✗ FIRST CLASS ━ Ryu Taerin

(picture is 150x140)
Ryu Taerin
nickname(s): Taerin, Tae, Rinnie, Renee (this is basically a mispronounced from Rinnie. She usually called Rinnie by her family and relatives, but when she introduced herself to American people, they usually took her name as Renee because it sounds similar)
age: 20
birthdate: 08 07 1996
birthplace: Anyang, South Korea
hometown: Anyang
triple threat / LEE SUNGKYUNG / kIM YURIM
ethnicity: Korean
nationality: Korean
height: 172
weight: 49

Korean - Native
English - Fluent - She was living in California for about 6 years, since she was 7 because of her father's work

appearance: She's definitely has a model-like figure. Standing tall at 172 cm and and all the curves in wise amount made her very noticable. The bad news is, she often looked like a giant betwen her friends (once she's back in Korea) link 1 link 2 (yes, it's son dam bi)
fashion: She's totally concious about the god's gift about her body, and she cherishes it a lot. Taerin frequently browses through lookbook and pinterest and also a loyal reader of Vogue and Marie Claire, those pretty much the source of her fashion sense. Personally, she's into the street-urban style with designer's sneakers and various kind of outer dominating her wardrobe. style 1 style 2  style 3 style 4 style 5

personality traits: Determined, Fast-Learner, Honest,  Dauntless, Caring, Obstinate, Mutinous, Sarcastic, Spontaneous

