Can Someone Tell Me What The Hell Happened?

Ok so guys... I don't know how to explain this but I'm really freaked out and I don't know what happened and if anyone knows can you please tell me somehow?



So last night it was really hot so I kept waking up and going back to sleep, but I woke up at like twenty past one and my sister kept me up since she has late nights and I have early ones so she still had yet to sleep, so about an hour later she drifted off...

So every about forty minutes I would put my iPad or phone down and get some rest but I actually wasn't sleeping. But one time I don't remember completely what happened but it was something about getting everyone out of Australia and then it was like bombed and I tried to wake up, but nothing was happening and I tried to speak but nothing came out, all I could do was move side to side while breathing heavily for about a minute before I finally woke up. 

That... Is not the end though... Currently it is half past six in the morning, and it was around five forty when the next thing happened.

I can't remember it clearly anymore for some reason, but while I was resting there was these white lights and creepy noises you'd hear in a video that was trying to scare you, but I felt as if my head was twitching hardly, like it was moving about... I don't know how to explain it.... Like a zombie? It was really weird though and I also couldn't open my eyes or speak so I started breathing really heavily again until I woke up.

I'm being serious, I'm creeped out and want to know what the hell that was... So if any of you know (because you're like a doctor or smth idk...XD? Not the time? Ok...) like could you message me or comment it would really help....

Anyway... I'm gonna go write and watch YouTube as I've started writing the first chapter for one of my stories and I kinda know where it's going but really don't so I hope you look forward to that:)


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It looks like you had Sleep Paralysis

You can control your sleep paralysis once you get the hang of it. Remember that it's all a dream/nightmare the next time something like that happen, and starts to pull out swords ( imagines it up) and fights the zombie and such.