is it just me or??

Is it just me or something is wrong with AFF?? Because I can't see the "NEXT" button on my front page. You know,the button that ussually below the promotions story. So I can't check the other stories that i might have missed on my tags stories like Chanbaek for example. The option was only on the top buttons witch saying Complete or Latest,etc... And still I only got the first page and thats just for like 6 or 7 stories only :'(


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There has been a bunch of different glitches over the past few weeks (>.<) I'm guessing that aff is working on updating or changing something on the site and it's causing problems with other things. Hopefully it will get straightened out soon!
Nim_Hee #2
Same here!!! I tried logging out and refreshing the page but it has disappeared and now I can't view the stories :'(