G.NATION | Plotline #3 | Lettie (Choi Hanmi Violet)

replace with fc


Hanmi Violet


✩ Little Han - an annoying reminder that she's the younger Choi twin (Hansol and Hanmi).
✩ Odette - she knows ballet.

✩ Blooming Flower - a cringey fan-given name that refers to her english name Violet that is a flower and alludes to her growing beauty. 
✩ Aerobics teacher - the other members jokingly call her this because it could be 3 am after tiring hours of training yet she'd still be energetic and hyper while enthusiastically yelling "POW!" "WHOOP!" "LETS GO!" "WAH SEOUNNIE WORK IT!" while dancing to motivate the tired mood while G.Nation practices.


✩ Korean - fluent; been living in Korea for 13 years now.
✩ English - fluent; speaks it at home since her American mother is not fluent in Korean.



Lettie is a pretty tall girl for her age, standing at 170 cm. She has a slim build, depsite the mass amounts of pizza that she consumes in a week. She got a small tattoo on her ankle on her 18th birthday 5 months ago. Lettie's dyed the tips of her hair orange last year (x) but it is currently dyed a soft ombre and reaches her elbow (x). 


Lettie’s style is trendy and fashionable. She hates pink, girly things. On the other hand though, she loves distressed jeans, flannels and her beloved timberland boots or converses. Indie, tumblr, hipster style. On chill days or around the dorms, she loves wearing oversized sweatshirts, jumpers, hoodies. Highly confident in her own skin and doesn't mind showing a little skin.

Casual: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Formal: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Onstage: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
Practice: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.



BIRTHDATE: 18/02/98. 
ETHNICITY: Half Korean and half American.

BACK UP: Tia (ChoColat).
HEIGHT: 50 kg.
WEIGHT: 170cm.




"hands off the pizza  and nobody dies"

Positive: hard working, natural adapter, fast learner, optimistic, cheerful, bubbly and helpful.
Negative: loud, impulsive, inconsiderate, stubborn, argumentative, competitive and apathetic.
Neutral: perfectionist, confident, hyper, good liar, realistic and sassy.


Positive: Choi Hanmi Violet is a very happy-go-lucky, optimistic kind of girl that finds joy in the smallest things in life like; getting the last piece of beef at dinner or having a butterfly land on her at the park. She views the world as a cheerful, rainbows and unicorn type of place. Lettie tries her best to spread hope and happiness during dull times. She loves making the people around her laugh but will often end up laughing too hard to finish telling the joke. Lettie is a carefree and easygoing soul. She is energetic and lively 24/7. She is always seen skipping down the corridor while whistling a cheerful tune or wearing a smile that reaches her ears. Lettie is willing to do anything to help out (often the first person to volunteer to stack chairs or clean up). She determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Lettie is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. Lettie loves what she does and excels in her interests. She can pick things up quickly and adapts to new people, environments and cultures easily. She is known throughout Big Hit Entertainment to be a very fast choreography learner. Lettie can easily grasp a dance just by studying/watching the choreography twice if it's easy, 3-4 times if it's a little harder and 5 times if it's a difficult dance usually.

However, there is more than what meets the eye. Often people let their guard down and assume that what they see is the truth. Lettie has been in the media industry even before she was born and she’s been training longest out of all the girls. She’s met and interacted with quite a lot of celebrities by now. From this, she knows every nook and cranny there is in media and how to act in front of a camera. She knows exactly what fans want to see and what pleases them. To put it bluntly, it’s an act. It’s all an act, always has been to be honest. As soon as the cameras start rolling, her personality instinctively switches on. She turns into a lovable, 4D, beagle that is adored by everyone. Lettie entered the entertainment industry knowing what to expect. Be kind, be generous, be selfless. Be all that and you’ll be instantly liked. It’s all simple really, just act like you’re an innocent 7 year old. In reality, she’s cunning, sly and manipulative. Sure, there are times when her act drops but do you genuinely think that any normal person would actually volunteer to do another’s dishes pft.

