"how i met han tae sun"

Han Tae Sun
< kids these days >
Tae sun is a little introverted sun , who doesn't like to be lonely , you could call him attention seeker but he wouldn't care the least . He has the biggest smile ever , you can almost see all his teeth when he smile . He doesn't like when people get too close to what he like or want , he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , so he never really worked hard for something before , he is a spoiled mama child , but even the richest people doesn't have the happiest life , money doesn't make happiness does it ? Tae sun is the illegitimate grand son of the chairman of one of the biggest company in south korea , being not a legal child his family never really approved of him so he was send out the country so he wont bring too much shame on the family , and in a way Tae sun like it cause in New York he can live in peace . 
full name Han Tae-sun
other name(s) Tyler 
Tae-Tae;; his nounou call him like that when she pinch his cheek and start talking to him like a baby which he kind of hate but never say it .

Sunny;; his best friend call him like that to get on his nerves which eventually end with a pillow smashed against his best friend face .

birthdate + age 02/09/1997 + 19 years old 
birthplace Seoul 
hometown Seoul
languages don't go overboard y'all 
Korean - native language 
English - fluent he took special classes to be this fluent in english 
face claim Kim Taehyung (bts)
backup face claim Kim Yugyeom (got7) , Taemin , L
height & weight 5 feet 10,47 inches and 132 pounds
appearance . He is the kind who doesn't take care of his skin or stuffs but isusually clean as he take too much showers . He have a very confident way of walking , he also sitlike most of the boys.
style He pay a lot of attention to his fashion style even if he look like he doesn't care , he do take good care of his body and appearance , he spend a lot of money on clothes , shoes and more . he like to wear trendy clothes. .
- ( summer / spring ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
- ( winter / fall) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
-  formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
- lazy day , home outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
extra He look pretty much like his faceclaim, brownish hair ,big smile,cute face, some abs but notthe whole package . He also have a tattoo that not many know about it , it on his ankle 



My whole thing is loyalty. Loyalty over royalty; word is bond : Tae sun take loyality really seriously , for him every relationship stand on loyality , if you looking for a good friend Taesun is the one he is loyal to his friend and never let them down in any situation even if he doesn't look like it he is good at sticking around when needed and keeping secrets.I guess I have a little bit of an ego. I'm confidently cocky, you might say : He is what you can call a proud kid , he isn't narcisstic , he just like to show it when he is really good at something and most of the time he is good and everything .A dream doesn't come reality through magic , it take sweat , determination and hard work : he know it he know that life isn't a path of flower with rainbow at each cornor , so when he start a something he work hard and is always determinate to be the best , he rarely give up on something .There's none so blind as those who will not listen : no or order isn't something in he vocabulary , he can be pretty stubborn more than anything , if he set his mind in something it will take you days to make him change his mind .No act of kindness is ever waisted : even if he doesn't look like it he have a big heart and tend to melt to tears and such , he love to help people  .La jealousie est un vilain defaut : he is the jealous kind he doesn't like it when other people get too close to someone he like and it doesshow on his face .Smiling weirdo ; he is the kind of people thatcould even smile to a stranger , he is always smiling and not just that shy small smile but a bigone that showall he tooth . Live is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind  : He have the dirtiest mind among his friend , he like to tease them and always make ert joke , he is the one with the . Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : He is really REALLY bossy , he would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , he would get pretty angry when someone would say no to him , but he won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen , he usually use aegyo for that . you never know unless you try it : HE is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , he was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that he is just too dumb and careless , but for him it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .The mask will fall some day : behind all that joyness , confident and smile , stand a boy , he wasn't supposed to be born , a boy that for his family was a mistake , he know that , it hurt him , he hate it but he live with it . Not anyone know the dark side of him the side that hate himself and cry himself to sleep at a time of his life he even took sleeping pills , but in front of the world he is a possitive little person with a big smile . The reason behind the smile : even when sad or when he feel like it's the end he smile big because he doesn't want the people around him that may have a much more difficult life to feel like giving up , it a smile that he show to the world because he want to world to stay strong . Love at first sight : he is the kind that fall in love easily but can't say it out loud even more when the guy he like is straight or older , he will just keep it for himself or tell his best friend about it , his best friend will listen with a smile on his face. I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close : He love to be complimented i mean who doesn't, love to look at him self and check him self out , he is pretty soft to flattery but it doesn't mean that he would fall for you just because of a couple words or maybe yes .

