
Haha, I didn't know this website had blog posts?  This would be interesting though, to update readers here as opposed to in between chapters in my stories.  It's kind of like Livejournal.  Anyone who's old enough (or nerdy enough) to remember Livejournal (or still has one) say I.

(I.  But I don't remember my old password so...)


Writing fanfiction about real people is weird.  I admit that.  It's a moral gray area for me, and in general I think it's okay so long as you're not aggressivey trying to prescribe someone's uality to them, or harass them in real life about it, but there's no guarantee that once I post my stuff online it won't be perceived that way.  I guess I still haven't come to a proper stance on the issue since I'm posting on here, but I think it's okay so long as I maintain relative unpopularity/anonymity.

I have absolutely no idea why I'm writing this, or who would be reading it, but it's here now.  Haha, lets see in 10 years if it still is.  Until then -that is, until I put enough distance between myself past and present to be embarassed about the things I did online- I'll just be here, writing stuff.  I hope it's not terrible.  I hope the quality of the work takes focus over the actual content I'm writing about.  

If anyone is reading this, don't be afraid to message/talk to me.  Or comment on my stories.  That would be the best (picture a thumbs up emoji here).


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