Negative: However, there are some traits that she has strategically selected to display to the public. If there’s one word to describe Lettie, it’s loud. She. Doesn’t. Shut. Up. EVER! This girl honestly doesn't have a filter and moves until the end of time. On the rare occasion that she does shut , she’ll find other ways to deafen others. Whether it be screeching the lyrics to some trot song, blasting music through the speakers or just plain yelling. Not even real words! She just sits there yelling gibberish and no one ever questions her (everyone’s used to it by now). She will often say things straightforwardly without considering your feelings. And frankly, even if she does realise that she’s hurt you, she’ll pull the dumb blonde act; put on a bright smile and skip happily away. This kid is seriously the most headstrong person you will ever meet. Once her decision is made, she will not change it. Whether you like it or not, she’s made up her mind  and it’ll stay that way. Lettie is a loud, over-the-top, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back. She never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the quickest. Her solution to most problems is go to the practice room and dance until she feels better. But for real, does this chick ever SHUT UP?!

Neutral: Lettie is a perfectionist. She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. She practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage when she’s performing but many interpret her confidence as cockiness (after all, there's only a thin line separating the 2 characteristics). Lettie is always seen bouncing around or yelling obnoxiously. Her energy and bubbliness can be contagious and end up motivating people around her but sometimes, Lettie just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, SO Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. Her ability to lie and improvise on the spot is amazing. Lettie has long ago mastered the art of lying and how to keep her facial expressions neutral. She never loses her cool and remains calm even under stressful situations. Lettie knows how to respond to questions perfectly and how to act in front of a camera/audience. She never says the wrong thing and doesn’t get flustered. However, this also means that you can never tell whether or not she’s lying to you. Lettie is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sassy attitude is a humorous relief among the trainees but sometimes, Lettie doesn't understand boundaries and might end up hurting someone (not she she cares to be honest).



Lettie started dancing at the ripe age of 2, starting with ballet at 2 and later on went en pointe at 9. At 4 years old, she ventured into hip hop. Throughout her years at her dance studio, SM, Big Hit and 1MILLION, she has studied ballet, hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, freestyle, popping and b-girling. Lettie is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 16 years and hip hop for 14 years. Lettie is also an accomplished choreographer.

Lettie spent the early years of her childhood in New York. When the twins were 5 (in 2003), their parents decided to relocate to South Korea. After getting constantly bullied for their foreign looks and biracial ethnicity, the twins began homeschooling.

In 2012, Lettie and Vernon were street casted by both Pledis and SM on the subway. In the end, Vernon went with Pledis while Lettie attended the audition for SM as a dancer, performing a self-choreographed routine to iKON’s My Type. Subsequently, Lettie was accepted as a dance specializing trainee under SM Entertainment then joined the SM Rookies in June 2012.

At SM, the Lettie learnt how to rap since the trainers told her that her voice was better suited for rap. In early 2014, Lettie along with fellow trainees Seulgi, Irene, Wendy and Joy were all guaranteed a position in SM’s new girl group; Red Velvet. Lettie worked hard but it seems her efforts went to waste when the CEO announced one week before teaser releases that Lettie would be cut from Red Velvet’s final lineup. The teasers she pre-recorded, the photoshoots she took, her parts in Happiness, they were all removed. Ultimately, she left SM in June 2015 after spending exactly 3 years under their roof.

Even after she quit SM, Lettie still continued to dance and rap. She began to study hip-hop at 1MILLION Dance Studio. Then in December 2015, a Big Hit Entertainment representative was at the studio scouting for young trainees. He was guided to Lettie by the director of 1MILLION. She auditioned with a self-choreographed routine to Like a Boy and performed a self-written rap titled Hopeful about her past experiences with bullying at school for being bi-racial. Subsequently, Lettie was accepted as a dance and rap specializing trainee under Big Hit Entertainment in January 2016.



