

Why do so many people hate Americans? Like, people don't give us even a chance to talk to them before writing us off as ignorant or just someone they want nothing to do with. Every other time I go on Twitter, I see some something about people hating Americans and I just think...seriously? Or something being wrong with 'Americanized' and just stuff along those lines. I just don't understand where all the hate is coming from. OR ABOUT HATING WHITE PEOPLE LIKE OH MY GOD. Sorry *calms down* but when did the world hate white people? Because I'm stuck in 2015 apparently because I don't know where this is coming from but if someone could tell me- I would appreciate it <3 also sorry for the rant, thank you for making it to the end :') 

Sincerely, your local friendly Caucasian American 


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And about the hating America thing, I guess it's because we have a lot of social issues that we need to fix. So many people are still racist and homophobic, and goddamnit, we have Donald Trump running for president AND HE'S GOTTEN THIS FAR. We kind of tend to steal other people's cultural traditions and pass them off as our own, and that kind of too. We think that teenagers shouldn't be taught proper education because of overly religious parents that don't want to expose to their child (the truth tbh) and, we try to shut people out of our country and make them believe that they don't belong here, in the land of the free, which we actually originally stole from somebody else. So.... yeah? We're also a really lucky and privileged country and we refuse to realize this. It kind of goes along with the whole white people thing I guess in a sense.
I'm white, and I guess I hate white people because of how we tend to act? I went to a middle school with a lot of rich white kids who were extremely religious and entitled and got whatever they wanted. I was the opposite of them, and being around people who are so privileged and seeing that they really don't give a about other people around them kind of ruins your opinion for that race. I've come into contact with so many white people that don't realize how privileged they are JUST BECAUSE they're white. They refuse to acknowledge that, understand it, and be aware of it, and that makes me really mad. Not only that, but we're the most common race that's guilty of cultural appropriation. And that kind of , you know, to be grouped with those kind of people.
If you don't completely understand white privilege, that's fine, not many people are until they gain the knowledge. But it makes me upset when they refuse to acknowledge and see it, even after being given multiple examples. One good one I can remember is, why is it when a white person commits a crime, he is seen as an individual, but when a black person commits a crime, he is seen as another statistic and a representation for his entire race. I guess that's my biggest problem with white people, is their overall entitlement and refusal to acknowledge the privilege they have that comes with their race.
Abiisthebomb #3
I hate white people and im white