Jung Jihye
nickname(s): Jiji, Hye, Honey Hye, 
age: 25
birthdate: 05 28 1991
birthplace: Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
hometown: Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
lead dancer, vocalist / wheein / back up
ethnicity: Korean
nationality: Korean
height: 162cm
weight: 47cm

korean - native 
japanese - intermediate - learning japanese in high school.
english - basic - just started learning english. 

appearance: Can you believe she isn't in a typical idol group? She has a petite figure and a slim face. It is very quick to notice her beauty that radiently shines through any picture. Jihye's hair constantly changes from light pink, to blonde, to brown, to black. She has very long hair, too. She has a tattoo of two flowers on her wrist and is currently planning on getting more.
fashion: She looks so cute in plain colors. Jihyun would always wear basic clothes. Usually H&M type fashion is what she usually has on. From watches, to turtlenecks, you can always assume she looks ready for a photo. Links: here, here, here 

personality traits: sweet/loveable, caring, stubborn, lazy, troublesome, genuine, bubbly
"I think I love you!" Jihye loves to meet new people and make new friends. Loveable is her main trait. she almost gives off an adorable vibe. She is always caring for her friends. When she is around people that she doesn't know, she automatically feels as if she needs to impress them. She is very respectful to her elders. It even gets to the point where some people ask her to stop being so polite. She never lets her gaurd down and is always on her toes when it comes to being proper and polite. She makes sure that she looks good whenever she walks out of the house and makes sure that she puts herself out there in a positive way. If it's giggling that brings people to her, or acting silly that does, regardless, she is the best person to be around when you're down.
"Jihye, get up!" The laziest person in the world, right here. Jihye is so lazy especially in the morning. She also procratinates, making it impossible to get things done ahead of time. Don't expect anything done by Jihye unless she feels like getting something done. Troublesome is Jihye, too. Don't expect her to get things done without needing any help. If you get irritated very easily, dont hang out with her. Some people find it cute, but some don't. She can be clumsy and forgetful, which is included in her troublesome nature. 
"Don't be this way." She can be extremely stubborn if you tell her to do something that she doesn't want to do. Don't nag her because she will never listen to you that way.
"You mean a lot to me." Jihye is very caring towards her friends. She is even caring to people that she doesn't know. Jihye often volunteers and works to help the homeless. She genuinely cares about people and when she offers a hand, know that she is truly caring.

- cheesy jokes / pick up lines
- horses / animals
- sweets 
- hip hop / rap
- R&B
- kittens, even though she is allergic to them
- swimming / pools
- watching videos of Youtube
- blueberries
- humidity - it ruins her hair!
- tight pants / clothes - even though she still wears them
- fish
- having too much makeup on 
- thunderstorms
- writing in her diary
- dancing
- practicing
- asks too many questions sometimes
- is clumsy when she gets nervious
- laughs if she gets nervious or anxious
- would love to pick up her english and learn from anyone.
- has a pug named coco
- plays "the sims" game all the time on her laptop
- adopted 2 kittens from a shelter when she was 12, she learned she was allergic to them but still kept them until she left the house
- hates waking up early
- likes to watch anime on the weekends
- knows how to play the piano
- loves to bake even though she at it
- was supposed to be a competitor of produce101 but she left jellyfish before the show started
background: Jihye is the princess in her house. With 3 older brothers, she had a lot of times of being spoiled. Her parents always wanted a girl and making Jihye was their last time hoping and wishing for a little girl. Their dream came true and ever since, they've been supporting her with everything she does. Ever since she was a child, she loved singing and dancing. Her parents were never musical people, but they again, supported their little princess through her dreams.
She knew from a young age that being an entertainer was what she wanted to do. While yes, she did work hard, she didn't do the best in school. She truly did struggle with grades and her parents weren't happy about that. So, they told her to put her dreams on a hold for school. This was a struggle period for Jihye since dancing and singing were her passions. By the time she arrived in high school, her grades stabilized and she realized that she could finally work towards her dream again. At the age of 18, she actually took action.
Jellyfish Entertainment was searching for more trainees at the time to possibly debut, and since Jihye was a huge VIXX fan, she didn't see why not. Impressed by her smooth dancing, she got accepted into the trainee program. While training with others, she learned that being a typical idol wasn't exactly her dream. On top of that, she learned how exploitive the kpop entertainment can really be. In a way, she felt like she was training for little to no reason. They didn't give her a true reason to train harder since her debut date was unknown. She trained for 3 years before leaving the company. But, she didn't want to stop there. She spent a long amount of time to quit? No. She kept working. She started up her own Youtube channel and started gaining a small following from that. Jihye uploaded covers, music videos, and vlogged occasionally. Her content brought a bit of money back home, but she was still searching for more. She was tired of the idea of being out of work. In a way, Jihye was regretting leaving Jellyfish while seeing the other girls from the company make stardom, but she refused to give up now. 
What was her next move? Either join an independent company that would debut her as a solo act quickly, or look more out the box. While asking her subscribers for what to do, one user mentioned AOMG. This was finally her chance. After a ton of research, she headded on over to the AOMG office and ask for an opportunity. Fortunately, they happened to be searching for new acts as Jihye came to them. They asked her to sing on the spot so they could record her and send the videos to Jay and Simon D. She walked out of the office hopeful and cheerful. A few weeks later, you can assume she got the call. Plenty of tears and sweat were put into Jihye's life to get where she is at today.