✩ Younger twin of Seventeen's Vernon by 12 minutes.
✩ Was in the lineup for Red Velvet before getting cut last minute.
✩ Was a released SM Rookie and part of the 'Foreign Swaggers'.
✩ Can't read maps - "what's that squiggly line?" "hold up, that's a road?!"
✩ Can't cook - no seriously, even if she's the only one in the dorms left, don't ask her to cook  for you unless you want to die from food poisoning. One time, she burnt ramen, the noodles disintergrated when the chopsticks touched it....

✩ Doesn't fall for hidden cameras anymore - within the first 3 minutes, she can tell what's going on but will act sweet and helpful on camera anyways.
✩ Knows the dance to literally every kpop song.
✩ Wants to visit Sydney, Australia.
✩ Whenever asked about her ideal type, she always says "ahh there is this one guy that I've seen on TV alot and he's very handsome. Yes, Vernon from Seventeen has a  very nice face" which makes people laugh since she's basically referring to herself.

✩ Currently in her 3rd (and last) year at SOPA. Sits next to Jungkook in class.
✩ Her go-to performances when asked to present are:
- Dance: sticking to the original with her audition Like A Boy.
- Rap: Shower.
- Vocal: Lips Are Moving.



✩ Gossip and scandals.
✩ Drama/beef between people.
✩ Styling the other members.
✩ Hairstyling and fashion.

✩ Macaroons.
✩ Pizza (her life).


✩ People waking her up early - if Lettie needs to wake up at 4 am for practice then she can do it herself, thank you very much rude person.
✩ When people stare at her while she's eating - yes, she can finish an entire pizza herself, is there a probelm?
✩ Capsicum and celery - claims and I quote; "they're vegetables sent to punish the world".
✩ Any form of physical activity aside from dance - I mean come on, who actually runs willingly.
✩ Slow leaners - think they waste her time (but will act helpful in front of a camera even if she's just about ready to punch you for taking 40 minutes to learn a dance move).

✩ When people continuously ask the same question over and over (she's very impatient).


✩ Plays with/touches/runs her hand through her hair often.
✩ Bursting into high school musical songs randomly.
✩ Subconsciously switching to English when excited or nervous.
✩ Spinning the pen every time there's one in her hand.
✩ Hitting the people next to her when she's excited or laughing.
✩ Stealing sweatshirts and hoodies from people (LITERALLY ANYONE WITH OVERSIZED CLOTHES, HIDE YO CLOTHES!).


✩ Clowns - has severe coulrophobia. She will collapse and cry if she see's a clown. Her fear is so bad that people know not to even use it for a prank.
✩ Dolls.
✩ Losing.
✩ Falling in front of a large crowd.
✩ Being 2nd place.


✩ Covering kpop dances.
✩ Shopping.
Choreographing and ballet (duh).
✩ Throwing shade - area of expertise.
✩ Procrastinating - also area of expertise.
✩ Low-key starting beef between people.
✩ Being loud and embarrassing.
✩ Writing rap lyrics - even though some people think that writing rap and vocal lyrics are the same process, Lettie can only write good rap lyrics for some reason. Once, she tried writing a vocal verse and ended ranting about how much she loved cheese.


✩ Father - Choi Simon (47) / Visual Arts teacher / punny, warm, supportive / thinks he's the bomb whenever he makes puns *comes into the room holding a grater* - "I know it's cheesy but I feel grate" "Dad, get out". He is extremely supportive of all his kids and their decisions. One of those dad's that propose a random family camping trip out of nowhere. Then proceeds to try start sing-a-longs on the car ride there. Typical protective dad who 'accidently' shakes the hand of any guy, who's standing too close lettie for his liking, too firmly.

