When I choose my alias... (from MJ)

Since I was tagged by MJ for this, I'll be tagging a few friends too! 


TAGGING: vermilions, trxshsehxn, floras, hearteyesitstosun and everyone who sees this post!

Well, I hope they see the tags though. Haha!


So, the thing is; to wrtie 5 or however many facts about the time you chose your alias.


Link to the Original Post by MarkJeon



1. It was derived from my first username, ---Axis. I wanted to change my name at that time because the dashes were annoying me.

2. 'AXIS' was actually a name that came up from my childhood. I have a best friend named Kim. We both had a passion to become singers in the future. We used to write songs and compose together, and therefore, we decided to come together in a name called X-!s, which came from axis (at that time, we were doing too much Add-Maths and Maths).

3. Eventually. 'Axis' became a very meaningful word to me, and I ended up using the alias 'Axis' for the first half of my time here. But then, there were too many people telling me that '---Axis' was too general, and too many people have been using that as their aliases. I'm a person who likes to stand out, I don't like having the same thing as others. Therefore, I changed it to AXISfling.

4. 'fling' came out of nowhere. I was thinking of the word flying and free at the time. I have no idea why it turned out like that, but yeah.

5. In the end, the name suited me fine and I'm not thinking of changing it anytime soon. (even though I had a poll before this for a username change, but nah, not going to change my name yet.)


Send me your blog links if anyone of you have done this too! Thank you!


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