CHECKMATE - King Vocals : Jiwoon

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BIRTHNAME : Kang Ji-Woon 

▸ Hulk Junior — when he get angry he doesn't remember a think like literally , he doesn't remember what's around him or who he is with , he get hysteric and when calmed down he doesn't remember what he had done which get him in a lot of trouble , got that name for him .

▸ Otaku — He is a big fan of animes like really big fan , he have shirt and figurines and more so his friend call him like that .

DATE OF BIRTH : 06 : 04 : 1995

▸ Korean — native language

▸ Japanese  — semi-fluent , as a big fan of animes he watch them in japanese and with time he got to learn it and he also used to take online courses .

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 172cm and 55kg

▸ He is quite short but it doesn't show out in pictures and such , he weight alright and do work out he doesn't have a really muscular body but do have abs . He have a milky white skin and dark brown eyes , his tend to change his hair color , it went from black to brown to blond to electric grey .
▸ He love to wear fashionable and sometime flashy clothes , but tend to keep his clothes in the black white , grey and colors most of the time , his style change with his mood .
- ( warm / hot weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- ( cold weather ) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  ( award , red carpet ) formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  practice outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- airport fashion ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 

Who are you inside?

PERSONALITY TRAITS : ° [ + ] dorky , confident , kind , easygoing , fearless , caring 
° [ - ] stubborn , erted , bossy , little bit selfish , naggy , loud

Live is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind  : He have the dirtiest mind among his friend , he like to tease them and always make ert joke , he is the one with the , as he like to slap and grab the other members . He is really dorky and playful but he can be quite stubborn , when he have an idea even a bad one he stick with it and won't say that he regret it later , he have a really big ego and pride .
Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind : He is the kind of person who will stop his car in the middle of the road to go help an elder cross it . He may have a blank or careless look but under all that is a really kind a big heart that love to help others
I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close : He love to be complimented , love to look at him self and check him self out , he is pretty soft to flattery but it doesn't mean that he would fall for you just because of a couple words .
I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : He is really loyal , he doesn't trust people easily but when he know that someone trust him he never betray them , the best quality in a human for him would loyalty . He hate cheaters .
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : He is really REALLY bossy , he would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , he would get pretty angry when someone would say no to him , but he won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen , he usually use aegyo for that .
the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence : from a really young age he was always boy girl to be sure of what he want and confident about how he look , no matter how much people judge, criticise or bully him , he never let her head down like he would say "if i let my head down my crown will fall" .
you never know unless you try it : HE is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , he was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that he is just too dumb and careless , but for him it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .


Born and raised in Daegu , Jiwoon , was the only boy of his family , literally , he doesn't have a dad , and as he had heard from his grandma was that his dad was an that left them . He lived in a house with his mom , grandma , aunt and two big sister , you could guess that life was hell for him, and what made it more hell is that younger he looked so much like a girl , he loved to play with his sisters toys and their clothes , he learnt how to take care of the house at a really young age as they had a restaurant and his grandma , mom and aunt only focused on the restaurant his noonas one only wanted to have fun and rebel and the other one was always studying , her nose in a book . When he would come back from elementary school he would clean , and prepare so snacks at that age he wasn't allowed to use fire so he would do with what  he have .
School wasn't easy either , people would make fun of him because of his girly face , they would ask him question like are you sure you are a boy and would ask him to pull off his pant but the thing that he learned from his noona some fighting skills would help him a lot . For a ten years old life was too stressful and the only moment he could finally breath was night , he would lock himself in his room with his sister lap top , and listen to music try to learn dances , the only thing that made him at ease was music and he would never thank it enough as it made him think that life wasn't that bad . In middle school he start learning how to sing and dance on his own , internet helped him alot at that time .
He also Joined a Breakdance club in his school with some friends .And also got into the school choral . When he heard about some boy from town from his grandma that got into a company he decided to give it a try to and to the same company , it was KS ENTERTAINMENT . He got in . Came back home with a big smile but it was now the time to tell his family . After he succeeded on making them all sit at the same place he told them about his plan of being an idol and how it was serious and not just a phase , his family laughed at first thinking it was a joke but after showing them his paper of acceptance at KS ENTERTAINMENT they all became quiet before jumping and congratulating him , telling him that they will support him no matter what . 



