

So yesterday was alright, my teachers were fine with me and didn't mind that I hadn't completed some of the summer work due to family issues that happened over the last month. The only thing that is utterly terrifying is the bus...on the way and on the way home the bus was having trouble and we nearly didn't make it... There are so many first years that all bus services that take students home are full and second years are being left at college because the buses are all full. My bus is a public bus which means we get students from another college and the public getting on the bus - with far to many first years from both colleges and the public it is so dangerous. Yesterday 13+ people were standing in the isle and that isn't allowed it only supposed to be 11. There was that many people that the buses alarm was going off. I am terrified to get the buses today but luckily I finish earlier than the big stampeed at 4pm.

My college have accepted 300+ more first year students than they should have and it's ridiculous utterly ridiculous! I had a panic attack going through the canteen because there was just so many people. I was sat in one of the cafes during a free period yesterday and these first years decided to play a video that was just swearing and stuff- literally out loud where people were studying. Some first years think its okay to be mean and judgemental towards others. I stood in the queue to get something small to eat yesterday and these three first year boys stood behind me and made a mean comment about a person I am sitting with in English. I wanted to say something so badly but they were 6ft and I am tiny. 

I really hope it's all better today really I do cause I can't handle seeing so many people... 

I know it's mean to say it but I pray a lot of these kids drop out..the teachers are stressed out because theres just far to many students. Last year there was 2 first year photography classes, this year there are 8 and the teachers are stressed out.

I am coming home and sleeping today I am so tired. 


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well... aren't they rude b*stards? I would also help, but, I am short compared to them T^T