happy to have me (a lady that is not so lady type) as their supervisor. To make things worst, i had to show my poker face in front of them every time i chaired a meeting because my ex is in their group (very distressing since now i really 3x like my not- so- bright PA).

I still want to finish some of my fanfictions. For some new subscribers, sorry to make you waiting for quite a long time to accept your request. As i stated before, i seldom came here anymore since June last year.

Thank you for your understanding. I really mean it.


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It's okay.. real life deal comes first... congratulations on your promoted \(^0^)/ and hwaitting!!