This Is Me Spazzing...

(I cut what I worte in half 'coz it was just so LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG)


I notice that when Big Bang (particularly GD and TOP who are more active on producing) go on interviews, they’re rarely serious about answering questions about themselves like their preferences on girls or if they like this or that. But if they’re asked about their music or the music-making process, they turn techie or geeky, then they attempt to explain why this track is different and such.

For someone like me whose really not well-versed in the art and science of music, I’d find it boring and that’s definitely not rating-booster material. I guess that’s why they don’t go on shows or interviews much because they find non-music related questions uninteresting or ridiculous. When asked about cutesy stuff they either answer with a one-liner or just something ridiculous (esp TOP). Notice however when the interviewer asks them about how a certain album was done or if they’re asked about a certain track…they get all chatty and serious.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t really sell with the public, people prefer knowing what they wear or if they prefer dating this member if he was girl…

It’s sad if you think about it, how you pour hours upon hours on a certain track but everyone ends up appreciating more what you wore during the performance of that song rather than how hard or how many times Youngbae/Seungri/Dae recorded that part just to give off that certain feel/texture or how long it took for Jiyong to decide on who would sing this part or that part or if TOP hyung should rap this one instead…or how difficult it was for TOP to write the additional rap that would compliment Jiyong’s idea but at the same time still be his own style without clashing with the other parts.

I’m not saying we should stop spazzing how good looking the guys were on stage or on the mv or appreciate what they wore and whatnot. I die every time I see Jiyong smile and when TOP stares directly at the camera…when Youngbae flashes that hot bod of his, when Seungri makes trouble for his hyungs by revealing their secrets and when Dae smiles that smile of his. I love Big Bang for all that and more but now I’m also learning to understand and appreciate their music and the effort they put in for every song that is now a part of my life. 

Now, with their impending comeback, I can’t help spazz about what concept they’ll come up with or the cool choreography they’ll be dancing. But more than that, I am excited on what new music they’ll be delivering and what new elements they’ll be injecting into their music this time.

I imagine what kind of genre mix Jiyong used for Bad Boy…it sounds like something upbeat but what if it turns out to be ballad-ish with a mix of rock and classical elements? WOAH! With his mini-rap on that What’s Up OST, will Daesung be doing the same thing on any of the tracks for their comeback? Will Youngbae try a raspier style of singing rather than his usual smooth r&b? How has Seungri’s voice developed now that he’s a bit older? Or has TOP challenged himself vocally and sing ala Dae or YB?

These thoughts are what’s making me excited with their comeback. For me, it doesn’t matter much what they’ll wear or how their stage will look or if their next mv would be filmed in Narnia or some other undiscovered world…I really just wanna hear the music they’ve produced after all the career-turbulence they went through last year. I wanna hear how much their music has grown or if the new album they’re about to release would once again revolutionize Korean music and set the bar higher for the other artists.

This is me being very excited for their comeback. How’s your excitement meter doing? ^_^ 


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Thank you so much for voicing this one out. A lot of interviews not only for BigBang but for most bands has gone superficial and others lack depth. With the words you just described, it made me excited and giddy not just because BigBang is coming back but also for a the growing awareness of the artists' deeper perspectives.
Aww unnie *0* I don't really spazz or fangirl. But I appreciate good music when I hear one. I am not into interviews but being an elf, I enjoyed reality shows xD
Since I first fell in love with their music, I can say that they have this certain direction and goal when creating music. Judging by how they answer to the questions, I think their passion for music outshines them all. -_- I can't even spazz on mobile...
i_am_twisted #4
I personally feel the same way. BB's music is more important. We anticipate the music more than anything else. It's just that over the years, since we know and trust that they'd come up with great stuff, we let ourselves spazz on things other fandoms spazz about. I am excited for their new songs. Im hoping that GD was able to come up with a song with the same feel as Cafe. Im crossing my fingers hoping that Just Another Boy (the one TOP was recording during 2ne1 TV) would be included in the album. Im excited about how different the songs would sound compared to their past songs. But doesnt mean im not excited about their new hairstyles and new concept and all their gorgeousness.