Song Recommendation (inspired by faithful-lie)


TOXIC is a two-man band made up of main vocalist-guitarist-keyboardist Kim Jungwoo, and sub vocalist-drummer-guitarist Kim Seulong. They battled it out with a handful of other bands on a reality show to win a contract, and they made their official manistream debut with this song, "Lonely", in 2012. They have a lot of other songs, some upbeat and funky while others delve into actual rock. Give them a listen!



If people want to know more kpop songs in a similar style to their favorite songs, you can comment here with your favorite three songs. I'll pick someone randomly and an upcoming blog will be a song inspired by their choices.

MAKE SURE TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THE SONG I HAVE RECOMMENDED OR I WILL IGNORE YOUR REQUEST. You don't have to agree with me, you can say why you don't like it: I relish hearing other opinions! But no comments of I love it or whatever, I want to hear THOUGHTS on the song itself as to why you do or do not like it.


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I love Toxic! They are really good, and the fact that they pull everything off with TWO PEOPLE is wonderful. Their music is great♡♡.
I'll give this a listen later! :) (lol I read the comments about this song and it sounds interesting)

May I comment here my favorite songs? If yes...

Three of my favorite songs are:

1. Shinhwa - Let it Go
2. Spica - Diary
3. Infinite - Tic Toc
Ok, within the first few bars, I knew this was PERFECT. This is just the type of stuff I like, even if I don't know what it's about. The melody is the right kind of eerie and yet rock... I don't really know how to put it into words, but this is WOW. Going to definitely check out more of their stuff, not just this one. And I know now what to rec to my friend to get her back for VIXX and Boyfriend. *grins evilly*

Thanks for this rec. *going to listen on repeat now* hehehe
I like ;))))) Thank you <3