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mattéo rossellini
-cheminks . raven . nine out of ten

NAME : rossellini, matteo

• ro, maeum. 로마음 pronounced as mah-uwn, maeum is matteo's korean name but he does not use it or allow others to call him it. only person that even knows of his korean name is his manager.
• model hyung. he's used to hearing this from mouth of jongsuk and he doesn't bother stopping him either. lee jongsuk assumed two things upon meeting matteo. one that he was a model because who wouldn't with an appearance like matteo's and two, his age. of course matteo assumed he was older as well due to jongsuk's teenish face and slender limbs. however, that was not the case. after being stuck in an elevator with each other for about 5 minutes, jongsuk firing questions at matteo nonstop, both quickly found out it was the opposite. jongsuk was older than him by two years and matteo was not a model. 
matteo: i'm not a model jongsuk
jongsuk: (snorts) and i'm older than you, model hyung
matteo: how old are you?
jongsuk: i'm a 89 liner
matteo: congrats you're older and i'm not a model.
jongsuk: whaaaaaatt

of course that didn't stop jongsuk from greeting matteo as model hyung whenever they crossed paths which was frequently despite matteo's rare open appearances in the building.
• the foreigner. while matteo maybe not be around enough to have convos with people, others do still get to see a glimpse of this man. he's known as this for very obvious reasons but never called this to his face. 
• roseline. the name he signs on every one of his paintings and is known by in the painting community.it's a spinoff of his last name.

BIRTHDAY : 11.04.1991
BIRTH PLACE : berlin, germany
HOME TOWN : rome, italy

NATIONALITY : german, italian, korean matteo's dual citizenship is explained in the ending notes
ETHNICITY : italian

• italian, fluent. matteo may not have been born in italy but he was raised there practically all his life. he knows all the slang and curse words of the language but rarely uses them.
• english, fluent. the second langauge that you have to learn within the rossellini family. matteo was learning english alongside his italian while growing up. he's just as fluent as any american minus his thick accent he doesn't bother hiding.
• korean, advanced. probably due to him already being fluent in two other langauges, learning korean was an easy and fast process for him. in just five years he's already at an advanced level, nearly fluent. he doesn't know the slang korea has just yet but he has the curse words down. his accent is clear as daylight but he's working on that since it seems to confuse those he talks to. 

OCCUPATION : artist, occasional illustrator
ROOM : 403


FACECLAIM : jon(john) kortajarena actor and model
BACK UP : avan jogia actor

HEIGHT : 187 cm
WEIGHT : 77 kg

APPEARANCE : stranger danger never looked so tempting matteo is naturally an intimindating looking guy. his whole appearnce is dominating with out him even having to try hard. with his thicker than life eyesbrows that's permanetly shaped downward, his intense light colored brown eyes, musclely build, and towering height, it's not a wonder why. he could be wearing the cutest pj's ever but still look like he would beat someone to death. okay, i'm only slightly exagerating but still, you get my point. but even with that glare, it doesn't stop others thoughts about how handsome he is or agency recruiters stopping him in the middle of buying cat food. matteo was blessed with well-defined features (sharp jaw, high cheek bones, high long nose, etc) you often see on male models and his tussled dark brown bed hair, light stubble, and pearly white teeth only add to his looks. extra he has a scar just above his eyebrow due to his rough playing as a child and zero tattoos.

STYLE : simple clothes for a handsome guy equals still stylish matteo has never really life anything too flashy even if he did live a lavish life back in italy.to him, simplicity is key. a plain v-neck with some dark, slghitly tight, fitted jeans and some oxfords is enough for him. only time he get's dressed up is when he flies back to italy to attend his parents "mandatory parties" or is going undercover at one of his own art events. if it's hot then expect to see some leg and a peak of his collar bones because he'll be wearing some mid thigh shorts and a button down with a few buttons undone. somehow, even though he tries to be simple, matteo still ends up looking stylish in a way.

• link link link link



pos calm, loyal, romantic, creative
neg spontaneous, secretive, distrusting, reserved
neu selective talker


who is room owner 403?

matteo is kind a simple guy. he isn't a talkative soul, well not anymore, but he isn't neccesarily a man of a few words either. he talks when it's a topic he likes. i guess that makes him a selective talker. he's a chill guy who doesn't do the whole yelling or up in your face thing. matteo prefers to keep it calm. despite what his looks suggest, matteo isn't any form of player or ladies man, though he does attract a lot women when he does go out to places besides his apartment or studio. he's a loyal guy with the beliefs of sticking to his friends through thick and thin and has q quite the romantic heart. blame it on the love he saw in italy or the movies he's watched all his life but matteo knows how to show his love in various ways. heck, he even flew half way across the world just to see a girl. yeah, he did something straight out of a romance movie( or novel). sad to say that girl broke his heart. but not enough for him to completely shut down any thing that has to do with love. he's just going to make sure he's 100% about the girl(or guy) before he do anything rash like get married after knowing a women after 9 months. okay, maybe matteo's a bit too romantically implusive.

