Yesterday was Results Day~

Hello Everyone~


So yesterday it was Results Day for College students around the UK doing A-Levels and AS. 

I am one of the students who got their AS Results. 

Now all summer I have been panicking over how there is that possibility of me failing and not being able to continue at the college doing the courses I wanted to do. This was all because all year I had been failing AS English Literature and Langage- no matter what I did I just couldn't get a C grade. Also during my Communication and Culture Exam I actually was having a panic attack and when it stopped I was in the after effects, I sat in that exam every minute and answered every question through my attack and I was sure I had failed because of course my mind wasn't clear. 

Anyway that fear was there and these results are the results my chosen universities will see and that itself is scary because you have to stand out to a universtity that is what I am told. If you are not interesting enough they won't choose you. Already I am going to struggle since I literally have done nothing since starting college outside of college. I don't even have a job. 

Anyway again back to what I was saying ahah. I was so scared of looking at my results on the morning of the 18th August 2016. However after a whole year of failing a course and never getting a C, guess who finally got that C!! 



My Results:

AS English Literature and Language - C {Both exams I got a C}
AS Communication and Culture - C {Coursework I got a B}
AS Photography - B

This be going back to college for her second year~ and she will get those C's to B's if its that last thing she ever does! 

I got this! 

P.S If anyone would like to keep track of my studying this year or just see kpop involved in studying to help you with your studies - because I see far to many fans saying how kpop is the reason they failed their classes. By incorperating kpop into your studying, it can be having photocards next to you as you write, using kpop stationary, or even like I had seen someone found it very helpful to print out pictures of her favourite idols and write her notes over them. Go follow my studyblr named xiuxiustudy  ( ) I share photos from other kpop themed studyblrs as well you can find other EXO ones or BTS ones, I have seen SHINee and Seventeen ones. It is very popular now. 

Okay that is enough hehe I am going to relax today and start all my pre-work tomorrow~
Have a nice day everyone







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Congratulations! College was always like that for me in certain subjects. I'd think I was failing all semester and then end up with a C. My math classes almost killed me.