So much to do


So yesterday I stood at my bus stop waiting for my bus to take me to college and the bloody thing decides to be 10mins late - please bare in mind I was the 3rd stop from the bus station. I was late to my interview and I was just lucky that my tutor over ran with a student before me. I managed to drop photoshop! so that is off my timetable now. 

I am currently sat here attempting to get some college work done as it is an induction day today but I have family matters to attend to and will be unable to attend the induction day. So I am trying to get my work done even though there is way to much. 

On a good note it's my birthday this month whoop whoop, attempting to cheer myself up here. 

Every student got their new bus passes yesterday bar a few and because my mother decided she was going to be difficult, she chose not to hand my bursary form in or do my bus pass so really I might not even be going to college this year and I am supposed to start on the 13th. Yet when I tried to tell her yesterday about it she screamed at me and slammed the door in my face as she stormed out the house. These arguments are getting more and more frequent urg. 

Anyway I better get on with this mountain of work because I honestly don't know how they expect students to complete this much when we are on holiday christ.



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