taking one look at matteo's paintings will have you in awe. if he shows it to you that is. he's just that creative and talented. with a wide imagination, matteo channels it all into his paintings and drawings. his paintings reveal more about him than his own self. even if it's a picture for someone else, he still adds a touch of himself in there.

matteo is a bit secretive and doesn't bother try to hide it either. that's a bit confusing, let me explain. matteo being sectretive and hiding things is blantantly obvious and he doesn't bother try to deny it either.
he steers away from questions that have to do with himself personally. in a way he's also distrusting and he cautious around those trying to get into his life.  matteo hides himself away as a  way of protecting himself from getting used and hurt. but he wasn't always like this because it was only after being lied to, heart broken twice, and locked away from the world for a bit, he has developed a reserved side.


• likes. cactus', classical music, cats, romance novels and movies, pasta that doesn't invovle tomatoes, spicy food, chilly tempertures, 
• dislikes. tomatoes because he finds them to taste gross which is why he doesn't eat any food that invovles it, horror movies, sports, hot weather, 
• funfacts. 
·matteo does illutstrations for books from time to time
·he owns many cactus' which all sit on on a shelf next to his window
·matteo plays his classical music all day, every day
·he has multiple paintings stacked up against walls all throughout his home except the kitchen and the bathroom
·he uses the extra room in his apartment as another paint studio but only to store and paint very personal pictures
·he does infact have a studio where he does all his work at no one is allowed in there but his manager
·cactus' are his favroite flowers
·he really isn't a big fan of sports becaust they're either too violent or boring
·he doesn't do much in his free time because he's always painting but he does enjoy watching romance movies or reading romance novels from time to time
·rarely uses the televisions in his home, he really just bought them to fill his place up
·his eyes shift to another direction when he's lying
·when he feels awkward his body tenses up
·matteo does in fact know how to cook but he normally doesn't have time to since he be so tired and the fact that korea doesn't supply the type of ingrediants he needs. minah usually cooks his food for the weeks,  storing it all in the freezer.
·matteo likes his area to be clean because messy places are the worse
·he's definitely a wild sleeper
·matteo would have a lot of free time if he didn't spend multiple hours of his day painting personal pictures. 
·personal pictures are just paintings of matteo's family, home in italy, his likes in many forms, his cat, and just glimpes of his thoughts.


everyday life for room owner 403

it has been over 5 years since matteo has began his new life in south korea. he has adjusted to it pretty well and has yet to feel any urge to return back to italy or homesickness.everyday is quite tiring for matteo. he wakes up every morning at 6:30 to wash up and go over his emails. then depending on his schedule for that day he usually spends a few hours finishing up a few personal paintings before he leaves to his studio to add details to his work paintings. everyday before five he has a meeting with his manager and a few other art directors. he's constantly in and out of art events, never really speaking with anyone unless they're important. at gome he plays with his cat, talk to his cactus', and paint. if he's tired of being inside of his home he takes leaf out for a date or talk to jungsuk who he meets often outside of his aparment(all by chance). 


the tale behind room owner 403

if you ask matteo what was his purpose for moving to korea, he'd just shrug and say "the culture" but truthfully, he's lying. it's a long, heartbreaking story, and honestly, matteo would whether not get the looks of pity or sympathy. 

however, if your a close friend and his tired of his lying then he'd tell you the full story. his story, all the way from the beginning. of course you'd probably think, "i just wanted to know the real reason he's in korea". but it's best to not question him and just listen.

with wine in his hands and a distant, dramatic look, he begins the story. his story.

matteo was born in berlin, germany. this statement usually get's raised eyebrows considering he, and his parents, are all 100% italian with olive skin, but it's true. matteo's parents we're a wealthy couple from old money. however they did have high paying jobs. both his parents were outgoing people who loved trying new things. his mother, who near the end of her pregnancy, didn't crave weird foods but to travel to new places, even with her swollen ankles; matteo's father, obliged. mama rossellini was in love with everything she saw in germany and ended up staying longer than she and her husband attended to. thus little matteo was born. the two stayed a month in berlin to wait till it was safe and the paper work had processed for matteo. both of matteo's grandparents weren't amused in the least.

