Read This if You are a Animal lover!

So I read a blog from heclgehog entitled LOOK AT THIS NOW and luckily I did. It is about an AFF member who is an intern in an animal hospital who is asking for help to get about $1000 for a gofundme thing for the hospital she is doing her internship in. 

Her username is soothighs and her blog is this I Desperately Need Your Help

If you wanna learn more about these stuff and what she is going to use the money for, read up on her blog. Then please make sure to share and tweet - and if you can Donate as well. 

This way, you can get to help that hospital and the animals there. ^.^ 

I already share it on my IC account and asked a voting site with lots of Inner Circle followers to check it out. 

They were quick to RT it and I hope that more people would see it and donate and spread it. 

I am a bit low on funds and this is all I can do for now. 
But I might contact some local fanclubs to help her out too. 

So do your good deed and share this tweet!



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