"When God makes you failed, means you're given more time to learn" - That's pretty much the sayings she's believe in. There's no giving-up in Ryu Taerin's dicitionary, that's pretty much where her strong will and source of energy came from. She pretty much aware that everything she gets depend on the effort she makes, and nothing is impossible as long as she works hard enough. Unluckiness and failure were nothing but the result you get when you didn't put your best effort on things. The fact that her modelling career was a disaster didn't stop her from trying her best for that dream. That's pretty much the main reason why she decided to auditioned for AOMG when the chance is up. She wanted to reach her dream of being pro-model in a slightly long way. She thought when she became an idol and get the fame, offers for modelling would come along the way. But as she walked through the artsy paths, learning how to dance, sing, and even rap she grew fond of it. She had fallen in love with what she was doing, and that makes her realized that this probably what she meant to be. This hard-working trait applies at the gym too. She's known as the work-out holic who's famous for her intense gym routine. The one who never left the fitness center before her legs are too weak to run on the treadmill. See, even her killer abs and heroine body didn't just came out of nowhere.
"I'm not a fast runner, it's just my long legs. Yet, I'm pretty confident about my brain that always work in ultra-speed" - The only fate Taerin believes in, is the fact that God has given her such high-quality brain which had helped her a lot in her 20 years life. She probably could get the title of 'Honorable Student' back at school if she's not that anarchist. This ability helped her a lot during trainee days, not to mention that she's also eager to learn most of the time. Being the one without any training experience (as an idol) before, left her with no choice but to hup faster than those with experience. It's right that she probably had the natural talent of dancing and unique tone of voice, but the lack of exercise still couldn't hide the fact that she was a little bit behind the other trainee at the first time. This, combined with the hard-work and plenty of time of hanging out with rappers (Olltii's circle of friend) had put her into a big success as the Triple Threat of the extra-ordinary group.
"A hurtful truth is better than assuring lies" - Taerin is naturally the blunt person, the one who speak out what's on her mind. She will refuse thing she doesn't like, she'll compliment if someone dress up nicely, she'll confess if one's behaviour is getting on her nerves, and she'll definitely will tell the seniors if she sneaks-out of the dorm late at night for some street-bar snacks or a few hours of conversation with her best-friend (Woosung). This honest trait might offend some people who's not used to straightforward critics, and she'll ended up hurting them without her knowing. There's never been bad intention behind her truthful words, she never meant to heart anyone. The thought of pleasing other with lies is very suffocating for her. When someone doesn't do things well, you better tell it to them because pouring them with compliments they actually don't deserve won't make them learn and grow. At least, that's how her mindset set.
"You rather fight or face the fear. Well I prefer the latest, because fighting it will only put you in an eternal-exhausting battle" - She's well-known for her unbeatable courage; courage to admit her wrong, the courage of confronting those getting on her way, the courage of fight for herself. Never once she ran away from challenge. Trying new things, exploring new places, and adventurous experienced always pumped her adrenaline, which she favors. She's never afraid to express what she feels and voices-out her opinion, when some people are having hard time building up courage to do so. Back at school she had never hesitate to throw punch to the bullies that acted almighty, thinking everyone had to obey and respect them. This trait is probably the one that made her seemed to have a horrible temprament. She can never stand unfairness, and it never takes long time for her to build her courage then fight for it. 
"I'm actually a nice person, if you know which button to push" - There is actually the softest and warmest heart of the world laying inside the hard shell. Those who are pretty sensitive, or those who had know her for a while might know this very well. Most of the time, she doesn't even have clue that her action sometimes showed her pouring attention and care to people around her. She's usually the one bringing snacks and drinks during practices, the one asking for tissue from the staffs when he friends are sweating, the one who will stay the night hearing her friends puring their hearts out, does nothing but hugs them and handing out tissues. She does it all out of conciousness, without even realized that those simple actions might touch people's heart. 
"To persuade me is never an easy thing, expecially when you don't have rational explanation" - Taerin was born with a rock-bed head and probably too much confidence in herself. Persuading her to change her mind once she had set it in one thing will turn out as a heated debate, most of the time. Some people prefer to let her taste the danger herself then surrender, rather than warn her beforehand. That's just how stubborn she is, some people might just give-up after the first try. Some other who knows her well enough might find a slit to waver her thoughts though; give her an logical and rational explanation and don't give up eventhough the arguments last for a while, it will be best if you provide and example of the bad thing that  happened to the person with similar decision as her. If she walked away, just let her be. That's a good sign, because she's going to softened-up or even changed her mind once she's back, and it happens most of the time.
 "I never fond of the idea of controlling people that's why I never try to, and that's simply what I want from people" - Taerin is never the type who lets anyone push her around, telling what to do. Bossy people will easily make her blood boils. Her independence is the source of her happiness. She will work hard to get what she deserves, but never, and will never give up of being her own person and doing what she likes. She likes the thrill of being in charge and having added responsibility, but never wants to boss around people just because she's in charge. Taerin thinks rather highly of herself and won't let anyone treat her poorly. That most likely the reason why she gets offended easily at those who insulted her and trying to restrain her from doing what she wants.
"It's either a frank comment or sugarcoated by sarcasm. Sweet-talking is totally not my specialty." - Pretty much aware that her blunt comment might offend some people, drives her to learn to tone it down. That learning didn't give a 100% success result anyway, because rather than being the nice one she just ended up throwing sarcasm all over the place. It does made the insult seem more gentle, but on the other side not that much people can keep up with her sarcasm. Most people take her sarcasm literally as how it sounds, or sometimes even as a joke. Those articles who said that sarcasm might be signs of one's intelligence might be true if you look at Taerin's case.

