a little rant


So as I look through my Instagram, I am often seeing things related to Vegans and I don't know why because I am not a vegan by any means. 

I don't eat alot of meat, infact I stick to chicken when I eat but I do eat beef burgers and skinless sausages and bacon. Anything else I will not touch. I can't chew it and lamb to me is disgusting...I never can bring myself to eat it along with that fact I can't even chew it. 

The problem I have with this is when I see anything to do with Veganism the people involved are forcing their lifestyle down our throats...calling us murderers etc. Now I don't mind how you live your life but to call me a murderer for eating meat is just pathetic. I have seen these people compare meat eaters to es, one girl even said that animals that are eaten are like black slavery. In my family growing up I was taught what animals were breed to be eaten, I grew up with a grandmother who had been through world war two - I used to eat rabbit! Rabbit pie. In my mind cows and pigs and chickens are breed to give us food, to give us eggs and milk. Some vegans seem to believe that cows are murdered from giving us milk which is ridiculous. Now I know some things are very wrong with the way animals are treated and yes I do not condem such acts upon animals, I think if you harm an animal you are a vile human being but you cannot tell someone who was brought up being told certain animals are food that they cannot eat the meat. 

I've tried vegan foods and I get sick by them so really I can't help what I eat. How can you tell a society who have been eating animals since the prehistoric time that they are wrong. How can you tells us we can't eat animals yet animals eat eat other. In my mind if animals can eat each other then I am perfectly fine to eat meat from chickens and pigs and cows. 

I hate seeing the words 'GO VEGAN' with lots of vile words towards meat eaters. I know the meat I eat is from the best farms that treat their animals with the best of care. Yes I eat fast food and I know their is plenty of controversy with the meat they use - mcdonalds to be more percific (can't spell that). I rarely eat from mcdonalds and now eat from Burger King but again I do prefer the taste of mcdonald food - I can't help want I like to eat. 

I feel that you have the right to eat the food you want to eat and you have the right to know how the animals you are eating are cared for, you do not have the right to force your beliefs down a persons throat, you do not have the right to call a person who follows a different lifestyle to you a murderer, e etc just because they eat meat. You do not have the right to bully people who eat meat. If animals can eat eachother why can't we eat animals. 

This is my few on it, I don't mind if you are a vegan, vegertarian as you have the right to live your life the way you wish but meat eaters are allowed to live their life the way they want to as well. 

I needed this out please don't get offended by any of this it is just my opinion on the matter and I by no means am against veganism I just don't agree with how some of the vegan community treat meat eaters. 


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