To all my fellow readers, and my subscribers:-

I am afraid that I have to apologize, because I don’t think I can carry on writing any more…I have lost the drive that gave me muse and inspiration…Yesterday, I finally experienced for myself how toxic, how y and how immature the K-pop world is, not because of the idols themselves, but because of the fans…and the K-pop fandoms world is without a doubt, the iest world by far that I have experienced.

Long story short (the main story is in my previous blog), I expressed my opinion, and when I realized I was mistaken, I immediately apologized for my mistake and ignorance, yet I still got torrents of insults and abuse, one particular girl even continued a series of personal repetitive attack, i.e. she kept calling me a and she kept telling me to off. I know I had offended a number of the fans with my comment (though unintentional), and I apologized and I admitted my mistake, but while I accept any opposing comments which are expressed reasonably, rationally and maturely, I do not tolerate any personal attacks, or any personal insults or those who spat poison personally at me at first instance. I deal with these kinds of people every day, and I refuse to back down from such personal insults or abuse.

While I was appreciative of the reasonable and mature comments, and I understand that in every K-pop fandom, there are always ones that are way more ed up/ way more immature/ way more insane or screwed up than the sensible ones, and I don’t generalize everyone. However, the fact the immature girl can only stoop so low and cheap, to only resort to using crude and simple curse word and telling someone to ' off', is something which I look down upon. I have got a few friends back home in the U.K. who are in dance and drama theatre, and I have heard them say numerous times that it’s a very y career/world, and I have personally witnessed some very y moments when I went and watch my friends rehearse. This…this whole K-pop fandom thing, it’s another form of y, but way more immature and rude, at least those es in dance and drama theatre have wits and they were all cleverly sarcastic, snarky, and believe it or not, classy even, by use of backhanded compliments. I’d love to see the y K-pop fandoms up the ante, if they can do any better, if you are going to hurl an insult or abuse at me or to anyone else, you can at least be classy and smart about it, and not going so low and cheap as to use a simple curse word, and telling people to off.  Class and 'no-class', that's the difference. That girl only presented herself as a petty, low and cheap piece of trash when she only straight-up called me a and to off, and she didn't even defend her so-called bias. You want an example? A backhanded compliment courtesy of the brilliantly witty and intelligent Tyrion Lannister, “You love your children. It’s your only redeeming quality. That and your cheekbones.”

Finally, the main reason that I have decided to quit my K-pop thing and avoid it altogether…I have not always been a K-pop fan, I was introduced to it by my older sister, and now I’m questioning my own sanity at the time, why the hell did I listen to her in the first place?

I was first, and foremost, a rockaholic, I discovered back in high school, by myself and my friends, we share a love of rock, punk, alternative and heavy metal music, ranging from the classics to the modern, from legends like Queen, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, to bands like Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, The Used, 30 Seconds to Mars and Linkin Park…and I, have, never, ever, experienced any kind of insults or abuse, or any of that kind of immaturity that I experienced last night, whenever I was interacting with the fans of the rock fandoms, because they are generally accepting a diversity of views, and they don’t throw insults at one another regardless of what you think, and even if they are to disagree with you, they only retort with wits and sarcasm, they'd never stoop so low and so trashy to call you a or some other -like terms.

So yes, I have decided to quit the whole thing altogether, sorry, I know it’s rather extreme, but in general, I really need a breather from all the poison and toxicity of K-pop, (the upcoming Green Day comeback will be a huge relief) and I don’t know how long I will stay away from it, but I guess I will try to come back to continue and write again if I feel up to it, that is…

To conclude, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the very amazing supports I’ve gotten with my stories. I hope I will see you all again soon.

P.S.: To those K-pop fandoms es who only know to straight-up insult other people, without defending your 'so-called' bias, you are the f***ing embarrassment of your fandoms. With fans like you, you only portrayed the K-pop fandoms as the most immature, the most idiotic and the iest people there are by far. Next time, if you want to hurl an insult at somebody else, try to up on your game, be smart and classy, you are the only loser if you have to stoop so low to cuss at someone. And, F***ING GROW UP!!


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