▸ Likes:
► he like late night walk  : Once or twice a week , he would put on his shoes a jacket and walk around the empty street , he would meet some drunk man sometime but he would quickly get them back in their place when they try something with a kick in their balls . But most of the time he just walk so that she could empty his head and get some fresh air .
► drinking : he is the kind of person that love to go out with his friend after work to some grilling place to drink two or three cup of beer and laughs and talk about their day .
► tattoo : he love tattoos he find them really interesting , he would love to get one.
►  spicy food : he basically add hot sauce in everything , for him if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
► dogs  : he love them so much that he even got two which he named one Natsu like the anime character in Fairy Tail and the second one was Harry cause all Harry's are hot .
► cooking ; he fell in love with it from a really young age and if he hadn't been an idol he would have been a chef it was his second dream .
►video games : when bored , he would grab a remote control and start playing to fifa or call of duty .
▸ Dislikes:
► he hate the smell of smoke : but never say anything when someone smoke beside of him 
► waking up too early : even if he do wake up everyday really early he hate it , but he live with it .
► fake people : he would prefer if you glare at him and talk about him in his face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind his back .
► being told no : he hate it when someone say does two letters "no" he may get really angry but he just try her best so that no will turn to a yes like he wanted .
► being bored : he hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do .
▸ Habbits:
► He can't sleep with the light on 
► he like to hold something while sleeping
► he drink water first thing in the morning 
► He take two shower everyday
► He bit his lips when he think or daydream 
► He play with his fingers when nervous 
► When he wake up on the morning he always find himself
▸ Hobbies:
► watching tv
► sleeping
► cooking
► youtube
► shopping
► working out
▸ Other:
► he can sleep everywhere and anywhere 
► he love to take long car rides
► he have a playlist in his phone which only have ual song on it it called "voulez-vous coucher avec moi se soir ?" which means would you like to sleep with me tonight .
► He is allergic to cats 
► He listen to music to fall asleep
► he is biual
►he love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
►he can't swim 
►he love to watch animes too , his favorite one is Fairy tails 
►he have an instagram
►he have a collection of caps
►he love noodles , like he really love them
►he is the worst one at aegyo
►he like to go to photoshoot 
►he took too many selcas


Who matters to you?

RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Mom — Gong Shim (47) / co-restaurent owner / motherly , over protective , jealous , bossy , caring / 10
his mom and him are pretty much a like they love the same things , talk the same way , laugh the same way so they got a long pretty well , she never once got mad at him and would always support him in everything , but when she is angry he is really scary , one they she got arrested at the police station because she beat up a man who had touched her son , the most important thing for her is her family they mean the world to him 
( fc : Kim Hye-soo )

▸ Grandma — Bom Mina (67) / co-restaurant owner / caring , loving , great cook , typical grandma / really close /10
 she is loving and caring , and every time he came back home she would make ton of food , she call him a lot worried that he isn't eating or that he isn't taking good care of his health , her grandson is what she is most proud about  , she always brag about him to the neighbors . He love to watches her cook and talk about her old days and advises him with some of her quotes that she learned from experience like "the only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday"
( fc : Kim Hye-ja )

▸ Noona — Kang Jisoo (26) / Dojo Owner / easy going , boyish , badass , rude , caring , over protective / 10

 He always looked up at his sister when they were younger , he thought she was a boy as she always had short hair , would come back home dirty and would always fight , she would always protect him from bully and would take good care of him , but he does the same too , he was the one to clean her bruises and hide her from their mother .
( fc : Park Shin Hye )

▸ Noona — Kang Jihyo (24) / intern in a hospital / reserved , mature , calm , kind ,caring / 10
She was the smartest one of the family , and she was the one that they all thought would made it in life , she used to help him a lot with his studies and is the reasn for most of his good marks , she also was the only who knew about his passion as she was the one who used to give him her laptop
(fc : kim ji won )
▸ Aunt — Gong Mi (40) / co-restaurent owner / flashy , loud , easy going , careless , fearless  / 10
They have a love hate relationship , they love each other but they don't show it , they tend to fight and nag each other a lot , they are always competing about who is better at something , but they share their moments sometime when they watch a movie together
( fc : Ha Jiwon )

▸ Group mate — The Chekmate (varies) /idol / varies / 9
he get along with everyone , as he had know them as trainee or got to know them with time , some of them were his roommate , they are like his second family , they are his brothers and best friends , he like to spend time with them even if sometime they arguing , but no one is perfect , they like to nag and tease each other like boys always do between them . he know all of the girls as they were trainee together and they are like his sister he take good care of them and check on them when something is wrong he is close with some of the member .


