is it ok to cry?

the day came.

the day that my mother said happy birthday through the phone,

brought home a cake,

and left for work before eating the dinner i made.

she left, 

leaving me 

blasting music  in my room,

knowing it's impossible to hate her,

and wondering if it's ok to cry.


i cried.

my sobs swallowed up by the music.

my tears soaked up by the blankets.


did she not notice the dinner when she came home, changed, and left again?

why do i deserve this?

i didn't plan a party,

because i wanted a special birthday,

a special birthday when i can thank her for giving me birth, for raising me, for caring for me.

i cleaned the house.

i prepared dinner.

but she left.

leaving me wondering if it's ok to cry.



a/n: thanks to anyone that may be reading this, you've stayed till the end. i hope you have parents who loves you very much, i know mine does, but maybe we just have some problems communicating. 


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huskylove #1
is this what happened???