"Planning? What is that? I can't find it in my dictionary" - Being impulsive is probably the reason behind all those trouble she had been in. She knew it's dangerous, but she just can't stop herself from doing things out of impulse. At least, not yet for now. Of course she had several life goals, but that doesn't mean she already prepared the detailed and possible way to achieve it. Rather than planning things thoroughly until the tiniest detail, Taerin rather let things flow naturally and see what she can do according to the situation. In a wise amount, it can be considered adaptable, but in Taerin's case it often puts her in danger. One time she wanted to go to Busan for some fresh air because school had been so stressful, and she just couldn't contain it. Right after the school ended she run straight to the train station and buy the earliest and fastest ticket of train to Busan. She did enjoy her time there; playing on the beach and wandering around, buying some snacks and ice cream, have the time for herself only. Probably enjoyed it too much, she didn't realize that she didn't have enough money to purchase a ticket back to Seoul. It's already late at night, and went out of the station to find cash machine is too dangerous. In the end, she decided to call her father and he ended up riding the train all the way to Busan just to pick-up his little girl.
- Street-bar's snacks
- RnB music
- Shopping
- Autumn
- Beaches
- Mount-climbing
- Roller-coaster
- Sports (almost any kind of it)
- Driving around the city
- Agatha Christie's book (esp. The Hercule Poirot Series)
- Beer (more than Soju)
- Watching crime-genre drama
- Soccer (a loyal fan of Manchester United)
- Spicy food
- Fashion and modelling
- Being underesimated
- Insects with lots of legs (it's gross)
- Being under the sun for too long (dark complexion is a no no)
- Winter (everything looks white, it's too gloomy and too cold)
- Foods or drinks that is too sweet
- Cucumber, honeydew, watermelon (honeydew has weird smell, watermelon texture is pretty disgusting, and cucumber has both horrible smell and texture. It's the worst)
- Bossy people (especially those who try to control her)
- Messy place
- Reading (she's the audio-kinesthetic type)

- Work-out
- Driving or simply walking around
- Watching soccer
- Snacking

- Taerin will take a deep breath, close her eyes, and find solitaire for a while when her emotion started to boil up (that's how the psychologist taught her)
- Saying, "thanks for the information, but I think my ears worth better than your story." to those who never stop talking about themselves
- Blowing up her fringe, or strains of hair from her face whenever she gets bored
-Sneaking out at night to drive around, or simply walk around and buy snacks when she has a bad day (yet, she always comes back before dawn)
- Singing in the shower (always)
-Doing some set of sit-ups, push-ups, and planks before bed, and work-out first thing in the morning whether it's jogging, cycling, swimming, or went to the gym (that's pretty much her ritual)
-Will have her language mixed (English-Korean) when she's nervous
- Will scold her own reflection if she ate too much, or doesn't hit the gym for more than 3 days (the scold gets serious when she started to lose her abs)

- She gains weight easily, yet she loves eating snacks (that's the main reason why she always eager to hit the gym)
- Her natural hair is black, but her eyes was brown and gets lighter under the sun
- The amount of guy she has dated (which only 2) is less than a guy she has beaten-up (she lost count of it)
- Never been fond of tattoo or piercing
- She usually changed her hair color in September
- She's good at imitating animal's voice
- The only aegyo she can do is imitating Pororo's voice
- In a week she can memorized one whole dance routine (with formation), a song lyrics or rap with 20-40 bar... of course it's only possible if she practiced it everyday in intense frequency
- She still have some love for modelling and waiting for some modelling vacancy, though she totally enjoys being an idol
- Has a chow-chow dog named Simba, and an Alaskan Malamute named Foxy 
-Taerin's alcohol tollerant is 9 cans of beer, or 4 bottles of soju, or 3 glass of wine, or 5 flute of champagne
Taerin came from a common family, her mother was teacher and her father works in multinational company as a business relation officer. They were pretty well-off and happy. Well, having one two-stored house with yard outside the city, a family car, and a city car can't be considered poor or rich a.f right? Their relationship was pretty warm eventhough both parents was working, they always spare the weekends for the family anyway. Taerin and  Taemin often embroiled in heated arguments of little fights, but that doesn't stop them from loving and taking care of each other. Being the smart and quiet type made Taemin an easy target for bullies, but he didn't have to worry since Taerin was always there to protect him. The role slowly changed when they grew up though, Taemin started to feel responsible of his sister's safety.

The cheerfulness of the family was taken as cancer took Taerin's mother. She had fought the disease for 3 years before the body finally given up. Taerin was the closest one to her, and that's why her death was a significant hit for Taerin. The 6 years-old Taerin didn't shed tears on the funeral, she felt the responsibility to give 4 years old Taemin an example of a strong figure that he can depended on. Taerin was forced to be mature before her age. Her cries exploded once the sun came down, and Taemin had gone to sleep. It's when her father came to her room and told her that she shouldn't hold the tears back, because it'll only made it worse. That night she cried her heart out until all of her energy drained and just fell asleep on her father's arm.