✩ Mother - Choi Natalie (45) / Artist / caring, hospitable, gentle / Natalie is a kind-hearted woman who only wants the best for her kids. Over-nourishes them and cares for Lettie a lot. This mother-daughter duo call everyday because it doesn't even matter if Lettie is 30, she will always be her momma's little girl. Natalie playfully scolds Vernon a lot for 'not looking out for his younger sister'. Her maiden name; 'Vernon' became her brother's middle and stage name.

✩ Older twin brother - Choi Hansol Vernon (18) / Idol; Seventeen / annoying, protective, loving / please keep these 2 siblings away from each other because their laughs together could cause an earthquake. Vernon and Lettie are extremely close, they tell each other everything and are very dependent on the other. The twins often like to pull pranks like 'telepathy' (aka texting each other a sentence to recite at the same time beforehand). They have petty fights over stupid things like the best bubblt tea flavour. Your typical older brother who will threaten any guy within a 3 meter radius of his sister. Strangely likes Taeyong though, claiming that someone so good looking couldn't possible have any ill intentions. Sibling goals tbh.

✩ Younger sister - Choi Hangyeol Sofia (13) / Middle school student / bubbly, hyper, bright / this little munchkin fully supports both her siblings are are extremely close to them (even with a 6 year ). Always seen giggling or jumping around. She looks up to Lettie and always says that she wants to be just like her when she grows up.

✩ Best friend - Kwon Hoshi (20) / Idol; Seventeen / funny, bright, diligent / as the sister of Vernon, being friends with the members of Seventeen was pretty much inevitable. Being a part of Seventeen’s 3-piece Gag Trio means that Hoshi is obviously hilarious and fun to be around but he is also very hardworking. Bonded over their mutual passion for dance whenver Lettie would visit Pledis late-night after her training at SM. Within the first 2 minutes of talking to this kid, Lettie would be doubled over, in pain from laughing too hard. As much as Hoshi can lift the mood of a room, he also knows when to work hard. Both idols used to stay up late together practicing and choreographing routines.

✩ Best friends - NCT + SM Rookies (14-22) / Idols and trainees / ranges from squishy bean who needs protection to a shameless talk show host / When Lettie was introduced into the SM Rookies in June 2015, she quickly befriended Johnny, Yuta, Taeyong, Seulgi, Irene and Wendy who were literally the only people in the class. Over the years as more trainees passed their auditions, Lettie welcomed more and more people into the family. Lettie’s dance ability made the trainers place her in class with the SR15B as opposed to the core classes that the girls were taking. She grew up in SM surrounded by people who she would call family in an instant. Over the years, they became her overprotective brothers and were all devastated when Lettie announced her leave from the company. While under Big Hit, Lettie would constantly miss sharing pizza with Jaehyun, or roasting Doyoung’s embarrassing Vroom Vroom Talk Show, or helping maknae Jisung with choreography. Closest to Jaehyung, Ten and Taeyong.

✩ Brothers from another mother - Seventeen (17-20) / Idols / ranges from grumpy grandpa to a literal ray of sunshine / These 13 boys are Lettie's main hoes tbh (well they've got to share her with SM Rookies but still). At first, the boys only looked out for her when Vernon wasn't around but eventually, they all grew fond of her and act like WW3 was happening if she simply tripped or something. Used to create a barrier and walk around her when they used to go out in public with her. But ever since the news that Big Hit are forming a girl group got out, Lettie hasn't left the building and has been practicing every minute she came. Hasn't seen each other in person since late 2015. 

✩ Sister from another mister - Kim Soeun (17) / Trainee / kind hearted, naive, sensitive / admittedly, Lettie only befriended Soeun so that she could learn the ropes at Big Hit. Soeun was an easy target and too nice for her own good so Lettie was able to manipulate her effortlessly. Gradually, the girls grew genuinely close with Soeun helping Lettie keep her patience under control and in return, Lettie trying to teach Soeun how to stick up for herself by roasting people. Even though Lettie is only 5 months older, she feels the need to protect her and is ready to FIGHT anyone whoe even looks at Soeun in a weird way. Lettie calls her 'Beethoven' since she has a knack for the piano.

