8 out of 10
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Bai huifang
full name Bai Huifang 
► Angela : it's her english name .
► Bae ; as her last name can be pronouced Bae in english , her friend would call her like that just for fun .
► Longjuanfeng ; which means tornado in chinese , back in school they would call her like that because she was really good at basketball and she was also really fast .
DATE OF BIRTH 11 October 1995
ethnicity Chinese
HEIGHT 170cm
languages (maximum is 5 language)
► Cantonese ; she is fluent in it being her native language .
► Korean ; semi-fluent she learn it when she came to korea to became a trainee , she used to take one lesson each week and would practice alone , she would atch drama and listen to music and her prononciation got better but she isn't perfect at it .
► English : conversationel , she learn it out of curiosity and so her parent would let her come to korea .
face claim Bae Suzy 
backup Park Junghwa
► She has quite long and brownish hair , with a milky skin and natural red lips , she is tall enough and weight enough , she doesn't have curves , but a flate stomach , small but round s and cute and small apple shaped , she can doesn't get tanned but rather get red skin. 
fashion sense
► HuiFang care about her clothes a lot , she like to look trendy and fashionnable , she tend to wear mature clothes , she love high heels and red lipstick , she doesn't use much make up unless for a shoot or from the stage . 
- ( hot /warm weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
- ( cold weather ) casual outfit :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- ( award , fashion show , red carpet ) formal :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
- practice / dance :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
- day off / pijamas :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
♕ "When life gives you lemons, apply more lipstick, gurls!!" ♕


character traits
► positives : confident , easygoing , loyal , kind , passionated 
► negatives : bossy , stubborn , dirty mind , possessive ,no sense of orientation
you never know unless you try it : She is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and superior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .
" i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that She tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone .
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidating and hard to get girl , which is , She have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : She was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .
I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : She is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting: She is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .
"what mine is mine " : she may be kind but she doesn't like to share much , she will get mad if you touch her clothes or her food without permission , she may even not talk to you for some times which the other girl find prettu childish.
► Huifang , is the second daughter and youngest of a family of four children .Her dad was a man feared and respected but to today Huifang never understand why because for her her dad was the sweetest and more understanding between her parents . Her mom was a sociable and loved person but everyone knew that you should never mess with her , she may seem lovely but she can be really scary when scared . Huifang saw the light for the first time in a hospital in Hong Kong , her mom gave birth to her on a cold night of october , at 9 p.m . Huifang family live in the rural side of the city , but for Huifang it was never something to be ashamed of , even if their street are popular for being dangerous from a young age everyone in the street knew at least one member of her family and respected them so she never got agressed , boy didn't even dare talk to her as her dad owned a Kung Fu place and both her big brother where both champion of that art . During her first year of primary school Huifang transfered from five different school before stopping at a private one , in each of the school she didn't even last there a month their was always a problem until the fifth one where she got in and integret without any problem . Primary school was fun , she was good at studying , she was that person who was friend with everyone and dared to do things even boy wouldn't do , it was during that period of her life where she find out about korean music , her sister was the one who showed it to her well indirectly , as Huifang would only hear her sister listen or sing it and would go search it on the web and she fell in love with the dancing , even before Huifang always nagged her mom to get her into a dance school but her mom didn't want to and either her dad or big brothers they wanted her to follow the family thing and focus just into Kung Fu but that wasn't her thing , she was good at it she even took some medal into some kid championnnah . But for Huifang all she wanted was Dance and on her last of primary school she made her parent promise that if she got first at school they would let her get into a dance school . She worked her off during the whole year she didn't go out to play she even became distant with her family and friends , and at the end of the year she ranged fifth , she was so sad she cried her eyes off , but even so her parents got her into a dance school during summer because they noticed how much for a 11 years old dance was important . She worked her off during the summer classes and her teacher was pretty proud because she was good at it , she even combined Kung Fu and Dance at such a young age . During Middle School she got more curious about the korean world or more the kpop world , she looked for her favorite artist agency , her favorite artist were TVXQ she loved them from the moment she found out about Kpop , and she came across one of SM web site and the web site was talking about audition in China , Japan ... She got so excited and mad more reaschers just to find that this year audition were already closed she was a little bit sad but made her self a new goal : 1/ get her parent to accept her to go and 2/ work harder for the audition . So during that year she worked hard on her dancing and would practice infront of her dance teacher who was 100% supporting her and even went with her to talk to her parents , who didn't accept until she promised them that she will learn english which they were nagging her about for a long time so during that same year she even learnt english and at the end of the year english test she got a 100% her parents couldn't say no . The day of the audition came , she went more excited than ever and even nervous which wasn't something that she felt usually . A week after the audition ,where she danced to a English song ( here the dance ) , her parent got a call saying that she got in , she was so happy a little kid who got all the gifts he wanted on his birthday . A month later she went to Korea alone to start her trainee life .
► Dad, Bai Luo Yin | 60 | retired comptable | caring , open minded , easy going , over protective | she get a long with her dad well even if he is an old man , she can talk to him she love hear him talk about the old days and they always talk about which film or tv show they should watch next but they never watch it together for some reason .