A year after that, Taerin's father accepted a project in USA and that made the whole family had to leave Korea for several years. She refused at first because she despised the fact the they would leave her mother alone, and they couldn't visit her mother's tomb everyday like they used to do. The stubborn little Taerin realized that she had no choice but to follow her father, and that made her so mad at her father. The fact that he put their house on sale once they moved out just made her hated him even more. That hatred kept her from talking nicely to her father, heck the sight of him was enough to made her left the room. The hatred longed for some months.

Her father had to take the extreeme way to make things better. He forced Taerin to talk by locking himself in her bedroom, of course with her inside. He started to asked what did she want from him, and when Taerin kept shutting he started to blabber out. He poured his feelings to his little daughter; how hard it is after the dependable wife's left, how hurt his heart was, the sight of her clothes and all traces of her left all over the house (the old-one) and it suffocated him. He asked for her understanding and even apologized for his selfishness, but also explained that they need to move on with their live. Because Taerin's mother wouldn't like it either if she knew her deaths caused the family to fall apart, and just made their world stopped. Being the usual stubborn-self, it took Taerin 24 hours to finally talk to his father again and accept his explanation.

They were back to Korea, but living in Seoul after 6 years staying in California. Their family was much better now, eventhough the loss of the motherly figure still left a whole in their heart somehow. They pretty much had their normal life back, though it's not the same anymore. Taerin had become more rebelious, yet more courageous. Taemin had always been quiet, yet he's known for his unwavered focus and dilligence. And Their father spent most of his weekdays at work, and it's getting more busy. Despite the changes, they still spare their Sunday to visit the deceased tomb, and have some quality time. Things got better as the time goes though, as the kids were growing-up, the bond was only became stronger. Soccer match was their best family moment. With three of them loving the sport and had different favourite team they always try to spare time to watch the match together; accompanied by boxes of junk-food, sodas, and beers.

Father - Ryu Jaewon - Business Relation Manager - There are plenty of times when they engaged in a heated argumentation; whenever Taerin gets detention, when he caught her sneaking out in the middle of the night or simply came home late because of unimportant thing, and when she decided to have career in modelling industry. The latest was their biggest clash anyway, it ended up with Taerin live in her friend's house for days (and her father send out her clothes and shoes the day after). That last for two weeks, because they made up with the help of Taemin's effort and wise words. Rather than rocked their relationship, those clash just made the bond between them stronger. They're more like best-friend who can always lean and depend on each-other, as well as having-fun, and exchanges arguments some time. Whenever she came home (for days-off during trainee periods) he always stuffed the referigerator with her favourite snacks and beverages. Her father frequently asked Jay Park and Simon D (as the Chief of the company) about Taerin's well-being and progress, of course he did it behind her back.

Younger Brother - Ryu Taemin - Student - Taemin was the helpless Rapunzel with Taerin as the prince charming back when they were kids. She's the reason he survived school despite the bullying, and he looks up to her. Now that he can fight for himself and doesn't need extra protection from her sister anymore, he wants nothing but to be the best brother for her, the one that she can be proud of. He's the quiet type and seemed not to care about his surroundings, but he actually is an observant type. Her sister's unlimited courage and her impulsive behaviour actually worries him a lot, but knowing her sister's personality who hates being told what to do he chose to keep his mouth shut. Instead, he's always aware of people around her sister. He could be over-protective towards Taerin sometimes. They helped each other a lot, and he's Taerin loyal morning jogging and cycling partner. About Olltii, he actually had the supposition that the feeling that hyung had for his sister was more than just the casual one. Not even a longing for a long-lost friend, but more than that. There are several occasion when they all gather and caught Olltii looked at Taerin which screamed 'love'. He is pretty much fine with Olltii started to look at his sister as a woman, rather than a mere childhood-friend. He knew that Woosung hyung he knows is a decent man, and dependable too. Yet, he sometimes felt the jealousy if her sister put Woosung's before him or the family.