✩ Mentor - Jung J-Hope (22) / Idol: BTS / kind, optimistic, passionate / his happy, sunshine, smiley personality made him very easy to get along with when Lettie first met him. He looks after juniors well and is a very genuine person. He loves goofing around and being crazy with Lettie. Much like with Hoshi and Taeyong, Lettie and J-hope bonded over dance and are often seen practicing or choreographing together. J-hope acts as her performance mentor and gives her lots of good advice like 'how to follow cameras', 'onstage spacing', 'facial expressions' etc.

✩ Rival - Jeon Jungkook (18) / Idol; BTS / competitive, dedicated, talented / it’s not as if they aren't at each other's throats 24/7 but there is an undeniable tension between these two whenever performance or skill is mentioned. Now, everyone knows how competitive the Golden Maknae can get, so naturally, when he overheard that trainers called Lettie Big Hit’s next ‘Golden Member', he set out to prove to everyone that she was definitely not on his level. At first it was nothing personal; just Kookie being competitive. But eventually, he viewed Lettie's constant but worthy​ counterattacks against his talents frustrating and deemed her his rival. They were competitive in everything; dancing, rapping, singing, grades, who can eat the pizza slice quicker, etc.


( main dancer, rapper,vocal, choreographer )

#4: main rapper, dancer, vocal, song writer

stage name : Lettie


✩ Dance: Mina from 1MILLION (backup: SNSD's Hyoyeon).
✩ Rap: Joy from Red Velvet (backup: I.O.I's Yoojung).
✩ Vocal: GFriend's Yerin (backup: I.O.I's Doyeon).

PERSONA: Charismatic Odette; Lettie radiates confidence, charisma and talent. Never makes mistakes and shines on stage. Many sunbaenims and teachers have positively commented on her stage presence, saying that she really knows how to engage an audience. Extremely professional - her shirt would rip off or something and she’d still continue to dance and slay the stage.

TRAINEE YEARS: ✩ 3 years and 7 months (June 2012 - June 2015 at SM then January 2016 - current at Big Hit).

trainee life: 

 Lettie transitioned back into trainee life easily since she had basically gone through hell and back by coming out of SM. She was fully aware of the hardships and cruel nature that came with training.

At first, none of the other trainees approached Lettie - it wasn’t anything personal, just the usual competitive trainee life. Expecting that there was fresh bait to mock for starting on the bottom ranks, the other trainees were (to say the least) not happy to discover that their new fellow trainee didn't sound like a dying walrus when she attempted something musical. Most of the trainees whispered about how she probably wasn’t good enough for SM but frankly, Lettie couldn't care any less about what they thought of her. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes every 2 minutes and continued on with a bright fake smile.

When she first joined Big Hit, Lettie was distant from everyone and didn't try making any friends. Honestly, she missed her all her SM friends. She missed having Taeil sneak her food when she was meant to be dieting, or having sass battles with Donghyuk, or choreographing late-night with Taeyong and Ten. However to keep up her act, she tried to be friendly and help everyone she could.

Lettie was a very dedicated trainee, waking up at 5:30 am every morning then returning to the dorms at 12:30 am every day just to get in extra practice hours. In class, she picked things up fast and her hard-working behavior was often praised by trainers, although she was continuously nagged at by health teachers about the 'unhealthy' nutritional values of pizza. Pft as if that would stop her from stuffing her face.

After a month in Big Hit, Lettie had managed to win over most of the trainees and brainwashed them into thinking that she was genuinely a bright, cheerful friend that they could always lean on. However, there was that one time she ‘accidently’ stepped on some girl's foot right after she said something about Hoshi being ugly.

