♕ CROWN ━ The White Knight , Heo Jun

Crown / application form
Width: 279 Height: 400
Nam Ju Hyuk | Jisoo
Enthicity / Korean
Brithplace / Busan
Hometown / Busan
Birthdate / 10/02/1996
AGE / 20 Yrs
Nicknames / 
Little Chef / from a really young age , Jun was the one who used cook to his family as all of them were always busy so his noona start calling him like that .
Posititve                                 negtitive
+ / dorky
+ / confident
+ / easy going
+ / kind
+ / fearless
+ / caring
- / stubborn
- / ert
- / bossy
- / kind of selfish
- / naggy
- / Loud
Appearance & Style / He is 188 cm tall and weight around 70 kg, he does have muscles and quite the body  , he have black/brown hair , deep brown eyes . He have the most cute and beautiful smile ever .  He pay a lot of attention to his fashion style even if he look like he doesn't care , he do take good care of his body and appearance , he spend a lot of money on clothes , shoes , skin care and more . he like to wear trendy clothes. .
- ( warm / hot weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- ( cold weather ) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  ( award , red carpet ) formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  practice outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- airport fashion ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
Live is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind  : He have the dirtiest mind among his friend , he like to tease them and always make ert joke , he is the one with the , as he like to slap and grab the other members . He is really dorky and playful but he can be quite stubborn , when he have an idea even a bad one he stick with it and won't say that he regret it later , he have a really big ego and pride .
Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind : He is the kind of person who will stop his car in the middle of the road to go help an elder cross it . He may have a blank or careless look but under all that is a really kind a big heart that love to help others
I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close : He love to be complimented , love to look at him self and check him self out , he is pretty soft to flattery but it doesn't mean that he would fall for you just because of a couple words .
I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : He is really loyal , he doesn't trust people easily but when he know that someone trust him he never betray them , the best quality in a human for him would loyalty . He hate cheaters .
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : He is really REALLY bossy , he would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , he would get pretty angry when someone would say no to him , but he won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen , he usually use aegyo for that .
the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence : from a really young age he was always boy girl to be sure of what he want and confident about how he look , no matter how much people judge, criticise or bully him , he never let her head down like he would say "if i let my head down my crown will fall" .
you never know unless you try it : HE is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , he was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that he is just too dumb and careless , but for him it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
Let me tell your mama cause we about make a baby

Born and raised in Busan , Jongin , was the only boy of his family , literally , he doesn't have a dad , and as he had heard from his grandma was that his dad was an that left them . He lived in a house with his mom , grandma , aunt and two big sister , you could guess that life was hell for him, and what made it more hell is that younger he looked so much like a girl , he loved to play with his sisters toys and their clothes , he learnt how to take care of the house at a really young age as they had a restaurant and his grandma , mom and aunt only focused on the restaurant his noonas one only wanted to have fun and rebel and the other one was always studying , her nose in a book . When he would come back from elementary school he would clean , and prepare so snacks at that age he wasn't allowed to use fire so he would do with what  he have .
School wasn't easy either , people would make fun of him because of his girly face , they would ask him question like are you sure you are a boy and would ask him to pull off his pant but the thing that he leanred from his noona some fighting skills would help him a lot . For a ten years old life was too stressful and the only moment he could finally breath was night , he would lock himself in his room with his sister lap top , and listen to music try to learn dances , the only thing that made him at ease was music and he would never thank it enough as it made him think that life wasn't that bad . In middle school he start learning how to sing and dance on his own , internet helped him alot at that time .
He also Joined a dance crew and the school choir with some friends . When his closest friend who shared the same dream of him to become a idol got into a company he decided to join him at the same company , it was big hit . He got in . Came back home with a big smile but it was now the time to tell his family . After he succeeded on making them all sit at the same place he told them about his plan of being an idol and how it was serious and not just a phase , his family laughed at first thinking it was a joke but after showing them his paper of acceptance at Big Hit they all became quiet before jumping and congratulating him , telling him that they will support him no matter what . 

Family /
Mom | Kim Jiwon (47) |
restaurant owner | 10/10

Grandma | Park Bu-ja (67) | co- restaurant owner | 10/10

Noona 1 | Heo Eul (24) | Dojo owner | 10/10

Nonna 2 | Heo Shim (22) | college student  | 10/10

Aunt | Kim Jiyoon (40) | Hair Stylist | 10/10

Friends /
Best Friends  | Ji soo (20) | College student | 9/10

Close Friends | Park Jimin (20) | idol | 8/10

Good Friends| BTS (varies) | idol |  6/10

Close Friends| Crown (varies) |trainee |  8/10

+ Kdrama
underrated music

- Being made fun of
- Not doing a thing
- fake people
- boys who get too close to his girls (family)
- being cold

- Can'st sleep without hugging something , anything , he just had to have something between his legs , this sound so wrong but you get me .
- when bored he would play with his fingers .
- He also can't sleep with the light open but is afraid of the dark , if you understand .

- Shopping if that stand for a hobbie ? he really does like clothes maybe because he spend too much time with girls .
- Basketball , he is pretty good at it 

- Darkness
- losing someone important

-  he can sleep everywhere and anywhere 
-he love to take long car rides
-he have a playlist in his phone which only have ual song on it it called "voulez-vous coucher avec moi se soir ?" which means would you like to sleep with me tonight .
-He is allergic to cats 
-He listen to music to fall asleep
-he is biual
-he love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
-he can't swim 
-he love to watch animes too , his favorite one is Fairy tails 
-he have an instagram
-he have a collection of caps
-he love noodles , like he really love them
-he like to go to photoshoot 
-he take too many selcas


Idol Corner
Stage Name / Heju
Persona / The white Knight
Position / Here
Back-Up Positition & Plotline / Lead Vocalist , Dancer , rapper | Crown Prince

Talent Twins
Rap / Only if you have rap in your position link a clip of it
Singing / DK (seventeen)
Dancing / Taemin
Vairety / Only for the Joker plotline link a clip of it

Trainee Years  / 6 years and 3 months
Trainee Life / It was pretty hard on him , as Jun always thought to himself that he wasn't good enough so he would train hours more than the others and still get criticized , it took him years to master his singing and dancing but he was always underestimated but it just gave him another reason to work harder 
Pre-Debut / He was one of the backdancer in Fire .
SNS Accounts / Snapchat :: @heojunjun
Scandals / Name of Article | Who was involved | brief explain of the scandal | True/False
I'm So Into You, I'm So Into you
Love Interest / Here 
Back-up / Back-up love interest Name Here
Occupation / Here
Age / Here 

Personality / Here
First Meeting / Here
Love Story / Here 
Interactions / Here
Status / Strangers? Friends? Dating?

Trivia / give me cute little trivia between him and his love interest like couple clothing or anything they share between them
Love Song / Link me a song that is his and his love interest's love song. It could explain their love or it's just a song they both enjoy
Ending / how would you like for them to end up?
Jinminchan | AICHA | 8/10
Questions / About the love interest section , i was done a hour ago and was like i really want to put a boy as a love interest but like who ? and i got angry and was like you know what forget it . So if he get into the story and you want to put him up with someone feel free .
Comments / I'm a big fan of your apply fic i saw this fiction in your other GG one and was like let's go ! i really do like the idea.
Concerns / None
Suggestions/ Fly Got7 
Password / Solo song  , I present you Heo Jun , Heo Jun , Heo Jun
/ trxsh /


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