ː̗̀ baek semi is diving in! ː̖́ → work in progress

baek semi
( -hanhyeri / hyeri / 8? / イッカク。 )
the surface
( full name ) : baek semi
( nicknames ) : 
• seminin roll / pun on her name + cinnamon roll because a). she's very pure and b). she's in culinary / mostly other culinary students
• mom / she takes care of underclassmen, so they've named her the mom of the school / ansan academy students
( gender ) : f
( dob / age ) : 01 • 05 • 1998 (18)
( birthplace ) : bucheon, south korea
( hometown ) : ansan, south korea
( ethnicity ) : korean
( languages ) : 
• korean / native language / fluent
• english /  mandatory course in school / conversational
• chinese / took as an elective / conversational

( height ) : 160cm
( weight ) : 47kg
the edge
( fc ) : oh my girl's hyojung
( style ) : semi keeps her uniform nice and neat. she wears her button up tucked into her skirt and her blazer buttoned all along the bottom. she wears plain flat shoes along with her uniform, and a pair of sheer hose under them. during swim team meets, semi wears a one piece suit that goes down into shorts instead of the traditional cut.
the deep end
"don't run because you could trip and hurt yourself!"
( personality traits ) : be sure to include a good balance of both positive and negative
( elaboration ) : write at least two paragraphs, just because you know your character doesn't mean i do.
( background ) : semi lived a pretty normal life, 
( trivia ) : write as much as you think is necessary
• HER OLDER BROTHER SEHO was on the swim team 4 years ago when it was the best.
• they moved from bucheon to ansan because her brother wanted to join the swim team his freshman year.
dive in!
"i have 23 pencils, 5 extra notebooks, a 500 count pack of paper and 10 phone chargers if you need anything."
( so how did you end up joining the team? ) : well you see uhm, I was bringing the donuts that coach kang had asked mr heo to make, and he just looked so sad??.....FINE. HYUNWOO SMILED AT ME AND SOMEHOW I WAS JUST OVER AT THE SIGN UP SHEET, JEEZ.
( do you think coach kang was insane by forcing people to join if they walked in the door? ) : YES? But also no, because I know he wants to leave on a good note, so I can see it being reasonable in the mind of a senile 87 year old.
( by the way, do you know how to swim? if so, do you have a style of swimming? ) : ah yes, and i'm guessing doggy paddle doesn't count as a style? 
( are any of your friends on the team? ) : kihyunnie, he's in my culinary class, Lord knows he needs it. 
( well, i suppose that's it. be at the pool at 6 am sharp! ) : yes sir!!
the shallow end
( love interest ) : son hyunwoo
( gender ) : m
( personality ) : ranges from a few traits to a few paragraphs
( meeting ) : semi and hyunwoo met their first year of high school. they sat next to each other during initiation and he tapped her on her shoulder and asked to borrow a pencil. she pulled one out of her bag and handed it to him, and she's had a crush on him ever since because their fingers brushed when he took the pencil from her.
( interactions ) : hyunwoo interacts with semi about the same as how he interacts with most people he isn't close to. semi interacts with him like how she would an idol. she tries not to bug him too much, but still admires him from afar.
( relationship ) : she has a crush on him, but he doesn't really know her other than the fact that she's the girl who always lends him her phone charger.
( status ) : married to the music his student council job
the ladder
( comments ) : yo it's not done but ey 
( questions ) :
( concerns ) : 
( scene suggestions ) : 
• start here!
( password ) :
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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