Being the grand son of the chairman of a big company in South korea you could have guessed that Taesun doesn't have your normal lifestyle , the asian boy live with his best friend and bulter who take care of him and the house in a pretty chic and big appartement in the center of the city . Even if he was born with a silverspoon in his mouth , at home he like to cook and would help cleaning the house most of the time as both men doesn't like it when other people touch their stuffs they don't call someone to the chores but take care of it by them self and to today they 've been doing quite well on their own . The living expence and the rent isn't a problem for them as one the apartement is under Taesun name and his best friend get a load of money each month for the food and house stuffs , but also Taesun get a load of money as pocket money but it maybe enough to buy a car each month . From time to time Taesun and his bestfriend would go out for shopping and go to some spa or sauna out of boredom .
When he isn't at home or at the university , Taesun work everyday after school at a small coffee really close to the university , you would be curious about why a rich boy would work , but Taesun wanted to try living like a normal university student and also wanted to build some experience for the future , as Taesun have a dream of opening a cafe shop someday , even if he doesn't think his dream is possible with his family personality , he still hope . And one of the other reason why he choose to work at that coffee was because of a close friend of him at school who work their to and because of the hot manager and the smell of coffee but more the hot manager . Taesun is majoring in literature and it was his choice even if it took time for him to persuade his grandpa of letting him take that major but Taesun have a dream of also writing a book somedays , as he is a big fan of books but more fan of boy love novel they are so sweet and he cry at each of them when something bad happen .
bottoms up Taesun isn't good at drinking at all , like one beer can make him really drunk but that never stopped him from going to parties and such . He love to dance meet new people and have fun and KASA parties are the best for that so he make sure to never miss any of it . He is the kind that come late but at the time when the party is hot and crazy , he find it as the best time , he tend to sleep there and doesn't come back home until the next day . He is that weird dude that when drunk , would kiss people just like that , if you come to close to his face he may take you into a long and sweet make out session , sometimes even if you aren't that close , the next day if find himself laying somewhere half with a dude or two beside him , sometimes there's even girls , and Taesun tend to not remember a thing from the night before .
► he like late night walk  : Once or twice a week ,Taesun would put on his shoes a jacket and walk around the empty street .
► drinking : even if he is someone who doesn't hold his liquor
► tattoo : he love tattoos he find them really interesting , he would love to get one.
►  spicy food : he basically add hot sauce in everything , for him if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
► dogs  : he love them so much .
► walking around with not much clothes on : his best friend always scream at him to put on some clothes but he never listen .
►video games : when bored , he would grab a remote control and start playing to fifa or call of duty .
► he hate the smell of smoke : he may grab someone cigarette out of their mouth , throw it on the floor and step on it then say "if you want to kill your self do it alone don't kill us with you" even if that person is just a stranger .
► waking up too early : even if he do wake up everyday really early he hate it , but he live with it .
► fake people : he would prefer if you glare at him and talk about him in his face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind his back .
► being told no : he hate it when someone say does two letters "no" he may get really angry but he just try her best so that no will turn to a yes like he wanted .
► being bored : he hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do .
► He can't sleep with the light on 
► he like to hold something while sleeping
► he drink water first thing in the morning 
► He take two shower everyday
► He bit his lips when he think or daydream 
► He play with his fingers when nervous 
► he can sleep everywhere and anywhere 
► he love to take long car rides
► he have a playlist in his phone which only have ual song on it it called "voulez-vous coucher avec moi se soir ?" which means would you like to sleep with me tonight .
► He is allergic to cats 
► He listen to music to fall asleep
► he is gay
►he love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
►he can't swim 
►he love to watch animes too , his favorite one is Fairy tails 
►he have an instagram
►he have a collection of caps
►he love noodles , like he really love them
►he is the worst one at aegyo
►he took too many selcas
younger he had a crush on his best friend 
his first time with a girl was when he was 17 , and with a boy was around the same time 
he doesn't like to carotrasize himself as a bottom or a top 
he find out he was gay when he was 14 , as he start liking his teacher a little too much .
he had a boyfriend back in korea but they broke up .


best friend  / kim je-ha , he usually call him Jeje / 35 years old / butler
/ Over protactive , responsibe , playful , funny , mature , kind , loyal /

