I'm not Religious, but I'll pray.

As you all know by now, Japan was hit by a 8.8-8.9 earthquake and a gigantic tsunami.

I dont have anyone close in Japan or anywhere any of the earthquakes, aftershocks, tsunamis or anything had hit, but that doesn't mean I'm not sad.

Watching the report last night, I nearly came to tears. And getting on AFF, thinking I'd feel better, made me more sad. I'm [sorta] friends with Cody (commandercody650). We dont talk. We barely know each other. All I was truely aware of was his famous fanfics, his amazing personalities, and his popularities with a bunch of people.

But what made me full-heartedly fall (not in love but friendwise) for Cody was his blog about how many people are telling him rude comments saying the "Japs had planned the destruction to kill". Reading that angered me to no end. I hate(!) useless comments. This is why I dislike Kpop a lot. Why bother to say hurtful things to someone? It's not like it will automatically change who the person is just becasue of a sentence you say to them! You're open to your opinions, but think about it, why waste energy to send hate to someone who doesn't even know you exsist? I believe it's completely futile and ignorant. Send love to someone and not only will that person (who may or may not even see it) feel good, but so will you.

So starting today, I will forever pray for those in Japan, Austrailia, California, Hawaii, and anyone else who was hurt and to those who continue to stab the fallen. I hope everything goes well for you.


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