When You Realize You're an Angry Person

What i dont understand is that people go out of their way to make me angry then blame me for being angry

Leave me alone and I won't be angry

Why is it that hard?

I understand that other people aren't as angry as me. But other people dont have my life, and I promise you, it's VERY difficult on a daily basis. It's a miracle I'm even this composed.

All day every day I have unfair demands imposed upon me from every direction. I live with the burden of trying to meet them and the mountains of consequences when I can't.

But on top of that, some tard always has to come rock the boat and push me entirely over the edge

Then somehow its MY fault

Then I'm supposed to feel bad about it

Well you know what? I don't. I'm tired.

This is who I am. Maybe I'm not "right" as a person or whatever, but I need to live my life, too.


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