
So about a month ago I spoke about my bus pass and bursary situation and basically my mother has yet to sort it out…I go back in two days…and I can’t afford the bus fair to for more than two days…I am getting so ing pissed with my mother’s lack of understanding the importance of it all. She seems to misunderstand that I can’t attend college without my bus pass. She doesn’t seem to understand that my bursary helps me with costs for my photography course.

I asked her to go tomorrow before work since she starts later on Mondays. I just want her to go in and sort the forms out and get my bursary to help me with my bus pass cost because I can’t afford the £320 upfront cost for it. She moaned at me. I need her to do it I don’t care anymore she is going to bloody get off her arse and walk into my college and sort it out! She has had two ing months already and she has failed to do so! Instead of leaving it later and later just ing go and do it urg I am so done! She seems to think I can sort it if I take the forms in but I can’t because I have no idea what my bursary is and how it works neither do I understand the bus pass I just need her to do it. I have had multiple breakdowns over this in the past two weeks.

Why won’t she do it!



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