
People change.

They change opinions. They change attitudes. They change clothes. They change homes.

People change.

It can happen over the course of years or within a single day. Some of those changes are inevitable. Some have been chosen for.

When people part and "change" is the reason, they say it's because those two stopped acting like they are someone else. But what caused them to stop acting? Isn't it because something changed? Wouldn't they continue their life as before if nothing changed? Does their way of living have to have been an act?

A change can be small or big, physical or mental, personal or public. It can be caused by an action or words, through thoughts or a discussion.

We are incapable of staying the same. Change is what forms our personality.

And through change, people can grow apart or get to know each other.

Memories of long meet ups and fun adventures remain, may be colored differently by change.

Imaginations of glorious futures will become true or turn into a memory.

People change.

But whether that change is good or bad can only be found out by the one who changed after another change. Before that, the change can't be viewed properly because it's what you life and what affects you.

People change.

You change.

I change.

But sometimes we will change together.



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jewelsvalencia #1
True, people change, everbody changes, but didn't forget every single thing about you when I was active in aff hun ❤️
kei_sainter #2
Agree 100% with your sentiments. Thank you for sharing!

Change is inevitable, but we shouldn't be afraid of it because a lot of the time it relates to growing and learning. I'm scared of drifting apart from someone I love due to "change" but I shouldn't worry too much about something I can't control.
Wow :333 i like thia a so cutey:3