► Mom, Jiang Yuan | 50 | tailor | motherly , serious , over protective , nice , talkative  | She does get a long with her mom but she isn't really open to her she doesn't tell her much they don't show each other much afection just a hug if they didn't see each other for months but they miss each other and love each other they are just not good with words and action .


► Big brother (1), Bai Jingyu | 30 | hotel manager | easy going , funny , kind , reserved | She love her big bro because he always get her gifts and treat her like a little girl , even if they aren't really that close an they don't talk much they love and care about each other .


► Big brother (2), Bai Xuan | 28 | designer | playful , flirty , easy going , funny , too protective  | she spent most of her childhood with him , they both have a big love for manga and animes and would play video games together , they talk and text a lot .

► Big sister , Bai LuLu | 26 | office worker | sassy , sarcastic , playful , nagging , talkative | They are always fighting and nagging each other , they have their sweet moment but theu also have does days where they wont even glance at each other , she do text and face time her a lot .

► Dance Teacher , Song Tao  | 34 | dance teacher | lovely , funny , kind , serious when he have to , professional  | she still keep contact with him as he is the one that teached her the basics and supported her to be what she is now .

► D.Royals  | varies | idol | she does get a long with all of them , but like all group it's not always pink life , they do arguee sometimes but that never last long , also she isn't close with all the members as they are 15 other members it's hard to keep up even more with those wwho don't speak the same languages .

► C.Royals | varies | idol |she get a long with all of them and they were evn the trainees she got a long with the most as they are all chinese they can speak freely to each other it was the easiest person to make friend with when she first came .

► Sunbae , Exo | varies | idol | To be honest she is more close to Exo-M than Exo-K maybe because when she first came to the agency they were ones of the few people she could talk with as back in 2010 she didn't talk korean at all , but she is still friendly with Exo-K .
►She love sleeping
►she like raining days
►hot coffee
►the smell of the sea
►khip hop and rnb
►big fan of zion.t and aomg crew
►big fan of variety shows 
►she hate spicy foods
►hot days
►too loud places
►being woken up 
► she can't sleep without her teddy bear
► for her to focus on something she have to tear paper
she tend to play with her hair when she is bored 
► watching tv
► sleeping
► cooking
► youtube
► shopping
► working out
 her favorite season is summer
 she like to play video games , big fan of Call of Duty and Fifa
 she was to have two child later , one boy and one girl
► she doesn't like to be called bored
 she prefer dogs to cat 
► she want to have a dog but doesn't think that she is ready for the responsability 
► at home she have 6 gold-fish , there names are ; nemo , dory , woody , buzz , little , big truck .
 for her to focus on something she have to tear paper
 she love basketball
 watching old movies
 kdrama addicted but never finish the whole drama
► she get bored easily 
► she will ship everyone with anyone as long as they look cute together 
 she love asian bl movies 
 she is a addicted 
 she can't swim 
► she love to watch animes too , her favorite one is Fairy tails 
 she is a big fan of Kim soo hyun
 her ideal type is someone like Kim Woo Bin or Siwon
 she is a big fan of the AOMG crew.
► she tend to play with her hair when she is bored 
► she hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do , she want to always be active in her life no matter the moment or the day .
 she would prefer if you glare at he and talk about her in her face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind her back .

