Eun HaE Won

jinminchan • aicha • 8/10


the basics.

name » Eun Hae Won

nickname(s) »

Won-ah  : her childhood friend call her like that from a young age because it say it sound pretty and Hawon doesn't mind it .

tickhead : her brother call her like that and even saved her number on his phone with this name , as she can be pretty stubborn when she want to .

Little bear : her members call her like that as almost all her have little bears on them .


birthdaY » 07.09.1996

BIRTHPLACE & hometowN » Daegu

ethnicitY » Korean

languageS » maximum of 4

Korean (fluet) : native language

English (Basic) : not English but Engrish , she try really hard to learn the language but because of her accent it spell out wrong plus she only know the basics .

face claiM » Lee Hyeri

backup face claim » Lee Sung-kyung


height & weight » 167 cm & 53 kg


appearance »

They look exactly a like , same hair , same body , no tatto for the moment and no birth mark that would be visible  


style »

She tend to care a lot about her fashion and clothes , she always wear trendy and fashionable clothes , she style and shop for her own clothes .She doesn't love bright color much and always keep with the basic like black , white and colors . She also love to wear small accessories but doesn't wear them always , she love jeans jacket and leather jacket but only have one of each .She also isn't afraid to show a little bit more skin , she is okey with high heels and sneekers , tick make up and natural one or even no make up when she feel like it . The think she hate the most are bras but don't we all ?
- ( warm / hot weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- ( cold weather ) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  ( award , red carpet ) formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
-  practice outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- airport fashion ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 



"A little confidence never kills nobody"


"Jungkook think of me as boy that's why we friend"


i'm gonna be a star.


stage name 
»  Cindy

STAGE persona »  Savage Queen

position »  Main Dancer , Visual


performance twin »  Hyoyeon ( SNSD)

vocal twin »  Momo

rap twin »  only considered if posistion has rapper


trainee years »  6 years

trainee life »  her trainee years were like everyones , hard , exhausting but educatif , she got to learn a lot of stuffs and master them , even if she sometime felt like she would just give up on everything and go back to her dad house , she didn't she kept believing that she will do it , even when sometime trainee with less years than her debuted she never hated them she did feel jealous but always supported them , she made amazing friends and met amazing people and if she goes back to 2010 she would totally audition for Big Hit again.


girl next door.


»  confident , easygoing , loyal , kind , passionated, bossy , stubborn , dirty mind , possessive ,no sense of orientation.


• you never know unless you try it : She is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
• there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and superior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .
• " i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that She tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone .
• Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidating and hard to get girl , which is , She have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .
• Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : She was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .
• I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : She is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
• Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting: She is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .
• "what mine is mine " : she may be kind but she doesn't like to share much , she will get mad if you touch her clothes or her food without permission , she may even not talk to you for some times which the other girl find pretty childish.
• On stage ;; She is the flirty one on stage , the one who send winks , bit her lips and shake her hips . The savage queen they call her . She get immersed into the music and only had her eyes for her fans . She is that kind of person who would do something like this . She take the fans phone and take pictures with them , she would even bend over and start talking with them .
• Off stage ;; She is the kind of person that mess around a lot , but get tired easily . You would probably find her backstage , laying on a sofa upside down and looking at her phone , answering as much fan as possible and taking weird selfies . She also like to mess around with the girls and bothers them in the most important moment . She is that person that would see you playing to a game on your phone and then snatch the phone away from you or pass her hand over the screen " is this tactile ?" .
• Camera On ;; She is really talkative and kind of an attention seeker , she would answer someone else question if they don't know how to answer it , if she sees that one of the members isn't giving enough attention she would turn any question to them or praise them . She make attention to the group image in the media . 
• Camera Off ;; She is pretty much the same she is talkative and friendly , she make sure that everyone like her . She like to chill around and is pretty much a lazy person . At home she would get in her bed and watch drama for the whole day if they have a day off she would only stand up to get food or to go to the toilet . 
• With the girls ;; She is that person that embarrass them all and get them in trouble then act innocent , she also like to boss them around and never clean the mess she make . She hate it when one of the girls is mad at her she would make anything for the girl to be okey with her again . Even if she doesn't look like it she is someone sensitive , she would cry if her friend betrayed her and if a dog died in an anime .



