This has been bothering me all day.

So earlier I was talking to my friends, typical-ish day.

My plans were cancelled as always, so I really didn't have anything to do. Stuck at home on a beautiful Saturday :P

Out of nowhere, all my friends just completely stop talking to me. No goodbyes, whatsoever.

Okay. I figured that they probably just forgot or something and eventually they'd text back.


Of course, I started to get a little angry. I mean, there aren't many people that I actually text, honestly. Just my best friends.

Guess tonight they weren't my best friends.

I thought maybe they were busy or something, ya know?

I was wrong.

There they were, on facebook, webcaming, and no one even bothered to ask me to join them -____-

Well, we always webcam together. The three of us, ya know? But they didn't even ask if I wanted to join xP

Maybe if they would've asked, I'd be fine. It's not like I wanted to cam but being asked would've been nice -___-

And so I thought they'd talk to me. Again, I was wrong and was left alone to go cry in a corner with my dog right next to me. Not literally though, that's just sad.

This makes me wonder who my true friends are. Even if I was showing signs of something bothering me, no one even asked what's wrong. Not even my best friends. No matter how hard I try to get their attention, it seems like they ignore it like it's nothing.

Tonight, they were strangers. That hurts, a lot.

Now here I am, telling you about this boring story that probably no one cares about.

But hey, I needed a place to vent. This was the only place I could think of.

Sorry for boring you with this rant, I just hope someone out there understands.

Now, excuse me while I go write some one shots or something.



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