the fact that im now alive

HEYYYYY i know some of you guys were looking for me all this time and wondered where the have i been. i am honestly about to leave aff not only because of the drama i've been through but due to selfish reasons too. you guys might hate me for it since i pretty much hate myself right now for leaving y'all behind lol. but i'm also human, and i believe we all make mistakes. even if it's a selfish one. nowwww for ikrown's destiny, i am wondering if the applicants that are chosen namely teenage and the likes still want to be there???? if yes, i am going to repost ikrown without having to open an application again. but if you guys lose your muse at my story, then so be it i'll be okaaay :( i know it's hard to expect someone to get interested again after being gone for so long. i might open applications for some spots if some of you didn't want to be a part of it anymore

just comment down

what ya think


- junhoe's wife


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YOU'RE BACKKKKKKKK♡♡♡♡♡♡ and why not haha i'd like to see how ikrown would evolve♡
you lil you're back
do you know how much i missed you??????
feels like punching you but at the same time smothering you with kisses asdfgh
but its okay boo, im just glad you're back and feeling okay <3
i'll still be interested in ikrown even if you've gone missing for years lmao
shuttupsehun #3
i missed u so much bby ughhh
i'll still read ikrown dont worry
No matter what, you had your reason, and that's really all that matters, whether it was selfish or not is up to you. I'm glad you're feeling better and that you're back, and I'm more than happy to continue reading ikrown.
i'm still waiting tho --
so sad to hear bout ya dear T^T but, it's okay. take your time slowly.
of course !! I'm still waiting mom and dad of ikrown moments ;;
miss ya ~