Song Recommendation

If people want to know more kpop songs in a similar style to their favorite songs, you can comment on the blog of the last song I recommended with your favorite three songs (not groups, actual SONGS). I'll pick someone and the next day's blog will be a song for them.

MAKE SURE TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THE SONG I HAVE RECOMMENDED OR I WILL IGNORE YOUR REQUEST. You don't have to agree with me, you can say why you don't like it. But no comments of I love it or whatever, I want to hear THOUGHTS on the song itself as to why you do or do not like it.


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This is totally a cool summer fun kinda song. I like it... It's nice and kinda cute. There were a few parts where the English kinda jarred (not the accent or lack of or whatever, just the fact that those parts were in English at all...) but I still liked the beat and flow of the song. It's kind of a nice easy jam to listen to when you're mellow. If that makes any sense. *thumbs up*
may I still comment mine here?
I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but I actually did. It had a really nice melody and I liked the lyrics :) The feet in ice water was funny as well :)
It's good but not to my taste sorry, I usually give all songs and groups a chance and some are hits and some are misses sorry to say this was a miss

Fantasy - Vixx
Pray - Ft Island
Overcome - Nu'est
Oh, I like.
It's almost feel good music.
How have I not heard this before o.o lol
since she was the first commenter. So please save your fave songs for tomorrow's recommendation blog (and please say something about the song I recommended)
Paradise by Infinite
Error by VIXX
Fate by Lee Sunhee
Wait, what? Only 3???
I'm totally digging Yoongi's Mixtape so let me type down 3 titles(why is it so hard???)
The Last
So far away
Give it to me.
This is hard, since there are so many grade songs out there, but I'll give a few.

1. "I Want to Take You Away Right Now" by Daikoku Danji.

2. "Color Ring" by Winner.

3. Ft Island "Severely".
Kpop ones? Er.... :D

Error - VIXX
1,2,3 - Boyfriend (warning, this song is REALLY CREEPY (perfect for Halloween playlists), but that's why I love it so much LOL)
I'm Alive - Moorim School OST (VIXX)

I have so many in my playlist that I listen to obsessively, but these are my top 3 by times played. But... my favourites playlist is dominated by Boyfriend, so... (and VIXX, and EXO...)
Three favourite songs as you requested ;)
OMG by JJY Band/Drug Restaurant
Save Me by BTS
So Far Away by Agust D

haha I wonder if you actually would like any of those ;3
ashkhen #12
That's a really cool song and fresh. It's the ideal song for summer and they are having soooooo much fun.