I just...

So, I just wanted to ask for advice or at least get this off my chest..

I've written about this relationship (or non excistent one, therefore) with this boy that I've got to know...

So, basically, we met at this party few months back, and we're not living in the same town, since I live in one, and study Uni at the other, and he lives in the third.. So yeah, it's complicated. :D

And after couple of months of talking I just got to the point to cool down, to not feel anything, to really feel nauseous from talking to him.. And I didn't want to lead him on, so I got down to business, and said that I don't like him anymore like that and that we are better off friends than anything more.

That was a couple of weeks before, and yesterday, I went to his town (since my friend from Uni is from there too, and that's actually how I met him), and we got talking again, and I just... Realized that my feelings are still there.. And we were super like friendly but still teasing, and touching each other and all that, but nothing more..

And he has this thing to almost never forgive someone who dissapoint him, and he said that I did hurt him, but not dissapoint.. 

So the thing now is, that I want to be with him, but already said what I said couple of weeks before... And I turned out to be such a for not realizing things earlier and just jumping the gun.. But now.. I don't know

He said all those things how he cares for me, and that he can talk to me about things that he couldn't with any other previous girl, and that I'm also the smartest girl he has ever cared for and talked to..

And it's all nice and stuff, but he's like in contact with different girl(s), not sure really, but he's texting someone else, and didn't try anything last night... 

And my point here is that I'm stupid, lol, jk, but I am, since I just went with the feeling I felt that time when I said we're better off friends, and now I want to burst since I really want to be with him


So girls, be smart and think about someone or something couple of times, before deciding and ruining something that couldn've been so good. 

Sorry for the long rant, but I needed someone else to hear this (other than my friends), and say confirm that I'm a and that I don't deserve him anymore... 

(and he's like everything I ever wanted in a boy)

Thank you :')


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LovelyChand #1
You most definitely are not a . We all make mistakes, have regrets that we want to erase. That's what makes us human. When opportunity comes knocking on the door, we try to clean the entire house of every single dust speck before greeting them, and by then it's too late. It's alright. It's okay to make mistakes, to regret, to feel burdened by it. But this could just mean you are meant for something better. I sincerely believe in that. If you two are what's meant to be, then fate will simply act itself out. If not, then your partner is simply still on their way to your door. And if you believe in destiny, then believe you will make your lasting relationship with "The One" the best one, and it will be the best. Things always happen for a reason, sometimes one that we never find out about. It's alright. And for that matter, from an outside perspective, I don't believe you did anything wrong. You analysed everything and calculated as many conclusions as you could, you made sure you wouldn't get hurt trying to make sure someone else doesn't get hurt, you were careful. That's important when it comes to relationships. And most importantly, you not only listened to your heart, but you followed your head, as well. Following your head may lead to broken hearts sometimes, but always remember: a broken heart can be fixed, but a broken mind can't. So, don't put yourself down too much. Let yourself be sad if you're sad, mad if you're mad, feel whatever you want, just don't hurt yourself over it, and don't linger too long on the negativity. From all your blogs I've read, your a fantastic person. So, as a request from me, sit yourself down, play some of your favorite music, eat as much as you want of your soul food, and treat yourself after the sadness. Such a great person doesn't deserve to feel this way :)