birthname » Noh Eul 

other NAME(S) » Wendy Noh 

nickname(s) » Growl - because in korean growl sound like Eul and her friend call her like that for fun .


birthday » 14 july 1996

BIRTHPLACE » Jeju , South Korea

hometown » Jeju

ethnicity » fully korean 

nationality » Korean

languages » Korean - fluent - native language 
English - Semi-fluent - her step dad is British so she got to learn it at home .
Japanese - converstional - her nounou was japanese so from time to time she would talk in japanese out of habit and that's how Eul learn it .

face claim » Kim Sojeong "SoWon" Gfriend 

back up » Jung Eunbi "EunHa" Gfriend

height & weight » 172 cm and  49 kg

blood type » a+


appearance » Eul has a little scar on her elbow , she got it when she was younger and fell down from her skateboard .


style » Eul style change with her mood , but she always make sure to wear trendy clothes , she isn't afraid on putting on high heels even if it sometimes hurt but she always say "you have to get hurt to be beautiful ". She has kind of a mature style which get people to guess her age wrong . 

(warm/hot weather ) casual clothes ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4  
(cold weather ) casual clothes ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
(ceremony,awards,gala)formal outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
practice ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
dorm / day off ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 3

" I'm going to stand outside so if anyone ask i'm outstanding "

" once my brother told me to 'expect the unexpected' so i slapped him and asked him after that if he expected it  "

" Am i bossy ? Absolutely ,i don't like to lose , and if i'm told no then i find another way to make it a yes but i'm loyal  "


determined , passionate , kind , caring , friendly , open minded   +
bossy , cleaning addict , carefree , erted , nagging , talkative  


personality » 

"i'm Noh Eul , if i make my mind on something i will do it " she is the kind of person that if she set her mind on something she will do it no matter what , she get pretty determined and passionate about it and will exhaust herself just so she could reach that goal no matter what . Like her dream of becoming an idol , she worked herself hard and reach it .
"No matter what is it if i say it then it's right " she tend to be really stubborn and bossy with her member or maybe with everyone , even if she deny it a lot she love to boss around telling people to do that or this she is the one that take care of any event or preparation at the house because in her eyes if someone else does it it's never prefect enough like with cleaning , she can't live in a messy space and because of that , she is the one always cleaning and nagging the others about how they should clean behind them and not let their clothes and stuffs hanging around , she hate it , she can't sleep at night if she know that the dishes weren't washed she would stand out of her bed in the middle of the night and go to the kitchen to wash them , she once scared one of her members who was heading to the bathroom and saw a figure moving in the dark the member let out a scream which got everyone awake .

She hate people who judge or talk behind back of the other she will go to you and be like " and what if he done that , did he kill your cat by doing it ? no ? then shut it and mind your own business " she is pretty bold and scary at time , and have a strong accent people tend to say that she have the same personality as Jessi , which she doesn't mind at all because for her Jessi is a model of girl power .
She make friend really easily , she was the only one friend with everyone during trainee years , she would make friend even with the cleaning lady , she was good at talking and know how to guess people interest but she was sometime too talkative which annoy people sometime but she doesn't really care .
She is really carefree , she can be clumsy sometimes and would say something she wasn't supposed to say out loud , but doesn't really apologize about it later . She have a really erted mind maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with boys well , she could talk about anything openly once Chanyeol asked her why doesn't she want to go to the beach with all of them , like that time a group of boys and girls trainee grouped up to go to the beach and in front of all those people she said " well i can go with you guys but i won't swim i have my period " which got all the person mouth agape , and the thing is that she said it like it was something people would talk about freely. She sometime sound like someone really experienced in relationship and stuffs like that but she never kissed or held hand with a boy .





