G.NATION | 3 | Yoon Sarang





✩ Cocomong : everyone : she is said to look like the half sausage/half monkey character
✩ Saranghae : Jimin : it's a play on her name that Jimin has called her ever since they were kids
✩ Peace Maker : members : she is known to be the peace maker of the group


✩ Korean (native) - born and raised in South Korea
✩ Chinese (conversational) - choice of foreign language



Sarang stands at 164 cm and weighs at 52 kg. Her lips are a light shade of pink while her eyes are 2 dark chocolate orbs. She has a heart shaped birthmark on her inner thigh. Her hair's current state is a dirty blonde/light brown while being past her shoulders. Both of her ears are pierced as well as having a helix on both of her ears.


Sarang doesn't have a favorite store. Whatever store has clothes she likes, she likes that place. In Sarang's closet you can find the majority of her clothes contain a bit of black. She usually wears at least one clothing article that contains black but she doesn't wear a whole outfit of black. Not matter how slimming it may make you, one color isn't her style. She has to have a variety.

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BIRTHDATE: October 14, 1995
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: The Ark's Minju click
BACK UP: Sonamoo's D.ana click
HEIGHT: 164 cm
WEIGHT: 52 kg





tell me a little about yourself

( + ) : good listener, affectionate, sociable, peaceful, optimistic
( - ) : hesitant, stubborn, erted, insecure, bossy


Sarang is a good listener. Whenever someone just needs to let out their feelings or just someone to listen to them, Sarang is your girl. If you're talking to her then she won't be doing something else of thinking about something else. Her focus is you. Being affectionate is a problem for some people. But not for Sarang. Sarang also doesn't mind skinship. In fact she loves it. So if you hate, sorry there's going to be a problem. But she does know when to stop and doesn't want to make someone uncomfortable. Social butterfly is what Sarang is. She loves interacting with people and talking to them. She doesn't like being a loner and likes being with other people. In Sarang's mind there is nothing as having too many friends and the more friends you have, the better your life is.

Sarang doesn't get called the peace maker for nothing. She likes it when things are in harmony and in proper order. No matter if it sounds cheesy. She prefers to stay away from arguements because they tend to distrupt the peace. If she happens to be in an arguement, she'll try her best to calm the environment. Sarang is optimistic. You can here her telling people to turn that frown upside down. Life is too short to worry about the negatives and what could go wrong. Enjoy life and be happy. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, try looking at it half full. Sarang prefers looking on the bright side. Sarang can be very hesitant, especially if she is asked to make a concrete decision. She does have a habits of stuggling between being bias and trying to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Sarang does take time before making a final decision and doesn't really like rushing things.

If she wants something then she won't give up until she gets it. Sarang's stubborness is difficult. If you manage to change her mind, congratulations. You win the lottery. Taeyeon from SNSD and Sarang from her group. What do these 2 have in common? Besides the obvious that they're girls, the thing is that both girls are the erts of the group. If one of the members feel on hand on their , that hand has a large percentage of being Sarang's. Sarang does have a habit of taking what others say about her a bit too seriously. It does cause her to be insecure. She doesn't think that she's as good as anyone or doesn't think she'll be as good as her sunbaes. Her insecurities cause her confidence to lower. Along with being stubborn, Sarang can end up being bossy. She likes it when things are done her way. She doesn't mean to be rude about it but sometimes she can come off as rude. It's something she does without realizing it. If Sarang says to do something it's best to just do it.


At the beginning of Sarang's parents's love story, they didn't get along. Not that they hated or disliked each other but the thing is that Taejun was more of a rule follower while Nara was more care free. It wasn't until they were put together for a school project that they started hanging out and getting along with each other. It wasn't until graduation that they had officially gone out with each other. But it that they had to seperate because they were going off to college. Though both of them got a surprise on their first day of college. Taejun and Nara were happy to see each other and they both have chosen the same college unknowingly. When they were 25 years old, Nara proposed. Taejun was shocked. Not that he didn't want to marry her put it was normally the guy who proposed not the girl. In Nara's mind it wasn't weird at all. They guy shouldn't always have to take the lead. These two are both originally are from Jeju and decided to move to Busan to start their new life.

That's were Sarang comes in. Yoon Sarang was born on October 14, 1995 in Busan, South Korea. Her parents raised her to be a cheerful and happy child. In school Sarang was okay. Her grades were the amazing straight As but they were failing. They were average. In her life she grew up with her childhood best friend Jimin, school mate Jiyeon and later along Sooyoung (Lizzy). Sooyoung was often Sarang's "mother" while Jiyeon was often Jimin's "mother". These 2 "mothers" would set their kids end despite their protests of them being just friends. Sarang is an only child so she doesn't know how it's like with siblings but Jimin, Jiyeon and Sooyoung filled that part in her life.

