I get that the logo looks cool and edgy, but these are real letters from real alphabets; and, let me tell you all something…This sounds phonetically stupid.


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#1 just to give you a heads up, it's called typography. what typography does "the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data adn printing from it / the style and appearance of printed matter" (dictionary). what this means it is something everyone does if they have a product to sell of any sort in order to appeal to the audience. "phonetically" it's the same, because it is using the English alphabet as such and it is rearranged to sell to the audience in order to make it stand out to anyone. Korn has done it with their backwards "r", and slipknot has done the same thing. g-dragon and big bang have done it...everyone has done it. the playboy bunny icon on the magazine started as a play with typography as well, it's an iconic way of making people buy / listen / look at a product you have that you want to sell. and yes it will be "phonetically" sounded out the same, because it still is in english, because they are using the standard English alphabet....

rea, i hope you know that your last sentence sounds dumb as hell. and i'm having one of these moments ( ofc it's phonetically the same, and they are "real letters from real alphabets", because they're using standard English alphabet.

typography!!! it's what makes fanfic posters pretty too, all to get you to read their stories.
holy , you are alive?!