Also around this time, Lettie considered giving up on being an idol but soon received news that Vernon would finally be debuting. Her competitive nature took over and she continued with the training, Lettie refused to lose, especially to her twin brother. Honestly, it didn’t help her position so much when Vernon debuted in May 2015. She loved her brother, she really did but being associated with a member of a rising idol group wasn’t ideal at the time.

✩ 2013: Lettie featured in a photoshoot for CeCi magazine (x) in December 2013 with Taeyong, Doyoung, Yuta, Johnny and Irene (Lettie as Seulgi and dark-haired model).
✩ 2014: Cameo in Red Velvet's Happiness MV.
✩ 2015: After that first photo shoot, Taeyong and Lettie later starred in a Valentine's Day special of CeCi Magazine (x) in February 2015 which was the birth of the Lettae couple - fans went crazy for the trainees (Lettie as Seulgi and dark-haired model).
✩ 2016: Choreographed the new No More Dream dance break (x).



( please answer each question in 1st person )

Remember that Lettie is a fake camera-ready hoe!


 Most likely eating pizza when the interview commences so this (x) happens. "Oh sorry!" *then bows so fast that the interviewer was afraid she snapped her spine* "Annyeonghaseyo​!” *starts singing the major scale* “Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-Lettie-Do! It's G.Nation’s’ Blooming Flower; Lettie imnida!” *claps for herself enthusiastically and grins happily* "I'm charge of dance, noise and mood making! I hope you show support for our new group so I can fulfill my dreams of performing onstage! Let's make cupcakes together." *skips away happily with CG rainbows in the background*.



 *Looks longingly into the distance like a k-drama* "Oh dear golly me, it's such a dream come true! I've dreamt of this moment ever since I was a little girl. Now, I can stand on stage with my 2nd family and perform for the people who support and cheer for me." *claps enthusiastically* "I definitely think that I am ready for debut. I've trained long, harsh hours for almost 4 years now. I think my time has finally come. FIGHTING ARORA!" *punches the air like 50 times*.


 *Without hesitation* “My second family. I’ve been with these girls for a long time now and I’ve grown fond of all of them. Even without 1 member, G.Nation would not be the same! I love you all my precious members!” *shoots hearts at camera* "All our sunbaenims are very talented and it's an honour to debut after them. But I believe that G.Nation has a fresh feel which the kpop world hasn't seen yet. Plus, our charm is that even before debut, we have been 'Self-Producing Idols' like Seventeen. We compose our own music, write our own lyrics and choreograph our own dances! "Hwaiting G.Nation! Hwaiting Bangtan! Hwaiting Seventeen! Hwaiting Big Hit!" *punches air like 50 times*.


 *Without any hesitation* "Talented" *then scratches the back of her neck embarrassed* "hang on, that's a bit much for a rookie group to say isn't it? Hm, I'll call us versatile then since we can make any concept work!" *nods head, determined*.


 *Breaks out into the happiest grin* "Words aren’t able to express my thanks to you all so everytime I meet you guys, I will hug you tightly like I am greeting an old friend. So to any fans that see G.Nation in person, expect a hug from me even if there's tall scary security men!" *giggles and puts hands on head, forming a big heart with her arms*. *Then breaks into a sheepish grin* "Do I get my pizza now? PD-nim promised me pizza if I did this interview properly".

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

( LEe taeyong )

Kim Mingyu

PERSONALITY: Serious, self-critical and ambitious.

Back in 2012, Taeyong used to be a hyperactive, happy-go-lucky puppy that literally tried befriending everyone (even that weird guy that sold fish sticks at the Han River). The 2 were basically the exact same person but different gender. However, Taeyong’s personality morphed into one of reticence when netizens dug up his online mistakes. By December 2014, every kpop tabloid had released an article about his past history as a cyber bully and scammer. He spent 18 hours of each day practicing non-stop and spent so much time in the practice room that he couldn't remember what the sun felt like anymore. As his best friend, Lettie (among everyone else) was worried about Taeyong's dramatic change. The only people that Taeyong didn’t completely shut out were the SM Rookies (including Lettie). Ever since NCT's debut, Taeyong's old personality is slowly making a return.