background » Noh Eul was born and raised in Jeju . Eul has two family it always have been like that from as long as she could remember , she have her dad's family and her mom's family , when she was two years old her mom and dad divorced and both remarried divorced partner with children . Eul's mom married a british chef a year after she divorced Eul's dad , the british chef already had two boys twins 4 years older than her which made them at that time 7 years old , the oldest twin didn't like Eul at first he would bully her and play prank on her which got Eul always crying to the other twin who was more sweet and motherly with her , but soon after they became two big and protective brothers who only care about they only little sister Eul . Eul dad remarried two years after the divorce to a Korean woman who had three kids two two girls older than Eul and one boys two years younger than Eul , Eul loved her little brother , as she would spend the weekend at her dad house which at that time still lived in Jeju . Primary school was hard on Eul her dad's family moved to Seoul , her mom became busy with work as she was a nurse , her older british brother went back to England to study and her Step-dad opened a restaurant which made him as busy as her mom , so the only person Eul would run back to after school would be her nounou Akio . You are probably wondering why primary school was hard on Eul well younger Eul was a total tom-boy and during primary school she even had a really short hair and wouldn't wear dresses or anything girly . At school the boys wouldn't hang out with her saying that she was a girl and the Girls wouldn't hang out with her saying she was a boy . But she never changed for them , she would stay alone or play with the school dog which everyone was afraid of . On the last year of primary school a boy moved over to Jeju , he was from Seoul and was in Eul class , on his first day of school during break time when on the girls tried to catch his attention and all the boys where shouting at him to come to play he went over to Eul who was playing basketball alone and took the ball from her "do you want to be my girlfriend ?" Eul was surprised like everyone else but she quickly got her sense back shook her head no grabbed the ball from him and smiled a big smile "i can be your bestfriend if you want " and the boy accepted . The exact same boy was the one who got Eul into dance during the summer break between primary and middle school , he was a really talented b-boy at a really young age , he gave lesson of dance to Eul and she quickly found her own style , she loved music and dance it was like a world just with her and her bestfriend , but when the end of the summer break got closer Eul had to move to Seoul to her dad's house it was a heartbreaking good bye between her and her best friend .
In Seoul she didn't lost her love for music but got passionated more , her step-mom heard her once singing and was pretty impressed so she suggested to her to take classes and that's what she did . She took dance and singing classes her dad was a pretty proud dad . 
On her last year of middle school , her dad's family and her where sitting around the table eating dinner when her little brother had the brightest idea ever he suggested to her to audition for an agency which got all the family pretty excited , the same night she called her mom to get permission from her and her step dad , but her mom wasn't really fund of the idea at first , then after a long talk with her step dad she gave her okey to Eul which got really excited . The next day her siblings and her start searching for which agency she should audition to , one of her sister said YG , the other SM and her brother said JYP , so Eul was pretty confused and didn't know what to do she called her older brothers for advices , the two were fan of Kpop and they suggested that she should try her luck with all of them and see .
After one month of hard training and practicing she auditioned for all the three agency and even met up with a friend of her , her best friend who got her into music and dance , he was auditioning to YG they wished each other good luck and exchanged numbers but they didn't get in the same agency . Noh Eul was accepted in SM during the summer of her last year of middle school which was in 2010.


lifestyle » Noh Eul would normaly wake up around 1 pm , as she may have been pretty exhausted . She would stay a couple of minute in her bed checking her phone and what's happening in the world , before she would actually wake up and head first to the bathroom . She would take a long shower and make sure to wash up good before getting out and drying her self she would probably let her hair wet and just put on a wide shirt with no bra and a typical pijama pant before heading to the kitchen saying good morning to her member , she would make her self some food probably eggs in some way (it change each week) and would ask if any of the member wanted some , she would then prepare her self some tea and wash the dishes as the water would boil , she would take her mug of tea and get back to her bed , pulling her laptop on top her lap , she would wait until it turn on enter her password and rush to watch the latest episode of W , Uncontrolably Fund , Let's Fight Ghost and Doctors , when finishing the episode it should be around 4pm , she would stand up from her place to see what the girl ate for lunch and would take some from whatever they ate put it in a plate and walk back to her place she would then watch the latest episode of her favorite Tv Shows and imagine her self in each of them hoping that they would soonly invite her , after  that it should be around 8 pm , she would probably go grab some snacks and clean around the house for about an hour before sitting back in her bed with the snacks she then would watch the latest M/V and some youtube video , when dinner time arrive she would get out her place and go to order pizza for everyone , then chat with the girl and annoy them waiting for the pizza to reach their house . After eating the pizza she would talk boys with the girls until she fell asleep .




tivia » 

-->  Likes :