best friend / butler , Kim Je-ha is a 35 years old man which who have been beside Taesun for now 15 years , he was the one who used to take care of him back in korea and followed him to new york . For taesun he play the role of a mother , a father , a brother and a best friend . Taesun never hide anything from him from the dirtiest secret to the banal stuffs , Jeha know Taesun more than he might know himself . Taesun was always thankful to have him by his side as for him he was family , he was the first one he came out to about his uality and he was so happy that Jeha didn't change how he treat him because of that . Even if they sometime fight or argue they love and care for each other , Taesun has been trying to set Jeha with some woman for so long but it never work out and Jeha always tell Tae that it because he can't leave him and go with some women and that as long as Taesun is Happy Jeha is too . Taesun call him hyung and look up to him, they play and travel together , they also have the same taste in food , music , movies , some would have thought that he was his brother just to how close the boys were . 
close friend / Nam Ji hyun , he saved her name on his phone as " probably wife if my family doesn't want me to marry a man" long surname i know / 20 years old / major in art / confident , sassy , jowful , y , kind , loyal , protactive , better not make angry/
Jihyun and Taesun met on the first day of university , it was like a typical corridor first meeting like in movies , where the boy bump in the girl and make her book fall and they stare at each other and fall in love the only difference is that he made her book fall down she made him carry them to her class room gave him a kiss and told him to wait for her after class . Taesun for some reason waited for her maybe because at that time she was the only korean around and the only person who talked to him , after class , she came to him got his number they went to eat , and became friend as they were both fangirling over a korean actor they both liked , that's how their friendship begin . When Taesun decided to tell her about his uality she told him that she already know and that she doesn't care at all as long as his a nice guy . The thing with Jihyun is that she have a really big crush on Taesun best friend Jeha , she doesn't care about the e and for the first time Taesun saw Jihyun shy and inable to say a word and all that in front of Jeha which got Taesun to start laughing like a mad man , which also got him a glare from Jihyun and a curious look from Je ha .
curent crush / Daeho Seo , he saved him as "dream prince " on his phone he also call him Dae for some reason / 20 years old / majoring in math / loyal, altruistic, animated, adroit, practical , eccedentesiast, impulsive, overly sensitive, overextends himself /
Taesun first met Daeho at a party , a frat part if he remember well ,and Taesun couldn't take his eyes away from the boy , he guessed from afar that he was korean and that he may have saw him at one KASA meeting , but the thing is that Taesun rarely goes to does meeting unless it's about a party . But Taesun that night got to live the cliché thing of falling in love at first sight , he went back home and texted his best friend to get him information about the boy which at that time he only had a photo he snaped , he later got his name , age , major and even time table . But it wasn't until another party a month later that he went to talk to him cause he was drunk and was over flowing with confidence . He went to him and told him that he had a nice and that he would like to kiss him , he got a strange look from Daeho but that didn't stop his lips from crashing on his . To today he is still embarassed about what happened the next day when he faced him and for some reason he didn't forget what happened when he was drunk which was unusual , he told Daeho that he always kiss peopl when drunk and that he still think that his was nice . 
other flames 
ex-boyfriend / Choi Ho-joon / 20 years old / professional dancer /
playful , flirt , caring , kind , over protective , jealous /
It was back in high school at that time , Taesun knew that he liked boy but made sure to keep it secret . One day Taesun went to a part with some boys from school and that's when he got drunk for the first time and out the next day he find himself in a room that was infamiliar , he look around and checked himself , he wasn't and no one was around , he slowly made his way out the room to find a boy a little bit older than him cooking breakfast , the older boy smiled at him and told him to sit and that the breakfast was close . He later explain to him that Taesun got too drunk and some people were going to take advantage of him so he decided to help him but Tae fainted in his arm , that's how he got him here . Taesun made sure to get the man number before leaving the apartement , and they met again , laughed , went on date , he find out that the man too was gay , so it made him feel better , he was also his first time they dated for one year before Taesun came to New york and broke up with him because he didn't want him to wait for him and was afraid that the older man would cheat on him .


love interest daeho seo 
backup love interest  Lee InGuk ( fc;; exo's chanyeol )
personality  loyal, altruistic, animated, adroit, practical , eccedentesiast, impulsive, overly sensitive, overextends himself 
the love story
Taesun first met Daeho at a party , a frat part if he remember well ,and Taesun couldn't take his eyes away from the boy , he guessed from afar that he was korean and that he may have saw him at one KASA meeting , but the thing is that Taesun rarely goes to does meeting unless it's about a party . But Taesun that night got to live the cliché thing of falling in love at first sight , he went back home and texted his best friend to get him information about the boy which at that time he only had a photo he snapped , he later got his name , age , major and even time table . But it wasn't until another party a month later that he went to talk to him cause he was drunk and was over flowing with confidence . He went to him and told him that he had a nice and that he would like to kiss him , he got a strange look from Daeho but that didn't stop his lips from crashing on his . To today he is still embarrassed about what happened the next day when he faced him and for some reason he didn't forget what happened when he was drunk which was unusual , he told Daeho that he always kiss people when drunk and that he still think that his was nice .
relationship statement this song is dope and so is the mv (song )
username jinminchan
alias aicha
activity from 7-10
connections i did like the idea of the story , and i'm sorry i took time in putting up this , hope you like it and if anything to change or add tell me so , if they are grammar or language mistake please excuse me english is neither my first or second language , but i will make sure to correct them just tell me about it . Hope it's alright i choosed your character as a love interest and i made his fc taehyung (cause Vhope af hhh) if you want me to change the love story tell me so i didn't want to write about Daeho reaction too much cause i didn't really know how you think he would react to what happen ( please tell me i will make sure to add it or just tell me cause i want to know ) by the way i'm a big fan of how i met your mother so it just made me love this much more , i'm looking forward to your story no matter if Taesun make it or not .
scene requests please feel free to do with my charcter as you please , if you want him to be the of the story just do so .





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