growing up was pretty much a blur to matteo. he laughed, cried, got into trouble, and found a passion of his own. it was quite normal. well, as normal for a wealthy child could get.

there was nothing that caught or could distract his attention away from art, his love. he spent hours upon hours just painting and drawing. his art eventually earned him a scholarship(though it wasn't necessary) to a high priced and well known fine arts high school in italy. there, in school and outside of it, he won multiple awards for his paintings and drawings.

of course his love for art had been what he decided to pursue whole heartily after graduating high school at 17. his parents were so proud and everything was going well.

well, it was until he turned 19. at that age, he met a girl and fell in love.

said girl was three years older than him with a stubborn but carefree personality. she was hardly someone his parents would approve of even if she had been from a pretty well off family. their relationship was a fast paced one and soon they were engaged by the next 12 months. it really shook things up in matteo's family, aka, they were enraged. at last it was nothing they could do, matteo was 19, an adult practically.

sadly, matteo and his love didn't get to tie the not because she didn't even attend the wedding. only thing that came down that aisle was a note that said 'i'm sorry' and her wedding ring. matteo was more than devastated. he only lasted a month before packing up his bags and flying down to korea, it was where his darling was from after all, in hopes of finding her. he visited all the places where she had talked about until he eventually got what he had been praying for, to see her.

of course, he didn't just see her, he saw both her and her boyfriend who she had been dating since she started high school. turns out his "love" was only in italy for a year and hadn't planned on taking their relationship that far, she had got caught up in the moment. after the discovering the truth, matteo let her live him again, his heart torn to pieces all over again.

he didn't leave for italy,no, matteo just stayed in korea. he didn't have the will to go back and meet his family's or their friend's, who had been at his wedding, pity and disappointed looks. to keep a low profile, he moved in an small apartment complex located in seoul.

he continued his schooling online. 

slowly things begin to fall into place over the next five almost 6 years. his parents came to visit him from time to time, though never at his place, they'd be saddened at where he lived and try to arrange him a newer place. matteo is quite comfortable with his living arrangement. his painting are his main source of income, besides the money his grandparents and parents left after his graduation from high school. he goes under the pen name roseline which is a spinoff of his last name. his manager keeps his identity a secret which is why he's identified as a women who's too shy of the spotlight by fans of his work.even at his own apartment complex he's rarely seen because he's either hauled up in his room or gone at his painting studio.


shin minah.28.interior designer, art consultant. matteo's ex-fiance and first love

meet minah, a stubborn but carefree girl who was once the girl who meant the world to matteo. they were a couple who met up at night just to spray each other with water guns and balloons, text when they were right next to each other, and spend a couple of hours in matteo's painting room making hand turkeys. in other words they were quite childish when they were together. but honestly, the only one who thought and felt their relationship was real, wasn't based off kidish feelings, was matteo. miran just wanted to try something new, but end up getting caught up. and how could she not? with a guy as romantic and loving yet simple and good looking as matteo, it is pretty hard not to get swept up. matteo made her feel everything that her boyfriend back home didn't. when that year came, minah felt sick. sick to what she had done(getting in a relationship with matteo knowing she had a boyfriend) and what she was about to do(leave matteo knowing she was going to break his heart). she left him and the ring and went back to south korea. no more calls, meet ups, and no more spontaneous fun. her boyfriend was unsuspecting as always until matteo showed up a month later. her hurt broke when she saw his facial expressions after she told him the full truth. after that, she thought she wouldn't see him again. she was wrong. now 2016, matteo was even more good looking than he was when he was 19. she didn't get to speak with him directly because she was a little afraid to approach him after what she had done. however, she did have a brief conversation with his manager aka the new hire at her comapy that just became her rival. "he's still single, yes. but he doesn't have time for unneccessary..things to get in way." she almost wanted to punch jang nara in the face but her happiness that he was still single overwhelmed that want. minah was going to find away back into matteo's life, even if that meant starting all the way from the bottom.

lee jongsuk(fc:lee jongsuk).26.occupation unknown. matteo's pushy apartment friend(?)

what is there to say about this one? maybe that he's possibly the most weirdest being matteo has met since his uncle saldo and that he always seem to be around.the two get along fine but really there is no telling. jongsuk talks to him as if they're frieneds and matteo allows him yet i doubt matteo sees the older boy as one. matteo usually isn't all this antisocial when it comes to making friends(cautious ,yes) but jongsuk is super intense and he isn't prepared for something like that. jongsuk's like the final boss on a game for introverts.