✩ dramas
✩ sunny days
✩ spending time with her siblings
✩ walking around with just a big shirt on 
✩ meat and spicy food 
✩ dancing
✩ her step dad cooking
✩ having fun 


--> Dislikes:

✩ too much reserved people

✩ being ignored
✩ being judged because of her looks 
✩ people who don't respect people
✩ people who doesn't care about what happen around them
✩ babies
✩ butterflies 

--> Habits:

✩ she sleep with open

✩ she doesn't drink much water
✩ she tend to talk loudly and kind of rudely 
✩ she like to act cute around her brothers

--> Hobbies:

✩ basketball

✩ shopping
✩ reading
✩ movies
✩ youtube

--> Trivia:


✩ the first kpop song she listen to was fantastic baby by big bang
✩ she love kdrama , like she really does but never finish any as she get bored easily
✩ she want to be on We Got married , Running man and star king somedays
✩ she want to try acting
✩ she doesn't get sick easily
✩ she look at the mirror a lot but who doesn't
✩ she can't sleep without covering both her ears
✩ even if she is lazy she work out and dance a lot
✩ her ideal type is someone like Seungri sunbaenim , funny , cute and manly 
✩ she want to meet jay park as he is a role model for her 
✩ she want to be as big as CL and GD somedays 



relationships » at least mother and father

mom / Park So Jin / 7 june 1975 / nurse / bossy , caring , nagging , motherly , possesive , jealous  / Eul does get a long with her mom , even if they sometime fight and raise their voices to each other Eul love her mom and so does So Jin love her daughter .

dad / Noh Kangchul / 7 mars 1972 / teacher / bubbly , open minded , shy , over protective , alcoholic ,easily angry  / Eul love her dad , he was always really understanding , and would be okey with anything her daughter choose to do as long as she like it , but even if he tend to love drinking he never drink in front of the family , she worry about him but never talk about it .


step-dad / James Wayne / 2 july 1973 / chef / understanding , careless , openminded , naive , too much friendly , nagging / his like a second dad for her or more like he is a second dad for her , she look up at him , he even teached her how to cook some nice things and he always look after her and support her .

step- mom / Kang Doyeon / 11 february 1974 / music teacher / bubbly , loving , caring , bossy , nagging , unfunny / She is Eul second mom , even if she doesn't call her mom she love her and respect her , they would sing and laugh together .


big brother (oldest twin) / Adam Wayne / 4 august 1992 / model /loving , playful , flirty , jealous , protective , bold / Younger he didn't like Eul that much but with time he became really protective , he would check about kpop everyday and if he even just read or hear about one rumors about her he call or text her to scold her , but she still love him .
big brother (youngest twin ) / Xavier Wayne / 4 august 1992 / writer / loving , motherly , too serious , get scared easily , prefer staying at home , possesive / they get along with each other , he would always help her with school stuff and was kind of a mother to her when they were younger .


big sister  / Lee sung kyung / 10 august 1993 / college student / sassy , confident , sselfish , caring , kind , big heart / they would fight sometime as they both had a big aura around them it wasn't easy for them to get a long but with time they became close friend that share the same passion for fashion .


big sister  /lee sung eun  / 3 September 1995 / college student / smart,  reserved , doesn't talk a lot , manga addict , fan girl , funny , sarcastic  / they got a long well they love the same kind of manga and would fan girl about kpop group together back when Eul lived with her dad Sungeun was her roommate .


little brother / lee sungjae / 21 february 1998 / student / out going , open minded , selfish , sarcastic , unfunny joke lover , jealous , kind  / she love her little brother she take really good care of him and always ask about him at the point at it is osmetime annoying for her brother , he does love her but doesn't show it often , they text and talk a lot .


childhood best friend  / Ji soo / 3 may 1996 / YG trainee  / caring , talkative , narcisstic , jealous , protective , sassy / she doesn't know how she could thank him enough for showing her the road of music , she did have a crush on him back in the days but now he is just a really good friend with who she go eat meets or grab a smootie from time to time .


member / Supreme/ varies / idol /varies/ she love her members they are like a third family for her and she always wanted to have more siblings even if they sometimes fight or get into argument it's never always white in a relationship they love and respect each other a lot .


