Is this Cheating?


So today i want to talk about something some of you already know and are use to it, the different love relationships you have in different roleplays mostly in Line rp's where it's easy to find out if your boyfriend/girlfriend is dating someone else.

From what i know, if you are in let's say three roleplays and you date a different person in each of those roleplays it's fine because of course it's what you could call a "different world" but still some people get hurt and i understand them, i also get hurt when i see my boyfriend dating someone different even if it's another roleplay but i understand that i can't do anything about it.

I got in a problem recently, i was called a cheater, because im dating different people but im dating them in different roleplays and they do know about that, the person who called me cheater was a friend of my one of my boyfriends (ex), who investigate about me if i was cheating and they did said i was cheating. 

I was dating my ex outside of a roleplay, meaning that we weren't in any roleplay together so i thought i wasn't cheating on anyone, i told my boyfriends and they said it's not cheating but it still bothers me a bit.


So, is this cheating?


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