• she like late night walk  : Once or twice a week , She would put on her shoes a jacket and walk around the empty street , she would meet some drunk man sometime but she would quickly get them back in their place when they try something with a kick in their balls . But most of the time she just walk so that she could empty her head and get some fresh air .
• the smell of the sea  : Once or twice a mouth she would get in a bus that go to sea and just sit down on the sand with a cup of hot coffee, watching the water until the sun come down .
• tattoo : she love tattoos she find them really interesting , she would love to get one but she is waiting for something to happen so that her tattoo will have a meaning .
• making friends : She love to meet up with new people and get to know more about them and their story .
• spicy food : she basically add hot sauce in everything , for her if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
• dogs  : she love them so much that she even adopted two , one by the name of Natsu like her favorite anime character and one by the name of harry because everyone that have the name of harry is hot .
•she hate the smell of smoke : she may grab someone cigarette out of their mouth , throw it on the floor and step on it then say "if you want to kill your self do it alone don't kill us with you" even if that person is just a stranger .
• she hate waking up too early : even if she do wake up everyday really early she hate it , but she live with it .
• she hate fake people : she would prefer if you glare at he and talk about her in her face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind her back .
• she hate being told no : she hate it when someone say does two letters "no" she may get really angry but she just try her best so that no will turn to a yes like she wanted .
• she hate being bored : she hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do , she want to always be active in her life no matter the moment or the day .
•Dancing ; beside being her hobbies it is also part her job , and she is thankful to be one of those people who can live will working their dream job .
• sleeping : for her sleep is a hobby and she practice it everyday .
• working out ; she goes to the gym every two days so that she can keep her body and fit and healthy .
• cooking : She love cooking as she her grandma own a restaurant she used to help out a lot and most of the time she is the one that would make food for her brother when her grandma and grandpa were too busy.
• she love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
• she love asian bl movies 
• she is a addicted 
• she can't swim 
• she love to watch animes too , her favorite one is Fairy tails 
• she is a big fan of Kim woo bin
• her ideal type is someone like SimonD



background »
► She was born and raised in Daegu , to two really busy parents who were never here not even to birthdays or funeral . She lived with her big brother and Grandparent in the rural side of the city , her grandparent owned a barbecue restaurant which was just under their house . But it was never a problem to her or her brother , they spent most of their time together , jumping and playing around , they would go out and play at a playground which was close so they were never bored plus their grandparent would also play with them or teach them new things at home.
►Then came the time were her brother start going to school the days were less funny and amusing she would wait eagerly to the time he would come back .A year later they went to elementary school together as they are just one year apart from each other . Life became fun again , she got to meet new people and make a lot of friend but also a lot of enemies and haters , as When She was young she was an ugly and fat child , the boys and girls would laugh at her and won't let her play with them , when she had a crush on a boy and would confess to him he would tell her that he would never like a monster . But her Oppa was always here for her and their was also her only friend who always followed her around .
► At elementary school when no one would compliment her dress or her ribbon she decided to do something that would make people like her. In their neighborhood there was a dog who scared all the kids away and one day the kids ball rolled over to the dog directions everyone was too scared to go for it but she did it and came back with the ball , from that day at any fight or dangerous situation she was always the one to call for .
► When she reached her last year of primary school her grandpa died from a heart attack she remember the day as if it was yesterday , the sky was grey and dark as if it know that it was a bad day , She cried really hard and came across the meaning of death that day .
►At the same period  her body and face start changing she became a kind of skinny and cute with chubby cheeks , the boys would like to get closer to her and all the girls were jealous , which mean that the only true friend was her friend from back the days and her Oppa which also got much taller . But inside She was the same person , she would still fight boys and girls . Isn't afraid of getting dirty or hurt .
►On the first year of middle school She start to take her childhood dream more seriously , which was to become an idol , She always had a sweet voice but never sang to anyone but her family with her brother they would play to being rock stars and both of them shared a passion for dance . That year she decided to  get into the school choral at the same time she joined her Oppa dance crew and the both of them took there passion more seriously they even started to make choreography together ( like this one ) .
► when he reached high school her brother went to Seoul to get in a better dance school , he even started high school their and would sleep in a dorm . She followed him  . In Seoul she once came a cross a group of people in her school talking about some company audition , she asked them from more information and they told her the site web that night she went to a cyber coffee where she made more research about that company it was Big Hit , she got pretty interested and it wasn't a big company she decided to give a try , she got the day of the audition which was about two week later which give her the time to get ready . She rushed back to the boys dorm and brusted into her brother room which got her a glare from his roommate , she then told him about the audition and asked him for help . Her brother knew that she came to Seoul only to continue her dream so he accepted to help her with the dancing all that was left was to find someone to help her with the singing she then remembered that the roommate was following singing classes after hours of both the siblings begging him he said yes .
►Came the day of the audition , it was the most stressing and tiring two weeks of her life to today , after she sang if i were boy by beyonce then danced to Candy Shop and got into the company , Both her brother and brother's roommate were very proud of her , even when she told her grandma over the phone her grandma cried and told her that she supported her, she made a promise to work harder and show the others that  she deserved to debut because of her talent . So she worked hard for now 6 years and even if the chance to debut didn't come yet she didn't give up yet .