sunbae / exo / varies / idol / varies / she shared some of her trainee years with some members of exo , they were even pretty close , but when they got famous they did break their closeness a little but soon became close friends again , she would meet up with them and they would text and snap chat , she even kept contact with the members who aren't in the group anymore .


sunbae / red velvet  /varies / idol / varies / she is really close with them too as she had been in SM from 2010 , she even shared her room with Seulgi , she shared the members happy and sad moment and was always there to support them and them too .





stage name » Eul 

position » LEAD DANCER , Lead Vocalist 

persona »savage queen 

trainee length » 6 years 

trainee period » her trainee years were like everyones , hard , exhausting but educatif , she got to learn a lot of stuffs and master them , even if she sometime felt like she would just give up on everything and go back to her dad house , she didn't she kept believing that she will do it , even when sometime trainee with less years than her debuted she never hated them she did feel jealous but always supported them , she made amazing friends and met amazing people and if she goes back to 2010 she would totally audition for SM again .

pre debut » she was back dancer in TVXQ -Something video .
she appeared as a cameo in the drama EXO NEXT DOOR 

scandals »they were rumors that she was dating Taemin of shinee once  / it was false they were just really close and taemin took her out to eat meat as Eul is a fanatic of meat and some paparazi took a pic of them .



there's rumours that #SUPREME countains the most talented trainees UNDER SM. how do you feel about being one of them? » She laughed softly at the question and looked over at the camera " I feel flatered and happy that i kind of reached my goal on being the best , i also feel more presure on my shoulders " she sighs softly with a soft smile " but it just another reason for me to work harder and protect my position " 

what made you want to follow this path? » she smiled widely and crossed her legs before looking at the camera " Jisoo-ah thanks for what you did for me ." she made a fighting movement "fighting !" she then turned to the interviewer " my friend showed me this path and i just got into it without any reason of turning back as this path was like the dream you would do younger and forget about it later , i just didn't forget about it and was quiet good at it so i worked harder to be better "

IF YOU WEREN'T AN IDOL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? » "i would have probably followed my mother path and took medcine in college or maybe my step dad steps and became a chef , i mean i love food and drama with the doctors " she laughs softly .

WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL TYPE? » her eyes went wide slightly as she wasn't really waiting for that question before she chews on her lips thinking " well i'm not looking for someone handsome i just want him to be cute and charming in his own way , i want someone funny with who i could keep a conversation but someone hot and handsome and tall is always welcomed " she laughs softly " abs make me melt " she winks at the camera 

how do you feel about finally debuting? » "how would a feel , like it's my birthday and mom got me david bekham as a present that's how i feel , it feel like a dream but at the same time real , i feel kind of proud too and anxious , maybe it wont work as we wanted but at least we will have our moment of glory " 

DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WERE GOING TO DEBUT AFTER RED VELVET'S DEBUT? » "yes i did think i would still debut but when NCT came out my hope weren't as big , i'm someone that doesn't give up easily i'm pretty optimist as a person , so i kept my hope up " she smiles softly " and look like my time finally arrived "

HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN RED VELVET DEBUTED AND YOU DIDN'T? » she took a moment of silence before looking up at the camera " i felt envious and jealous , sad , angry but happy too , happy that my friend made it and i kept saying to myself that it will be me soon too"
WHO ARE YOU CLOSE WITH IN SM? » well i'm someone who is close with everyone i get a long with all age range , i'm close with Seulgi unni , Chanyeol oppa , taemin oppa , Sunny unni , Heechul Oppa and Mark .

love interest » include full name, stage name and group (ex.: min yoongi "suga" bts)

nickname (s) » here.

BIRTHDAY » month day year

TRAITS » minim of 3 positive and 3 negative.

PERSONALITY » summarize

history » from when they met. 

interactions » how they act around each other.

ENDING » do they marry? break up? stay friends? never talk anymore? etc

trivia » here.

USERNAME & ALIAS » Jinminchan / Aicha
MESSAGE » i had fun filling in this , hope you had fun reading it !
REQUESTS » Sm Hawai Vacation 
PASSWORD » To be honest i know everyone but i don't now her i mean even for the conversation we had , it was boring one like , hi how are you ? that's it . I just don't know if that girl is ready yet , i mean it took us years to became what we are , but she had been here for one year but who knows Kai too trained only for one year and he is doing good now .


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