2nd year enrollment at college


So today I have to go enrol for my second year at College and I am sick af. 

I have been suffering with a bug I think for a week or just under, I have been getting headaches, eye aches, ear aches, stomach aches and pains...last night I vomited a few times and right now I feel awful. I have had a shower to see if that would help a little, but it hasn't. 

I am supposed to meet with my tutor, then go to a principals assembly but the problem is my interview is 15mins long and the assembly is 45mins after my interview and I honestly feel like crap. I even have that small chance of missing the last bus for another two hours if I go to that assembly...plus I really don't want to risk vomiting all over the people in front of me. 

So I am asking around for people who are going to the assembly's before 12 to let me know what is said so I won't miss out on the information. 

Trust me to get sick. 

I need hugs... 

The realisation of me starting my A-Levels has hit me and the fact I am going to going to university next year...This is all overwhelming. I am terrifed. 

I am hoping to drop a class today as well...photoshop...I really couldn't handle it when I started it. I believe it was around 3 lessons in and I found myself crying and not participating in the class...every lesson the teacher would say 'put your creation in the folder and we will share it with the class' now this might not seem bad but this was ADVANCED Photoshop....I was a beginner couldn't even work the stuff the way I was being asked to. There was like 3-4 of us who had no experience with photoshop and the rest of the class new everything as they had already done a year of it. Their work was amazing and I just couldn't handle it. So I said I was going to drop it however my friend didn't want to be alone so I said I would stay but now that they have dropped out of college I am going to drop Photoshop. 

Let's hope I can.

Also apparently I am supposed to be paid money by the governent to attend college...cause my family is low income and my mother is a single parent...this confused me after finding out but my godmother's daughter gets paid like £50-60 a week for attending her classes but what annoys me about that is they are actually rich...they have money as they live in a massive house and spend hundreds on clothes and shoes...they have money...why does she get money...when I can't afford food half the bloody time...

Anyway I am going to try and rest some more before I have to get ready. 

let's hope I don't throw up on the bus or at college! *cries*


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chanbob #1
I hope you can do it :) good luck and fighting!
bobjo1913 #2
Get well soon!!!!