Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Review

The recent released of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has united Potterheads all over world. If you aren't already familiar with the Harry Potter franchise,let me give you a horrible summary.

Orphaned boy Harry a lightning scar lives with horrible uncle and aunt and pig of a cousin. One day giant man bashed into Harry's house on his birthday and pulls out a cake from his coat pocket (why Hagrid) “Yer a wizard ‘Aryy” “don't be daft” *Hogwarts letters rain from the sky* angry fat Englishman screams in rage (aka Uncle Vernon) NO I'M NOT TING YOU HIS FAT AND DISGUSTING UNCLE IS CALLED VERNON. Big jolly (sans the green skin) giant whizzed boy away with magic. turns out he's loaded af.courtesy of his deceased parents. Spends a ton buying school supplies. Meets smart human hermione and ginger wizard Ron. *constantly battling with Lord Voldy for like all the seven books* Mouldy Voldy dies Harry is a legend and so are his friends.

Yay so at this point you HP fans are probably pissed at the inaccuracy and you non fans might be put off but let me tell you. IT IS WORTH THE READ.I’ve had friends who don't read HP due to religion (they think magic is taboo and stuff).If you're in a similar case, I totally respect that but otherwise pick up a HP book. It's definitely a great way to lose yourself into the fantasy of magic. Now before I actually start the review, I'll also be talking about my relationship with the Harry Potter franchise and all that crap which will be at the last part. Feel free to skip it if you just came for the review. I'll try to be unbiased on this.

So although this book is supposedly the eighth installment of the franchise. Don't go about thinking it's another story of them 19 years later. Well it is about them 19 years later...just not a proper storybook like the other seven.It is in fact a screenplay jointly written by J.K Rowling,John Tiffany and Jack Throne. Yes. The actual script from the play is written into a book so you can reenact it with your fellow Potterheads. However,some of you might think that it's not really worth the money. Who wants to read a ruddy screenplay. I get that. For fanatics the book is a sure buy. Written by JK Rowling herself, rest assured the essence of the old crew is very distinct. If you're still hesitant on this particular purchase,I hope I can help you make a choice. In a nutshell it’s Harry’s past,alternate universes and their children all written into a 330 paged book. A spoiler that all the old guys have a new dimension to them. They are all well into adulthood with kids now so they do change slightly in terms of personality. During their years in Hogwarts, they are already pretty complex characters but get even more complex with parenthood. You might even find yourself frowning at their choices as parents. Now the story focuses more on Albus Severus Potter. The short epilogue in the seventh book on the trio (Harry,Ron and Hermione) as well as the others (Draco and Ginny) is further elaborated. Bringing light to Draco’s son Scorpius. The usually sorting hat ceremony commences and THAT is where it all changes. As we have read, Albus is afraid of getting sorted into Slytherin, a bunch known for the dark arts. Understandable,seeing as Albus’ relations are all sorted into Gryffindor. !SPOILER! He ends up befriending Scorpius and gets sorted into Slytherin which Rose is a bit iffy about. This sends him into a whirl of spite and hatred of being “the great Harry Potter’s son”. He gets a bit salty about this but what can I say. It's a teenager thing. They go on an adventure with the time turner,full of alternate universes,it's basically fan fiction. I don't wish to spoil it too much so I won't specify what sparks the adventure and what not. Although I would say Scorpius is a misunderstood child and Albus has daddy issues(as quoted from my friend) So…to get the book or not. I'd say get the book,it doesn't disappoint. However,you do need to be prepared to have a totally different view of the crew. Especially Harry. Great values are being instilled here, a parents love, friendship blah blah blah,all the usual. That aside, personally, I recommend this to those who have read the entire franchise and are hungry for more. Not so much for first timers though, the magical effect that was intended of the flashbacks would puzzle you. It is everything you'd expect yet nothing that you'd predict. With that, I have ended my very unhelpful review. I hope you still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Onto my relationship with this franchise. I was 12 when I got into Harry Potter. That year I was due to sit for national exams(You know,PSLEs for the Singaporeans)so I'd ought to be studying my off during the holidays but as a tween,studying during the holidays was blasphemy. I had no phone at that time and limited access to electronic devices. My dad stayed home,he was unemployed then,recently quit his job. So as any parent would, he made sure I studied. That meant I couldn't go near the computer or TV until I had studied a sufficient amount. I only had books. Lots of books. My mum is a bookworm and I take after her. So naturally our house was filled with books. On the top shelf of the cupboard was a bunch of very thick books. At that age reading such a thick book was so cool. I felt really grown up then. I would read the book behind my assessment book on bed. It concealed the book quite well. Throughout June, I had finished all seven books. I was officially a Potterhead. I must admit I haven't really watched the films,only bits and pieces from TV. However I watched a lot of behind the scenes of the actors and the whole franchise. I quickly fell in love with all of them. There was something wildly magical about Harry Potter. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Waston, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton and many more. I remember fangirling over Tom Felton-well I still do. I must have thing for Toms because Tom Hiddleston is quite a looker as well. YEUS *screams* From then I had one dream. It was to visit Harry Potter world and own merchandise. Fast forward three years later, this dream would come true. At the end of 2015, my parents planned a trip to Japan. As loving parents, they agreed to go to a day trip to Osaka specially to visit Universal Studios Japan where there was a little section tucked among the trees reserved for all the magic to take place. Now that was a dream. It was almost too beautiful to be true. The set of Hogsmeade recreated, the Hogwarts Express, even Hogwarts itself! Though most of the shops were just props, at the windows of each shop were items like a small snitch flitting about in the small window of the Quidditch shop. They moved as if they were meant to. The bludgers were held down by chains as they struggled to break free,it legit felt like I was a student from Hogwarts. There was even butterbeer!!! Of course, I had to try one and my mum allowed me to get the one with the reusable mug which was very cute. Hohoho I got a wand, a Gryffindor beanie and a Slytherin tie. I was a happy child that day.

Reading this book whizzed me back to my 12 year old days and the time spent in Universal Studio Japan’s Harry Potter World. This book was a 10/10 for me.

Hope you guys liked my personal story and views. Do leave comments on your feelings or even a link to your on blogpost on the Cursed Child. I'd love to hear from you guys.


A/N: I'll be doing more blogposts on writing/literature .Once I've written a substantial amount, hopefully i can post a masterlist.  They'll range from books to personal feelings to maybe writing tips based on my own opinion(if anyone is interested)  The topics are basically anything i feel strongly about. It could be something i want to share regarding a question from literature class (my teacher often gives us thought provoking questions that send me into a whirlpool of existential crisis and humaity hating) or just simply word vomit i dont wish to post as a story. 

I feel that since AFF is a writing community(Kpop writing community to be exact) we can share and learn about the finer points of writings and stories. It'll help us grow as authors and hopefully bring about inspiration. 



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/cries/ omgomg ; u ;
first of all, i love for for summing up harry potter like that lmao <33 im a total harry potter buff and have been for like, lets see, um probably a decade or so now? idk i was like a fetus when i started reading those books and i quote the lines like a loser and when i watch the movies with non-potterhead friends im always like "actually in the book..." so yeah xD and youre so lucky you went to harry potter world!! its my lifelong dream to go there i crey
and wow i wasnt thinking of getting the screenplay because i thought it wouldnt be the same but after reading this i totally will! i kinda feel guilty for not considering it before so thank you i love you muah and may you be as happy as dobby the house-elf was when getting those ugly af yellow socks from harry for christmas ouo