rough night


So I go back to college today as a second year, yesterday -the day before I go back- my mum wasn't planning on going into sort out my bus pass but after me having a panic she finally went in. She left it so late that I am now on a waiting list. This could be 2 or more weeks till I could get a bus pass so I am going to have to spend £6.20 a day for travel...with my own birthday money... 

It is also very well known that I have to have a coffee before bed if I have to wake up early for college days I have to leave my house at 7AM. Last night I was doing everything normally, then at 9:30PM when my scheduled coffee is supposed to be drunk I get told theres no I get stressy and start thinking all sorts...I remembered that I had bought a bottle of pepsi during the day and it was in the fridge....nope my brother took the liberty to take the whole bottle! whole bottle! into his room where he drank it all...I was a mess...I needed something to wake me up I downed multiple glasses of juice and water before trying to sleep which didn't go well but I got 1 hour. 

I haven't done a quiz I was supposed to do for today because I just don't understand it at all...then I have only done two shoots instead of three and I am not okay...

I have just thrown up as well from anxiety and to top this all off...I don't even have lunch for today...I leave my house at 7AM and finish college at 4PM - won't get home till 5PM..I need to get a shoot done and have a nap after college I pray I can...

Somehow I have to get through English...then learning support, a free after lunch and then photography today...Techniqually only two classes today but spread apart I guess...if my photography was the period I have my free I could get home an hour earlier...but I get to come home early tomorrow. 

My new tutor is not good and I have requested to be changed to another teacher. I am honestly debating not going to tutor on Thursday if I can't change it before that...I am not showing my face in there...


urg I am a little stressy rn and I apologise for ranting but I just need to get it out... 



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