close friend - Silvia Kim - 25 - Stylist/Photographer - Silvia is a mother-like person who knows how to have fun. She can be naggy and loud sometimes, but she totally knows how to brightened up the mood. Silvia was a perfectionist and ambitious one at work though. A photoshoot with her as photographer might take all-day if she can't get the picture she wants. She won't hesitate to nag the models and staffs if they were slacking-off or didn't focus on work. - Silvia's professional work attitude was the first thing that made Taerin drawn onto her. Meanwhile, her warm and friendly personality helped them get closer. They were engaged in some photosoot back when Taerin was modelling. Their love for snack-bar snacks and travelling was their main click. She helped Taerin a lot after the modelling agency went bankrupt. They went thrift shopping or grab midnigh snacks together sometimes. 

School best-friend - Lee Hi - 20 - Singer- Taerin and Leehi was known as the cold-ice duo back in middle school. They were both smart and intimidating, the dfference is that Taerin is known as the rebelious one who stood for the weaks, while Lee Hi is the honorable student. They were not the friendly type, yet they were respected by their friends - Lee Hi was the only female friend that Taerin has, so it's not a surprise that they were always stick together at school. Their friendship started to distant once Lee Hi participated in the singing competition and gets busy. They went to different high-school after graduation. With the separation and their own business, it's only natural that they started to loss track of each other. After Taerin debuted, Lee Hi finally found her old-friend and trying to bridge communication again. It didn't take too long before they get closer again. They often hang-out together during the day-off, always supported each other via social media, and freaquently talk to each other. During Taerin's bad behavior new emerged, Lee Hi also tried to persuade the public that Taerin was actually a very nice person inside the hard shell.

stagename: Renee
persona: The Insurgent Ace
position: Triple Threat
back up position: Main Vocalist
singing twin: Baek Yerin voice 1 voice 2
dancing twin: Suzy practice 1  practice 2
rapping twin: Kisum track 1 track 2
trainee years: 2 years
pre debut life:
She has modeled in several online-shopping malls since 14, that most likely how she was noticed in the beginning. After the unnamed model agency she was working for more than a year went bankrupt, she decided to pursue the carreer independently. Her first encounter with AOMG is when she went for audition as Loco's Thinking About You MV. She actually didn't pass the age requirement, and being her tempramental old-self, she just threw tantrums on site.
This caught Jay Park's attention though. He started finding information about her and happened to find her soundcloud account (filled with her cover song and some messy rap track which she mad for fun only). He also found a video of her and J7 (recently debuted as Oh Jinseok of Boys24) in Youtube. That's how his interest towards Taerin grew, which drived him from calling her few days after the MV audition, and offered her chance to joined them. 

pre debut experience: 
-Model for online shopping sites dahong.co.kr and cherrykoko.com
-Ollti's MV; Faster, 31035, and Graduation (Yes, she's featured in most of his MV because of their friendship. Call it nepotism, LOL)
-One of extras in Simon Dominic's Cheers MV
-Featured in Olltii's song "Fluttering"

