Dealing with my first story

So I'm new on here and have been enjoying reading so many stories on here.  Thanks to finding this site and reading stories I got the writing bug myself.  I have my first story up now.  I'm finished with it and finished it in almost a day.  There's eighteen chapters and I'll be adding a few chapters up each time I log on the computer until the story is up.  I hope it's interesting and a good read to people.  I haven't written stories like this in ages.  Being a college student I tend to mostly just write papers haha.  I'm now working on an MBLAQ fan fic that I'm personally enjoying (I enjoyed my current story too of course).  I hope to be able to do these little news blogs every so often when there's anything to report. :)


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Welcome to AFF <3 I'm sure you'll find people who will enjoy your story =]