RELATIONSHIPS » only add the important ones (copy the format if you're willing to add more)

Big Brother : Eun Hae Jin : 21 : Dancer

Back when they were young people would think that they were twin as they never left each other side , he was here for her in each moment of her life and it was the same for him . He is a proud brother , that would call her once each two days to check on her , he love his sister a lot .


Grandma : Kim Buji : 67 : restaurant owner

For Haewon her grandma is her mother as she only saw her mom Two or Three time . Buji is a loving and caring person who took really great care of her grand children making sure they won't feel sad or any lack of affection , Buji would call her little girl every end of week to check on her and hear her voice and every time Haewon has an off day , she would go to visit and sleep over 


Childhood Friend : Song Kang joon : 20 : college student

He was the only one who stick to her from a young age , he is her best friend , he used to always follow her around , he even followed her to seoul , he is pretty smart and is working to be doctor now , as he study at the Seoul university . With Haewon they still meet up and talk a lot on the phone and text , she tell him everything and he does the same .


Friend : Seo Jong Suk : 22 : college student

He used to be her brother roommate back in high school , and even if they used to fight a lot , he helped her when needed him the most and to today they still keep contact of each other even if they still fight .


GroupMate : ATALANA : varies : idol

they are the sisters she never had .Even if they fight and nag each other sometimes , she love her groupmate and get a long with all of them , as most of them she met them during trainee years , they are all really close .


LabelMate : BTS : varies : idol

as she has been with Big hit before they debuted she spend some of her trainee years with them she know them well and get a long with all of them , they even call each other some times.


the interview.


please introduce yourself to the viewers 
» she nod and took a deep breath before taking a playful look with a smirk " ready to get your heart snatched ?" she then winked before bowing " annyeonghaseyo" when she stood up she had a huge innocent smile on her face you would ask yourself if it was the same girl that winked "Atalana's Main Dancer Cindy " she bows again before making a peace sign .


HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE IDEA OF COMPETING AGAINST 20 GIRLS? » she nods softly at the question taking a couple minute to think about it before she her lips nervously and openned to talk " well competing make you work harder , right ? not that i don't mind it just that like everything in life you need to work your way with it and come up as a winner , like even if i don't make it i would have won in experience and such , it's a win win position i think "


out of the 20 girls competing in atalana, do you think you'll be able to be ranked in the top 7? » She laughed softly and look up at the interviewer with a sweet smile " well i would love to be ranked in the top 7 and like they say i little confidence never kill no body " she bit her lips " i know the song is a little party never kills nobody but confidence doesn't kill either as i know , so i  would say i will make it "


Is there any trainee in big hit you think will be hard to surpass » she smile softly and nods " they are a lot to be honest " she laughs softly " and i was talking about confidence " she shook her head with a smile " well i'm only excellent at dancing and i only have a normal voice nothing special , they are trainee who can do sharp dances and reach high notes as well as people who could rap as fast as T.o.p so all those trainee could be hard to surpass why would people choose someone who is only good at one thing when they can choose someone who is good at more than just one thing "


please give a message to the viewers watching 'atalana' » She nods and stood up with a big smile " i hope you will have fun watching this , i hope you will get closer to each of the girl , please take good care of us and look forward to Atalana we will make our best to not disapoint you " she smiles widely and bowed .


and finally, please give a message to the girls competing in atalana » She smile and sit back down " hi ..." she said awkwardely looking at the camera "i'm pretty close to most of you girls , and i know that you must be nervous and afraid but i also know how talented you are , so don't give up , let's work hard and do our best and even if this is a competition you will always stay my friend and i love you " she smiled softly " Fighting !!" she almost shouted .


love interest name.

backup » here

birthdate » mm.dd.yyyy


personality » what's he like? is he too nice? is he a jerk?


history » how did they meet


interactions » write how they these two act around each other


RELATIONSHIP » write here


the end.

comments/suggestions » hey i had fun filling this up , hope you will have fun reading it , looking forward to your review !


scene requests »  i don't know ^w^ i'm sorry i'm blank right now for some reason .


password »  BlackPink







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