Let me make myself clear

So yeah its been a while since i have blogged. 

No it isnt Darina, its me. Avea. The most hated Avea (':

*laughs* memories

Anyways, some people feel that im "using" darina or 

forcing her to stay with me. If you dont know me on a personal level, i think you should quit making silly assumptions. Like seriously, grow the hell up. 

I do what i can for Darina and likewise she does the same

for me. Im not saying im the best boyfriend but im definitely 

not a ty one. Theres a huge difference between being in a long distance relationship and being in the same county as your partner.

I did do ty things in the past. But who hasnt. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself.

You dont have to like me. But seriously, stop making stupid assumptions or listening to stupid rumours. 

I can garantee you, i have done a whole lot more than what most of her exes have done for her. 

God bless you. 


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