Sarang's first interest in music was dance. She would often dance along to first generation idols growing up. She would try to follow along or just make up her own dances. Sarang's interest in vocal was a little delayed than her interest in dance. Before audition she hasn't had an experience performing unless if you call karaoke, lessons. When Sarang finally decided to audition and got her parents approval, it was hard for her to figure out which company to audition for. If she were to audition at a company from the Big 3, it'd be so much pressure. So she looked for unknown companies or rookie companies that have a newly debuted artist. In her mind it'd be easier for her at a company would didn't have high expectations every time a group came out. She was flustered when her parents suggested for her to audition at SM. A company that is known for high expectations. But after considering it could be a good thing, she audition. To get accepted she had to audition twice. Then her training days began.

Later Sarang was swapped to Big Hit Entertainment. She was confused at nervous as to why. Did she do something wrong? Was she not good enough? But she knew that she didn't have time for those thoughts and had to train. She was going to debut eventually and it doesn't matter up what company.



✩ Her blood type is O.
✩ Her zodiac sign is a Libra.
✩ She wears glasses.
✩ She hasn't broken a bone but sprained her ankle.
✩ If she could collab with any artist it'd be Bom from 2ne1.
✩ Her ultimate bias is former After School leader Kahi.
✩ She can eat sour things like they're sweet but can't handle spicy foods well.
✩ She has been to Paris, France for a month. (family vacation)
✩ She wants to go to Hawaii.
✩ She knows how to b-girl.
✩ She doesn't like wearing heels.
✩ She is able to write in both her left and right hand.
✩ She once ate an ice cream cone with 5 scoops on it.
✩ She takes the longest to get up (heavy sleeper) but gets ready the quest.
✩ She has 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and 3 fishes at home.
✩ She could live off of eating Korean BBQ.


✩ peaches
✩ blue
✩ bubble tea
✩ meat
✩ swimming
✩ lemonade
✩ Pororo
✩ world peace (cheesy but true)
✩ art
✩ Warheads


✩ being hungry
✩ getting in trouble
✩ arguments
✩ avocados (allergy)
✩ spicy food
✩ getting not enough sleep
✩ bugs
✩ snakes


✩ biting her lip when getting flustered
✩ biting her nails
✩ biting the ends of pens/pencils (she's got a habit of biting stuff)
✩ pouting when she wants something


✩ being alone in the dark
✩ spiders
✩ heights


✩ playing the guitar
✩ drawing/painting
✩ performing
✩ jumping rope


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✩ Father - Yoon Taejun (49) / office worker / protective, smart / 9 out of 10
Taejun did wish that Sarang went with a more practical job but was okay with whatever made his little girl happy. He does have the tendency to be the over protective papa bear but he just doesn't want Sarang to get hurt.

✩ Mother - Yoon Nara (49) / fashion designer / caring, creative / 9 out of 10
Nara was a little more supportive than Taejun in Sarang's decision for auditioning. Since both fashion and music are a type of art. Nara is Sarang's source for advice. Whenever Sarang has a problem, she tells her mom. Cousin

✩ Seo Eunkwang - (25) / idol - BTOB / polite, dorky / 8 out of 10
Eunkwang is Sarang's goofy and weird cousin. But in a good way. He's often seen trying to see her smile. When Eunkwang found out that Sarang auditioned for a company, he would give advice and words of encouragment to help her.

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✩ '95 Bestie - Yook Sungjae (20) / idol - BTOB / positive, funny / 7 out of 10
Sungjae and Sarang met through Eungkwang. Sungjae and Sarang are like a pair of siblings. They like to bicker and tease each other but in a friendly way. They also like to pull pranks on their leader (Sungjae) / cousin (Sarang).

✩ Busan Bestie - Park Sooyoung - Lizzy (23) / idol - After School / bubbly, energetic / 7 out of 10
Lizzy and Sarang met while Sarang was 10 and while Lizzy was 13. Lizzy is like the older sister Sarang never had. Along with Eunkwang, Lizzy has been giving Sarang a lot of advice for the idol life.

✩ School Bestie - Hwang Jiyeon (21) / student / loud, 4-d / 7 out of 10
Jiyeon is a friend that Sarang met in school. She was one of the few friends that didn't bug her about training at SM. Jiyeon fully supports her donsaeng's decisions in being an idol.


