Writing Plan (updated)

I set out with a writing plan in early July, and this is simply an update on my progress.

Close of Day - This was meant to be completed by the end of July: It is completed.

Cruel Magic - This was meant to be completed by mid-August: It is completed 

Promise - was meant to be next, I have pushed it to fourth after TTCL. It will need to be completed by end of October. 

That Thing Called Love - was meant to be fourth, but I've been working on it and it will be completed by end of September. I have 7 out of 15 chapters written.

Then I have my NaNoWriMo story, "What Divides Us", which will be written throughout November.

In December, I will complete the two short stories I have in the works, "Like the Constellations" and "I'll Go Wherever You Go", and then I'll jump right into my poor put-off APink story, On Shifting Sand. I have entered that one into a contest and so my deadline for completetion is in January some time, I believe.


At least I'm sticking to the goals!


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This looks like a good schedule. Good luck, precious dongsaeng!
Congrats. I'm just finally getting some time to update a bit after all the work I'm doing, and that's kinda nice.
Well done!!!! I'm so bad at this >.<
This looks just like my timeline HAHAHA let's work hard ^^
Holy crap. That's like, six stories in five months! Meanwhile there's me, with a chapter maybe every two weeks if I'm really on top of my game.
Well, good luck! You're probably going to need it XD