it has been quite long time

i think it has been a long time since i wrote a blog post because i didnt remember when i last wrote a blog post... i think it was about the writing contest? (i checked and apparently i wrote a blog post like exactly a week ago._.)

so i have been having my holidays since middle of june and it has been so boring..

i stayed home during weekdays and only went out on public holidays, sundays or if i have something to do outside. because of that i had trouble sleeping at night probably because my body doesnt feel like resting because i stayed at my room 95% of my time at home. so i didnt move around much. 

last night/this dawn i stayed up so late because partly i couldnt sleep and last episode of doctors was released so i stayed up and tried sleeping at 4am but i couldnt sleep and i dont know when exactly i slept but i woke up at 7.30am so i only got 3 and half hours of sleep.(but i actually napped in the afternoon for around 2 hours from 3pm to 5pm because there's blackout and i was bored.. i didnt know whether it affected my sleep._.) i tried to sleep again but somehow i cant. i tried turning off the light that my mum would turn on every morning before she went to work but i cant. i stayed on my bed for like 2 hours and 30 mins of it checking my phone...

so i was wondering if you have any tips to fall asleep faster? (i tried stretching, drinking water and they usually work but it didnt work this time. i also tried not playing my phone and read book instead but i ended up getting so emotional reading the book. i cried the most over the past 2 months while reading the book i think? and i couldnt sleep because my nose was clogged -_-)


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I don't know, some days I'm so tired and I sleep so late that I fall asleep in minutes, but other days it's hard... maybe do something really boring? I tend to fall asleep when I'm doing boring things LOL
I need the same advise. I cant sleep at all.
CuteSnowflake #3
Do you have a timer for music on your phone. Just listen to some music and it'll make you daydream - which will actually make you fall asleep. That's how I do it. - But don't listen to rock or such. That really won't help. If you listen to that however, then just turn down the volume (by a lot).