「 → ❝ CUPID'S LOVEHOLICS ❞ ┊Loveholics Leader Main Vocal┊Kiyun」




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FULL NAME: Han Hyun Ki
NICKNAME(S): Hyunnie, KiKi (Cause it annoys her), Kiyun (Daehyun chose it)

AGE: 23
BIRTHDAY: 22 December 1992
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea
ETHNICITY: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese
HOME TOWN: Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent)

TRAINEE LIFE: Since her mother didn't approve of her leaving to pursue her trainee days, she didn't have her family sending her money like other trainees. She learned to do more then others with less. She trained longer than the others given she fell sick more often due to her overexerting herself too much. When she did get in the training room Kiyun helped the younger ones focus on their moves. She trained for four years watching others go on. Kiyun didn't really mind. Honestly.

FACE CLAIM: Sasyo/Syo (link) (link) (link) (link) (link)
BACK UP FACE CLAIM: Yeon Ji Hee (gallery)

HEIGHT: 172 cm

WEIGHT: 53 kg

APPEARANCE: Three tattoos. One on the inside of her right arm, it's a sentence written in Japanese characters; 'The cold wind will pass.' A second one on her left wrist that is in Korean; Please mind your own business. The final one is tiny cartoon angel wings on her back.

STYLE: Casual clothes. Street clothes. Nothing too dressy. Although she is too polite to say she doesn't like wearing those clothes and generally will wear whatever to avoid issues.

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TRAITS: Polite (She always will ask permission before doing something. Uses honorifics religiously. Offers guests things before she offers her members/friends things. If showing up somewhere she will have a gift for people whether it be a filming or just a guest appearance or even just showing up at B.A.P's dorm.) Too nice (She lets people walk all over her cause she's afraid to hurt their feelings. Purposefully tells people what they want to hear not what she really thinks.) Naïve (She has no experience with most things. Especially people which is why she's clueless about Daehyun's affection.) Gullible (She literally will fall for every prank. She will believe everything she is told without question.) erted (Her mind is always in the gutter. Because she's polite she won't voice her thoughts but it is quite easy to tell when her mind goes there.) Caring (She will always focus on others putting herself last. In her mind everything will be better if everyone besides her is okay.)

PERSONALITY: Kiyun is the type of person to stand around until you ask or force her to sit down in your home. Yet will readily sit around and do nothing in her own home. She is easily pranked and is the type of person people can easily walk all over. However she likes to take care of others. If someone is down then she will be the first person to hug them. She doesn't talk much but listens a lot. She has a naturally soft voice that can go harsh if she's defending a friend or loved one. Kiyun will always take care of her members then go away from them to collapse to avoid letting them see just how things effect her. She always, always puts herself last. No matter what the situation is. Despite all her nice behavior...Kiyun has a erted mind. [Thus why all her friends are men]

LIKES: Chocolate (strongest weakness), Soda (Addicted to caffeine but will only get it from soda)

DISLIKES: Sports (She can't understand them)

HOBBIES: Drawing, Writing (stories)

HABITS: Chews on her clothes or nails, will listen to music if bored

TRIVIA: She was caught with Daehyun and Youngjae in public, people took it as she was dating them. The label signed it off as an over eager fan. Kiyun took it to protect Daehyun and his friend.


BACKGROUND: Kiyun was raised in a very sheltered environment. Her mother kept her away from kids leaving her quite confused on how normal kids react to normal things. However Kiyun grew to understand enough to pretend to fit in. Not that she fit in much anyway. Kiyun was far too use to essentially being the parent for her mother than she was being a child to her mother. She gained her dirty mind around the time she learned to read. Her first books she read her mother's special books. R rated romance novels. Kiyun hadn't stop reading them since. Her mother left to get medical treatment not long after Kiyun finished school. Her father was never around given that he had escaped responsibilities by leaving before Kiyun was born. Her grandmother took her in and tried her best to look after the teenager. However Kiyun ended up looking after her grandmother. She only stopped due to getting accepted as a trainee. Her mother now healthy came back to look after her grandmother. Her mother is not happy about having to do so.

FAMILY: Han Miyoung | Mother | 47 | living | Selfish. Cold. | More of a child than parent

Ryu Young Hee | Grandmother | 63 | living | Loving. Kind. Unselfish. | More of a mother than a grandmother

Ryu Seung Hyun | Step-Grandfather | 67 | living | Loving. Stern. Unselfish. | Father figure


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RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Friends (Dae wants to date her, She doesn't know this)
AGE: 22

PERSONALITY: He's extremely playful. He does the minimal amount of skin ship with her. He teases her on a regular basis much like a toddler when they like someone. He tries to act like an Oppa for her but she mostly ends up ruining his surprises. Like buying herself something he had planned to get her. He doesn't get shy around her unless others are there to see them interact.

HOW YOU MET/WILL MEET: She went to several of B.A.P's fan meetings. After one she went to a cafe where she was instantly hit by a guy wearing a facial mask. He wrote his number on her hand even pulled down his face mask to show off his face. It took her a few minutes after his friends pulled him away to realize just who that was. Daehyun.

INTERACTIONS: Kiyun dotes on the younger B.A.P members and shows great respect to the older members. Youngjae being Daehyun's friend is naturally either her friend or her enemy depending on if he's hogging Daehyun's time. The two will have quite naughty and ual conversations generally due to fan fiction one or the other found. The conversation can automatically go to Disney movies if they hear the younger boys.

HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER'S CONCEPT: He refuses to acknowledge/talk about it

TRIVIA: Daehyun will use ships/pairings to get his way when it comes to her.



SINGING CLAIM: Minah of Girl's Day
DANCE CLAIM: Min of Miss A (I felt like I had to put something here. Ignore if you like)


SONG IDEAS: Love Cell, I Like It

PERSONA: Motherly Leader

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SCENE SUGGESTIONS: (these actually give brownie points if i like them)


PASSWORD: Love Cell, I Like It


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