jang nara.32.art agent, manager, art consultant.matteo's manager, main abuser, and sis(not really)

a very small but feisty women who has known matteo since he was 21 thanks to a fateful meeting at an art event. she's known for getting what she wants and can be very harsh when going after it. she's sort of like a an older sister to matteo who both beats and looks after him. nara is always motivating him whether it be in slaps, yelling, or occasional, throwing water bottles at him. she manages his work schedule and sometimes his life schedule because most times he's incapable of doing so, plus matteo trust her a lot which minah may or may not be a bit smug about. 

leaf.2 years old.part-time model.matteo's queen and ruler appaerently ( link, link )

leaf is a beautiful russian blue cat with green eyes matteo bought after a talk with his manager who basically told him he needed more friends. she's quite an intelligent but reserved cat who comes and goes as she pleases. after a while and a few panic attacks, matteo finally began to understand that and leaves his window open for her to jump threw when she's ready to come back home. when it comes to matteo, you could say she's territorial and spoiled. he should only think and pay attention to her when she finally allows him to be in her prescence. when company's over she's standing upon the highest thing in the house, glaring down at them. if they try to touch her, she hisses. 

open for matchmaking
Love interest

NAME : last, first
BACK UP : last, first
NICKAMES: nicknames your character gave them.
BIRTHDAY : over 20 years of age
OCCUPATION : can be anything as long as they have one.
ROOM NUMBER : somewhere on the 2nd or 3rd floor.

PERSONALITY :  doesn't really matter 

INTERACTIONS : how do they act when they're together
STORY : how did they meet, how did they fall in love, all that good stuff.

TRIVIA : facts about their relationships. js i love trivia so please please give me lots of cute relationship trivia. i will love you forever

ENDING : i can also choose for you. subject to change

replace with your l/i 90x90

get to know you

WHY DID YOU JOIN THE GREEN COMMITTEE : matteo doesn't actually remember signing papers to join, however, he does remember asking about the garden on the roof after living in the building for a year. he isn't neccessarily angry about his now predicument since they promised him one thing. "they told me i can plant cactus'." 
ARE YOU CLOSE TO THE MEMBERS : matteo rubbed his stubble covered chin it got a little awkward for matteo after being asked that question. his torso seemed to tense up a bit. he gave a tight smile. "eh, probably not."
DO YOU HAVE A GYM MEMBERSHIP : he raised one of his thicker than life eyebrows and shook his head. "no. why would i?"
HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN ON STAYING HERE : matteo thought about the question for a minute, his eyebrows scrutched together. how long did he plan to stay here? he could go out and buy him a big home in a secluded area by now. i don't really need all that space, so that's a no' he thought. but him not needing the space wasn't the only reason. yet he couldn't really word the other reasons so he did a slow shrug. " i don't know."
DO YOU HAVE A PET? IF YES, WHAT IS IT? : matteo nodded with a slight smile gracing his lips before he immediately took out his phone. on his screen was a picture of his three year old cat, leaf."a cat, she's a russian blue breed. beautiful ain't she?"
WHY DO YOU LIVE ALONE? : his eyes shifted to the left then back straight. " i like it." he was only partially lying. matteo did in fact living alone but it was only when he needed the silence. there's alot more to the story of why he lived alone but they didn't need to know all that.

ending notes

QUESTIONS : i can make him non asian right? or did i read the cheatsheet wrong?
COMMENTS :  i know he's a bit different but i hope his reasons for being in korea is good enough. tbh i've been reading a little to many romance books and watching a lot of id shows. the part with the girl he was in love with was loosly based off an id episode where a couple got married after high school, things went wrong in their relationship, women ended up killing her husband for some younger guy she had been cheating on him with). as for the the citizenship (nationality) i researched before putting those down. in korea you become a full citizen after 5 years, matteo was born in germany(which allows him to have dual citizeship) so he automatically has it, and he has lived in italy for 10 years which is how long it takes to become a citizen. but of course before you start working towards those years to have citizenship you have to apply for it which is what matteo did when coming to korea and what his parents did when bringing him to italy. 
• i think after matteo's a little closer to everyone he invites them to one of his art events. sadly to say, it was a terrible idea. most were rowdy, one almost got into a fight with an elderly lady because she didn't approve the male and his boyfriend holding hands. matteo was midly amused by the whole situation while his manager was fuming. in the end they all got scolded by his manager.
• this week they decided to visit matteo's home for dinner since it was a requirment for the members of the gardening team. every room but the bathroom was locked up and some members started gossiping about what could be in there.the other members tried to keep themselves from touching the many paintings he has laying around and harrassing or commenting on his many cactus'. on a brighter note, his neighbbors see that he really isn't as intimidating as he seems.

PASSWORD : weekend i don't know why but everytime i listen to this song it reminds me of matteo.


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