▸ Friend — Min Yoongi (23) / idol / always sleepy , quiet , funny , friendly  / 7

They are from the same hometown and used to be neighbours , he even was one of the reason that pushed him to be an idol , he look up at him . And to today they still talk and keep in touch .


▸ Close Friend — Jeon Jaehyun (21) / professional dancer /
 kind , loving , playful , protective  / 8
They went to the same elementary and middle school , at first Jaehyun was a bully but quickly changed to a nice person after he spend some times with Jiwoon , he used to protect Jiwoon from everyone and was always by his side. even during trainee years they met .
( fc ; jisoo )

Why do you matter?


 ♔ King , Lead Vocal , sub Dancer


▸ Singing Twin: Chen Exo
▸ Dancing Twin: V Bts
▸ Rapping Twin: 
▸ (Instrument) Twin: 


▸ 6 years in the company , It was pretty hard on him , as Jiwoon always thought to himself that he wasn't good enough so he would train hours more than the others and still get criticized , it took him years to master his singing and dancing now he can even make his own lyrics but he was always underestimated but it just gave him another reason to work harder .


▸ 2012 - he was a cameo in the drama dream high .
▸ 2015 - he was a cameo in the drama the Producer


▸ 6, 2014 - He was seen going out of a club when he is under-age |  false | they didn't believe that a trainee could get that much attention in a scandal he was pretty mad and disapointed on the media.
His aunt got drunk and went to that club and being the only man of the family he had to go get her so that's what he did but the next day he find an article about him .

Questions from the CEO



▸ "Being an idol mean living of our pasion of music" he smiles slightly and look down at his fingers playing with them  " so i always wanted to do a job that wasn't much like a job " he look up at the CEO eyes wides and shook his head and hands " not that i'm saying that idol isn't a job , just a job where you could have fun and like waking each morning to go to it " he laughs awkwardely and look back down at his laps .


▸ he took a moment to think about the question as he chews down on his lips before looking up at the boss " to be honest i'm really intersted in dancing and i know that i'm not the best one of the group but i really want to improve and do more in that kind of style so i would say the knights " he smiles softly .


▸ He look up at the CEO and smile widely " don't take this as if i'm flatering you to choose me or something like that , i just trust your hand seeing who you choose to be in the team and how you take good care of us , i mean if we weren't good enough we wouldn't be even in this company , right ?" he laughs softly " so i just trust you ..... sir "


▸ He laughs softly then remember that the CEO is in front of him so he stopped and looked at him " to be honest i'm quite proud , that's mean that i did quite a good work and i think youo did a great choice , also i'm nervous i won't lie but just excisted and the same time ..." he look around and bit on his lips so he won't start rumbling .


▸ He smiles wide as he have thought of something like this before " I'm a big fan of variety show to be honest and i always imagine what i would have done in their place and things like that , so i would like to do as much variety show as possible , i will give my all to do my best and promote my group their " he hold up a fist as in trust me .


▸ "well i don't have any younger siblings or such , but i'm used to taking care of people and such ..." he smiles softly imagining a hoobae " well i would probably be hard on him as i must know better of what's good for him like i have more experience i will always be here to listen and talk to him when needed , i will probably a lot but nothing is free " he laughs softly .


▸ He stood up and bow " thank you so much for giving me this chance , i will do my best not to disappoint you sir , i promise that you wont regret it " he stood straight again " we will raise to the top i promise you , sir" 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here


ENDING :  here


LAST WORDS : hope you had fun reading it like i had fun making it !!!
PASSWORD : Annyeonghaseyo , here to bring joy and fun , Checkmate Jiwoon Imida !   possible solo song or colab  Lee Hyun Woo


▸ variety shows as much as possible 
▸ here

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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_b-joo #1
The first gif in the "Questions From The CEO" portion, is LuHan...dabbing? XD