So I want to get a tattoo (plz give me ur opinion~)

First thing's first, I am for one verrrrrry scared of needles. I passed out once just getting a vaccine done *shivers* 

But lately I keep thinking that I really want to get this tattoo dedicated to my parents. I think tattoos are beautiful in the sense you can record something into your skin to stay forever.Something like that would be perfect for what i want to write for my parents (lol not sure if they'll be on board with this but it's going to be a surprise when I see them again next time I visit home.) 

I'm not getting it anytime soon for a few months, just so I can make sure the thought stays on my mind for awhile and the words I wrote for them are exactly what I want, but I still can't be sure if I want to go through with it. (I really want to, but the pain aspect worries me. I want to say I'll just try to endure it but I feel like id probably pass out.)

Also,  I want it on either my left or right shoulder, but I know some jobs look down on tattoos as well if it's not hidden well enough ( if they really care maybe I don't want to work there anyway--people should be able to express themselves.)

I guess what im going to ask is if anyone can share there personal experience? And maybe their opinion on my thoughts? 


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Thats so sweet of you :) However you'l have a lot to consider about especially the pros and cons. Its important to make sure that it dosent have any effect on you especially in the long run . Make the best decision for yourself :)
If you really want it, then there shouldn't be anything holding you back. I don't like needles either (although I admit I haven't passed out) but since this obviously means a lot to you then I say you go for it. Take some time to think about what words you want and where you want it, since getting them taken off hurts more I believe. I don't have a tattoo but I think they can be meaningful. Maybe a small one in the future. I don't know lol