PERSONA Savage Queen 

PLOTLINE & POSITION Plotline 005 ; Leader Main Dancer
TRAINING YEARS 6 years and 4 months
Predebut expirience she was a back dancer in the MV of TVXQ - Something 
She was a cameo in EXO NEXT DOOR 

TALENT TWIN This is optional
► Dancing: Hyoyeon 

She smiled softly and looked at the interviewer "well , how do you think i feel ? i feel happy that i'm finally debuting even if it's in a big group i'm still proud and satisfied with myself that i made it to where i am today . I know that when you are in big group you may not even get the public attention and stuffs like that and i understand that when i'm just a dancer and the members are such talented people but i still believe that even if the public doesn't notice me my family and friends does and that's enough for me "

She look around the room for a moment as to think of the question "well there isn't a group that SM came up with that wasn't successful just name me one and i will back down , i believe in my company and i believe that they would be able to show the best of us with this or without it "

She laughs softly " i may get a lot of anti fan for it but i will say it , i think Cosmic Girls are a potential rival , they are also a large group , with different unit , maybe that's the only reason i think of them as 'rival' like you call it" 

She smiled and bowed " well taking you for your time " she smile widely and look at the camera " i want to say to my fans even if they are just two or three that i love them and care about them and i'm really thankful and will do my best not to deceive them "
love interest Luhan
backup Lay
► He’s incredibly humble, and never seizes the limelight himself ,He always acknowledges the hordes of rabid fangirls even when some are being very rough at the airports, and never seems to say a bad word about anyone. He’s so caring, being the first to console and support others, to safely lead them through huge crowds and be their shoulder to cry on. Luhan like and want  to appear emotionally strong and never wants to look 'weak’. Any time he tears up because of something highly emotional happening, he fights back his tears as if it would be shameful to let them flow. 
love story 
► They met during trainee days , as he got in  before her , she would call him sunbae , they didn't talk to each other much at first , as luhan is the shy kind with girls . But he once saw her dancing in one of the practice room , he loved the parole and bargged in the room amazed , practically shouting how amazing the dance was , she got scared and surprised at first as she thought at that time , it was around 1 in the morning , no one would be around , she bowed out of respect to him then he sat down beside her asking her if she was the one that made the dance  , she nodded looking at him a little taking a back by how cheerful he was at this time of the day , the first thing she asked him was if he was on drug . As the question left , the room went silence for a bit before that the boy start laughing really hard , he even had tears on the corner of his eyes , she on the other hands was mumbling to her self about what was so funny , he pull out his hand to shook hers and told her that he wanted to be friend . HuiFang found him really weird at first but shook his hand and smiled slightly as she accepted his proposition , they spend the rest of the night talking and laughing , they didn't feel sleepy at all which was weird for Huifang as she loved to sleep . From that day they would met up from time to time and practice their rap skills together . He is the only boy that Hui find attractive , like when their hands touch or when they are sitting too close her heart flutter , his laughs make her smile , she was by his side when he was nervous about debuting he was so happy when he told her that he made it , she won't lie that she have a big crush on him .
ending When Luhan left the group she was sad but supportative , because before he mad the big decision they talked for hours about the subject and she keep telling him that he should do what he felt right , after he left SM for about two months they lost contact she went back to training trying to forget about him whhen he called her in the middle of the night one and they start talking again as if they never broke contact , she was happy for him when he start making his own music and she would call him when every music video would come out , they would text and face time twice or more a week as he was a busy person , when she would go to China he would make time to spend a whole day with her and even with their age difference they get a long well but she never confessed to him .
relationship status Really close friend
final words i had fun making this hope you had fun reading it .
scene reqUEST
► Hawai vacation with the rest of SM people 
password D.Lorde 
cheat sheet


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