Please help me out if you have instagram


I posted a edit I created on my instagram this morning 10:14AM British time. 

This edit has only got 11 likes. 

One of the people who liked the edit is koreanmyworld_ 

This girl took my edit and has posted it on her profile without crediting me. 

She has gotten over 60 likes for my edit that she stole from me. 

If you have instagram please help me get this accross to her. 

My image is this

It isn't much but I created it. She took this and made the image of Xiumin bigger but kept the yellow background. 

If you look at her profile she doesn't even use borders of any kind on her images! It is clear plagarism and I want her to understand that it is wrong! 

For someone to be getting more likes on an image that wasn't even theirs in the first place really hurts me! It was my edit! I made it! yet I get 11 likes and she's getting over 60 for it.

Just comment on her post and try and get her to either credit me or delete the post.

I don't mind if people want to use my edits but credit me. 



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cassidyann34 #1
i didn't see the picture but she made the same pic her profile picture.
jae12340 #2
hope they stop
I left a comment for you. We've got your back
i cant believe she even made it her profile picture... i reported the pic and left a comment so hopefully she'll come to her senses by tomorrow e_e
btw your ig is really cute! wanna follow each other? :3
skoreafan #5
I reported him/her as spam
taoftsehun #6
Ok will do. What's your insta tho?
Well damn. Okie