Defeated Warrior~


This song is pretty much the only thing keeping me together right now, I need something empowering like this to keep me from breaking.

I've had a hell of a week, to start it off I got my grade back for my last essay, which was an essay about creating LESSON PLANS for children with learning disabilities. Now this probably sounds like something that I would be able to do, if it weren't for the fact that I have no reading material, or previous classes on lessons, lectures, or teaching whatsoever.


The textbook I have for this class, which is the only textbook for this class does have things about learning disabilities, but not how to diagnose them, or fix them. So I was completely in the dark for the last essay I did which resulted in a 14.5 grade, when a 25 is a pass... so I failed MAJORLY... I will need a 30 or more on my next essay (High distinction grade) just to pass this class... not possible.

And on top of this teaching class I am also doing a mandarin class, that while I am doing okay, I certainly can't read, or speak any mandarin bar a few words, or phrases and there is an exam coming up in like three weeks that will require me to listen, and respond in mandarin which I will fail, I know I will, because thanks to the other ing teaching class I have't had time to study too much. So I'm a massive failure this study period, failing TWO classes before they have even reached the end.


So, I decided I would do the right thing and got in contact with some people who go to my university to arrange a study group. You know, so I can have a possibility of not failing miserably. But it was quite possibly the worst decision of my life, because I was the only girl in a group full of boys, in an almost empty four story library... and they must have thought I was a or something, because halfway through me typing like a paragraph I get grabbed. 

I don't mean like a small grab, I mean GRABBED, so hard that I have hand print bruises on my , throat and shoulder. I was so shocked that I was sort of frozen and turned my face only to get BITTEN, he must have been aiming for my neck, but he got my face, and so now I also have a bite shaped bruise on my damn face. I'm not even kidding. (please excuse unbrushed hair, as you can imagine I have no motivation for such things)


Now I am just glad that I am a six foot tall, 140kg girl, because they couldn't manhandle me into a situation, and I broke about 5 nails on one guys face before one of the guys in the group was like DUDE WTF, and he took me away and we hung out in mcdonalds and I stayed at his place overnight since I had no way to get home.

The worst part about it is that I had lied to my mum saying I was going to a party, because there is no way she would let me go out, even to school, with strangers (point taken mother, I learned my lesson). So I can't really tell her, not that I want to, she'd have me on lockdown for the rest of my life if I did...

I ended up getting no sleep and came home at 9am ish, and went to bed. Only to be woken by a friend of mine that I hadn't seen since before my birthday. Now I was fully prepared to kick him in the the next time I saw him, cuz he ditched me on my birthday. 


But after that night, it was nice to have a man around that wouldn't try and force me into a ual situation, so like that he was forgiven. The mighty Japanese floor bow he did helped a bit too. It's the most respect I ever get from a man, so how could I stay mad?


I'm full of all kinds of pain right now though, so I'm barely holding it together. I have another essay set due for my education class due on the 5th of February, and its SEVEN mini essays to put an educators portfolio together.... yeah... I think I'll skip the stress of trying to get a High distinction grade and just fail....


In other news I was googling episode 13 of Season 7 of Supernatural, because I really want the next damn episode already and the last one aired on the 13th of January (I have no idea if it airs weekly or not), only to find I wont be able to watch it till about the 6th of February for me (it airs on the 3rd in America, which is my 4th, and then I have to wait for people to upload it and then download it). 

But while I was looking for the episode to watch and information about it I come across an interview that Jared Padalecki (Sam) did about the upcoming episodes in Season 7...




So I got super excited, not just because I finally get to see Sam AND Dean lose their , which happens very rarely... damn well adjusted unfeeling manly men of manliness... But because my favourite blunt, misunderstood angelboy is returning!~ Gotta love the loopholes that people can be brought back from the dead... even if it was Leviathan induced explosion-y death XD

But you're all probably sitting there like:


BUT I DUN CURR because I love Supernatural!

As such I have been going over waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Supernatural fanfiction and came across an amazing Wincestiel (Winchester brothers x Castiel) that blew my ing mind (123). Not being a big cest fan my first reaction was:


But you know me, no shame and all that, so I read it anyways... so now... I can't get enough of ty Sam...


y Cas...


And Dean


Ridiculously arousing fanfiction aside, I have been working hard with :iconlilviscious: Lilviscious for our new upcoming fic Forbidden Love, a mainly WonKyu fic set in a fantasy world somewhat akin to Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, but our own world. I ended up making a valentines gift for her based on our story, but due to her birthday present not arriving in the mail yet, I've given it to her for her birthday instead.


Original drawing is by my friend Ela, but the colouring, tattoo's and background and stuff is all me :3

Ummmm, so yeah, all of that happened this week *thumbs up*



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Dang you had an eventful week. You are one strong girl. I got your back tootse.