( main dancer, rapper, sub-vocal, choreographer )

Lead Rapper, Dancer, Vocal (or whatever you want)


✩ Twice's Momo (backup: Sonamoo's Newsun)
✩ Twice's Momo (backup: Sonamoo's Newsun)
✩ Twice's Momo (backup: Sonamoo's Newsun)

PERSONA: ✩ The Lovely Performer


SM Entertainment: 2 years (2011 - 2013)

Big Hit Entertainment: 2 years (2014 - present)

trainee life:

SM Entertainment wasn't actually Sarang's first choice of company to audition at. She actually wanted to audition first at a "nugu" company. If she was at a nugu company, their wouldn't be a lot of expectation as if she were to audition at a company from the Big 3. Every company from the Big 3 has high standards for rookie groups and Sarang's afraid that she wouldn't be able to meet up to those and be like her sunbaes. In the end Sarang did audition and got it. It was probably the hardest thing she ever did. So many rules and expectations to be perfect, Sarang would often fall into slumps. She did have trouble keeping up with everyone but eventually got the hang of it. She would admit that Big Hit isn't as intense as SM but still hard. School was always a problem for Sarang. She eventually started getting home schooled because she kept missing school.





Hello I am G.Nation's lovely performer Sarang!



It feels so good to finally debut. All of our hard work has finally paid off. It seemed liked our debut day would never come but it finally has.


Most girl groups has one style but I've heard that we're supposed to do different concepts. Which makes us more different than other groups.




I hope you will love and support us. In return we will work hard and give it our best. G.Nation fighting!



( park jimin / bts's jimin )

Park Jinyoung / Got7's Junior


✩ Jimin had an upbeat and lively personality. Like fellow member J-Hope, he's bright and cheerful and likes to smile. Jimin also considers other people's feelings. He doesn't want to make someone sad or hurt so he tries to think of a way to avoid that. Behind his adorable face, he's charasmatic. Being able to make his fangirls swoon in just one look. Like Sarang, Jimin is stubborn. Once something is set, it's set. If Jimin doesn't want to do something, then he's not going to. Even though Jimin is known for his chocolate abs, he is insecure about his body. He never really thought that he had the best body until s said something. Jimin doesn't like loosing and likes winning. As a result, he is competitive. Mostly with s though.

AGE: October 13, 1995 + 20


History: Sarang and Jimin are childhood besties. Their families are close friends and are even neighbors. Which is the result of them growing up together and being super close. They practically grewing up living together and in each other's houses. As little kids they would sleep in the same bed, play in their secret fort (a tree house in Sarang's backyard) and even took baths together. But their parents told them to stop bathing and sleeping together as they are a boy and a girl. They listened to the bathing because as they got older, it'd just get more awkward. As for the sleeping part, they didn't. They were often sneak naps together and into the others bed. It didn't feel awkward just...normal for them. Once when they were 9, Sarang found Jimin sleeping. She tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge so she decided to kiss him. Jimin asked why'd she do that and she said that because he was Sleeping Beauty. Jimin complained saying he can't be Sleeping Beauty because Sleeping Beauty is a girl and the guy is supposed to kiss the girl.

Interactions: Jimin and Sarang are practically dating. Scratch that, they are practically married. But neither of them thinks it like that. They just think that their relationship is just like close friends. Let me recap on why people think that. First off, it isn't even a surprise anymore to their members if the other is at their dorm. Or even asleep in the other's bed. Secondly, their closeness. How close they sit, the skinship and how the other isn't fazed if the other is walking around practically have . Lastly, the small but yet cute things. Whenever Jimin sees that Sarang has a loose strand of hair or a strand of hair in her face, he goes over and tucks it behind her ear. Or feeding each other. Taking care of the other when they are sick. Zipping up the other's jacket/sweater or putting on their hat/gloves. Things like that. Their members like to tease them about it while ends up in them blushing about it. They don't think they are more than friends but when they hear things like that they can't help but rethink their feelings.

STATUS: Best friends but everyone's pissed off at them because they are totally in love with each other but are too stupid to realize that
ENDING: The first one to realize their feelings was Jimin. After an incident (similar to Joey finding out he likes Rachel click), Jimin realizes that Sarang isn't the little girl that's his childhood friend anymore. But something more. They continue their friendship like how it was before but whenever Sarang would do skinship, he would tense up. Sarang noticed this but decided to ignore it, until one day. Sarang pulled Jimin to the rooftop of a building and confront him about it. Instead of answer in words, Jimin just replied with a kiss. A slow but simple one. When they pulled away and Sarang saw the look in Jimin's eyes. He would to say something but Sarang smiled and kissed him back. She didn't have to have him say anything because she knew what he was going to say either ways.

you're almost there

xINeedUx ✩ Nicole

LAST COMMENT: I hope you like her!

Song Suggestions:

✩ GFriend: Glass Bead, Me Gustas Tu, Rough and Navillera

✩ BBde Girl: Halo, Messing Around

✩ After School: Diva

✩ 84ly: Party

✩ T-ARA: Number Nine and Sugar Free

✩ VIVID: You're Buested


✩ scenes between Sarang and Jimin

✩ scenes between the girls and their love interests

✩ shows: After School Club, Weekly Idol, Hello Baby, Hello Counselor, We Got Married, etc.





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strawberrybaek #1
thank you for applying! i will go over your application and write a review as soon as i can ^.^