-Drinking when she's still underage - 2016 - false - The rumour started when a photo of her and Angdreville's crews having dinner together. The photo was posted in Olltii's instagram in 2011 which shows several bottles of soju and glasses of beers. Netizens thougt that Taerin and Olltii, also J7 also drink the alcoholic beverages when they're only 15 at that time. That's because her eyes seemed glazed. That's actually because they were having dinner at almost dawn time, after the crew's having performances before which made it possible for them to get some sleep.
-Her horrible temper - 2017 - true - Another bad rumors about her emerged not long after the group's debut. It was the leaked story from irresponsible staff of Loco's Thingking Of You MV audition. She wrote on online forum about her emotional break-out along with a short video. The scandal toned down anyway after she bravely admit it to the media. She apologized for her past behaviour, but assured the fans that she's more well-behaved now after some psychological consultation and the helps from AOMG crew.
love interest
name: Olltii (Jung Woosung)
back up: J7 (Oh Jinseok)
occupation: Rapper
She's the sociable and happy-go-lucky is what describes him the best. He's friendly and spreading bright atmosphere wherever he goes, and that makes it easy for him to make friends even with the one who's been his rival before. He's pretty sensitive about everything around him, which made him considerate towards other people's feeling. This consideration on the other side often makes him careful of his actions or words, because to please other people always comes first on his list. It's not always a good things, the fact that he sometimes ended up restrained himself from doing what he wants because people might not be satisfied with it.
Other than that, he actually is a hard-working person. He always tries his hardest for everything he has set his eyes on. There's no exhaustion, no whines, and no looking back once he has set his goal and on his way of fulfils it. His loyalty not only occured on that, but also to the people around him, especially for Taerin (or Tae, that's how he usually calls her). Woosung was always the shoulder to lean on and place to cry on for Taerin. Basically, he's willing to do everything for her. Like when Tae calls her late at night, sobbing uncontrolably, once she found out her agency couldn't do business anymore. He ran straightly, leaving the Angdreville's crew usual gathering in Hongdae only to find her squatted-down in front of the company seized building, crying her heart out. 

To be honest, the time when Woosung and Tae lost contact was the hardest for him. His succumbing-syndrome was horrible back then, made other kids always taken him for granted. Tae's the one who sincerelly befriended him anyway, and she was the shining armour who beat-down those kids who always taken him for granted. Eventhough her leaving did make him learn to stand up for himself, he was in fact never stop looking for her. Even when all his effort to know her latest condition didn't give the result he always hoping for, he never stopped waiting for her. That most probably the reason why it's so hard for him, the usual friendly and outgoing Olltii, to simply greeted her and started conversation with Taerin once they met again after 6 years. 
For Tae, he was like the referigerator who can always cool down her hot-headed personality. He probably was the only one whose words she always hears, and one of those few people who can take her sarcasm well, even gives a witty feedback that make the sarcasm sounds like a casual-joke. Meanwhile for Woosung, Tae was the reminder of his self-worth. She always tells him to give himself some love too, that he has any right to get what he wants and do what he wants to do, rather than always succumbs to people.   

They are in fact childhood friends who lost contact for awhile whe Taerin suddenly moved to California. Taerin and it's father lived in Seoul, instead of back to Anyang once they moved back to Korea. It's like fate, when Olltii enrolled in the same high-school with her, because he planned on pursuing a career as Rapper in Seoul. They remembered each other, but since it's been a long time, it was pretty awkward for them. The fact that they were class-mate and had no choice but to interract with each other again made the awkwardness melted naturally. 

They were so close to each other during high-school, and got even closer after graduation. Basically, their bond just get stronger each day. Taerin depends on Woosung a lot without her realizing, and this behaviour just moved the male's heart. Woosung was the only person (outside the family) that Taerin disclose her weakness to. No matter how much she hated being told-off, her ears were always pleased to hear his advice. He always be the first one she calls whenever she needs company and he's, without any doubt, is going to come. The time they had spent together and the realization that they need each-other, not to mention the longing feeling they always had no matter how frequent they meant made them realize their built-up affection towards each other.

Woosung was the first one to realize that he's no longer look at her as a best-friend, and it's been going on for awhile. He rather looked at her as a woman, the one who always made him worried so he wants nothing but to stay with her all the time. The one whose tears he always wanted to brush away, whose bad sad memories he wants to erase by pouring her with the beautiful one, the one whose haters or anyone who hurt her he wants to just beat-up. That's how big his love towards her is. It took Taerin longer to realize that Woosung's feeling was deeper than just a friendship. For the first time, she wasn't sure about her feelings. She tried to deny the fact that she's no longer saw him as a friend only. 

status: Chilhood friend, best-friend
ending: official couple
scene requests: -
password: Black


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