mom - Jung Hyorin - urban planner - her mother supports her and loves her more than anyone she knows. They are extremely close, like best friends
dad - Jung Sungjae - urban planner - her dad spoils her the most. She is pretty close to her dad since he loves to talk to her and know how her day is
older brother - Jung Eunkwang - sports manager - she isn't too close to her oldest brother. He is just a nice person with good advice if she needs it.
older brother - Jung Jinyoung - med student - Jinyoung loves to annoy Jihye and pick at her. She knows it's out of love but she bickers a lot.
older brother - Jung Minhyuk - law student - Minhyuk is the closest to her out of all of her brothers. She loves to talk to him about whatever crosses her mind.

best friend - park jaejin - 24 - med student - outgoing, wild, funny - they are extremely close. They are always talking and texting. since high school, they kept up with eachother.
close friend - kim sejeong - 19 - idol - friendly, selfless, sweet - they met eachother through trainee life in jellyfish. Sejeong is the sweetest girl that she knows. They are often shipped together since they are super close and cute together. They are also from the same city, so that brings tem closer.
mentor / love rival - jung taekwon - 25 - idol - quiet, nice, fatherly -  They aren't the closest, but Leo cares deeply about her. He cant explain to her how she feels since she left the company, it just made things harder.
stagename: Honey
position: lead dancer, vocalist
back up position:
singing twin: hyuna
dancing twin: sohyun
rapping twin: none
trainee years: 3
pre debut life: She trained at jellyfish for 3 years and liked it. She learned a lot about how to prepare for idol life, even though she was never promised a debut. She got sick of the way she was left in the shadows about plans and hated the concept of getting yelled at for doing things that the public would never see. Regardless, she still thinks she learned a lot from training at Jellyfish. She came to AOMG to hopefully get picked to train and finally debut.

pre debut experience: none.
scandals: i want to keep these a surprise muaha
title - year - true/false - info
love interest
name: Simon Dominic / Jung Kiseok
back up: 
occupation: CEO / Rapper
personality: He seems very mysterious and quiet when you first meet him. But he actually loves attention. Kiseok loves to have a bunch of people who he loves around him. Catch him small gathering with his friends at a restaurant having a good time. He gets insecure at times, not knowing what to do with his time but really just wants happiness with his friends.
interactions: Jihye was scared to approach Simon at first, but as they got to know eachother more, they became playful. They are always giggling and acting silly around eachother when they have the chance. Although, it may be hard to actually get back to work after fooling around.
status: starting out as friends
ending: an official couple
scene requests: optional
password: did you read the cheatsheet?


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