AGE21 years old (D.O.B: July 1st 1995).


These 2 met when Lettie first joined the SM Rookies in mid 2012. Within the first millisecond of entering the SM Rookies’ practice room, Lettie was smothered in Taeyong’s hug. It literally took Johnny, Yuta and 2 trainers to detach him from her. The pair bonded over their love for dance and rap, quickly becoming best friends. When they first met, it was basically feeding excited puppies sugar. They were so loud like Jesus Christ, the amount of hype that was in a single practice room was actually overbearing. How were they still screaming after 15 hours of non-stop dancing with only a few 1-minute breaks?! Even Yuta was glaring at them. You know that something’s just too much when the smiling angel stops smiling.

Since they were already best friends before dating, skinship is an ordinary thing and basically everyone at SM ships them. Back hugs play a big role in their friendship and Lettie stealing his clothes is a normal occurance now. Their relationship is mostly built upon coffee, cuddles, piggy back rides, petty arguments over stupid things and epic english rap battles where Taeyong just gives up and ends up spouting nonsense "YEAH BANURNUR! OCTOPUSEU! CHEEZER BURGUR! TY TRACK OUT!".

Even though Lettie uses the nickname ‘Blooming Flower’ to introduce herself often, she secretly finds the name annoying but uses it to please fans anyways. Fully aware of this, Taeyong likes to poke fun at Lettie with the occasional “wow, my blooming rose looks so pretty today”, in return, Lettie will counterattack by calling him the dreaded ‘TY Track’.

Fans refer to them as the 'Lettae coffee couple' since it sounds like latte and they're both coffee obessessive.

STATUS: Been dating since February 2014 (Lettie's 16th birthday).
Idk, it's up to you. Have them be a happy couple or towards the end, have a teary breakup where they both agree that dating as idols is too hard.

you're almost there

say_the_name ✩ Jenny

LAST COMMENT: I hope you like Lettie and all her fake hoe glory! Here's a few songs have a versatile concept (not too cute, not too y):

Song suggestions:
✩ Rollercoaster - Pledis Girlz.
Crush -I.O.I.
No Oh Oh - CLC.
Like Ooh Ahh - Twice.
At The Same Place - Produce 101.
Yum Yum - Produce 101.

SCENE REQUEST: i love hearing about your ideas!

✩ G.Nation and BTS reality show.
✩ G.Nation + Seventeen interaction.

✩ G.Nation + NCT interactions.
​✩ Weekly Idol episode where hosts ask Lettie to demonstrate her ballet skills (x).
✩ After School Club ep - Lettie and Soeun perform a dance for the ASC's Got Talent segment. (x)
​✩ M Countdown pairing up Taeyong and Lettie for a dance medley collab - Dear No One, It Won't Stop and Bubblegum.
✩ (If Lettae break up) Lettie only  being sad for a day over Taeyong before vigorously practicing and practically living in the practice rooms. The members are worried for her but this is her way of coping with the break up.
✩ (If Lettae break up) M Countdown awkwardly pairs them up again where they perform an honest stage to We Don't Talk Anymore.
​✩ Lettie seeing 
DΞΔN backstage somewhere and starts freaking out when he says he's a big fan of G.Nation.
✩ Soeun having to clam down both Lettie and Jungkook when they fight.
✩ Lettie, Soeun and Plotline #5 dancing Sorry, Focus and Yonce (with #1).
​✩ Lettie, Souen and #5 basically being the J-Hope, Jungkook and Jimin trio.


PASSWORD: Kings [males] and Queens [females] (since a nation can't function without a king or queen, similar to how G.Nation would be nothing without their fans).




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strawberrybaek #1
hello, thank you for applying! i will read through your app and write a review on it asap! ^.^