I feel so unsafe here


So lately I have been feeling very uneasy about my town I live in. It is becoming unsafe. I know in America shootings and stuff happens a lot but in my town things never happen. I live in a Historical Town called Romsey in the area of Hampshire in England. It is a small town- very small but Hampshire is known around the UK as he Rich area or Upper Class/ Posh area. I am not Upper Class and where I actually live in Romsey we are all Middle Class or Working Class. The rich people live in the Mansions along the main road and down near our sports centre.

Anyway just off of the town centre you have flats and flats of what we call ‘Chavs’ or Common people in my town and they love to fight. With my town we have never really had issues or killings apart from one years ago where a woman committed suicide. The only day of the year many families are scared of is when my town holds a fair called The Beggars Fair and this is when everyone gets drunk. We’ve had stabbings, fights upon fights on this day of the year. I am not allowed to leave my house.

Two weeks ago, news broke out that shocked many of us in Romsey as it was so unlike the people here to do that. A woman had been stabbed by her girlfriend in an attempted murder…right in front of their children…I knew the victim’s brother as he was the man who got me home on the nights I babysat. This stabbing took place about a ten minute walk from where I live. It happened up the road. The stabber was sent to jail of course but yesterday another stabbing took place…it was by a canal that is the route I used to take when I went to secondary school. It was drug related.

I feel so unsafe here…and I am alone till later this week…Its so scary to think about all this because the stabber from yesterday is still on the loose… the victim was involved in a fight with the stabber and has gone to jail for assault but I am so scared.

Really don’t like living here…I wish I lived in Winchester where I was born but that really is the place where rich people live.


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That's horrible. I'm sorry that you're going through this. Please be strong and stay safe.
in todays world,the only thing thts left in humanity is violence over $/drugs & hatred/racism.
its saddenin.
Tbh the stabber probably was only interested in going for the person they already stabbed. I'm probably what you would call a chav seeing as I live in a council house in Luton but no, I don't love to fight and I won't shank you lmao
Becareful and keep safe. Hopefully things get better .
awww there, there! /hugs you/ i promise everything will be all right ♡
ive lived in lewisham for years and its considered pretty dangerous here but ive never had any harm come my way. i hear about stabbings on nearby roads almost every other day, even in places i often go but ive always managed to keep out of harm's way so im sure youll be able to as well c: just be careful as always, all right? take care, darling!