Attempts at becoming a better me pt.2

Hey, everyone!

I was supposed to post yesterday but I'll get to why it was pushed back. 

So yesterday morning, I actually woke up early to get a nice start to my work outs. Being the first day, I had pretty good results. 


4367 steps

2.06 mi

274 cal. burned

SpO2 reading: 98/ 100 (that's good!!)

Heart rate: 116 bpm (after)

 Following my walk, I was going to take a quick break (and watch Jerry Springer) then continue my work out. However, when I got home, I felt extremely sick.  I thought that maybe I was dehydrated and hungry so I drank some water and ate a little something, but I still felt sick. I just had to rest the rest of the day. Today, I felt better but I took a day off and I will have to try again tomorrow. Hopefully, that doesn't happen again tomorrow.


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